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Everything posted by NumNumS

  1. NumNumS

    Abrogate Advocate [DayZ Overpoch]

    Name: Dennis Age: 14 Do you have a microphone?: Yeah :) Do you have skype?: Yup :) Why do you want to join?: been playing as a lone wolf for too long :P I've interacted whit squads and clans before but tend not to get too attached.. On a scale of 1-10, how experienced are you within the game?: 7? i guess i have about 700+ hours plus on the mod and about 160 / 170 hours in the stand-alone Strengths: I'm good at flying and driving, I looovveee to base build in epoch / overpoch , I guess im fairly good at sniping but don't rally pk... Weaknesses: my shooting isn't the best but i can work on that :p How much DayZ can you play per day?: im only able to play on Mondays Tuesdays Fridays and Sundays, but id say about 4 / 5 hour Why will you be a good asset to the clan?: I'm experianced in the game and im fairly good at english :p im very good at interacting whit player :) i know cherno inside out :D If you have skype, what is your name?: I'd prefer not to put it up on the thread but message me and i can send it via pm :)