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About farya

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    On the Coast
  1. farya

    Government anti-infestation measures

    I fully expected this thread to be tin I dunno what you mean by "tinfoil libertarian spam" but the idea of guerilla hideouts, temporary bases e.t.c is interesting enough.
  2. farya

    Government anti-infestation measures

    "Some military outposts/quarantine zones would be nice though." Yeah. I also think military perimeter around map could be good too. It would be not just end of the map but metal fences, guard towers and warning signs. Any attempt to come closer will get you killed by sniper or machinegun fire. Or maybe you would just step on landmine.
  3. Chernorussia is shown as country suffering from zombie outbreak but there are almost no signs of any attempts to prevent the spread of infestation by government. No blockposts near big cities, no quarantine zones, no signs that military tried to stop infected by any means. As desperate meausure government could also try to use chemical weapons to wipe out infected from completly "lost" cities which could also add new edge into the game. Territories poisoned with chemical weaponry. You could find lots of loot there and no zombies, but you must wear protective gear and gasmask with proper filther to get there safely. Any damage to your gear there could expose you to lethal gases or aerosoles and lead to your slow death. Eating or drinking there is also ill-advised. Protective gear can include military and civilian gasmasks, respirators and NBC suits. Post-soviet and american ones. Some zombies could also wear remnants of that gear and maybe survive in that zones. Antidotes and degasation kits(for cleaning contaminated canned food and clothes) would be useful as well.