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Everything posted by CTBM

  1. edit: Issue has been resolved and explained in this thread. As of 1.8 i have had some issues getting more vehicles to spawn statically so after some time and data entering I've created a table of Vehicle Spawns based loosly on this map here: http://dayzdb.com/map/chernarus. There are 69 vehicles in this table but you can add/remove as much as you want as long as you follow the object_spawns table. Nearly all vehicles have no fuel and data has been based off object_spawns table. So you may want to also change this data to your liking. To install just replace blank table with this one. Locations and vehicle info should save if your server is set up correctly. Download just rename to .SQL object_data.sql.txt This can also be used for other maps too, you just need to modify the Worldspace column.
  2. Ok i found the problem. during installation pCleanup was not being added to the stored procedures. so manually added pCleanup because only pCleanupBase & pCleanupOOB were only visible in hive. so then i run pMain(1337); Now object_data is full. :)
  3. Ok just to explain a few things Server is running on localhost using mySQL server. ive installed server, installed all SQL data in 1.8.5 folder and also added The vehicle spawner code. run ALL functions including pMain. changed all Vehicle data including spawn chance, hitpoints/ damage. still no repairable vehicles. my method is the Only way it works on my server no other table makes any changes to server, i appreciate you trying to help but my method is the only one that works for me.
  4. CTBM

    DayZ Mod 1.8.5

    I ran all Server side functions several times in SQL, every vehicle pretty much was a wreck after many server restarts. i know they are supposed to be rare and some had items spawn under/near them but all where beyond repair. The table is just a template for people who want to boost the numbers.
  5. Its just for people interested in additional repairable vehicles to the current set, I couldn't find any on Chernarus that aren't complete wrecks and beyond repair. maybe my server has terrible luck :P edit: I also ran the OOB function to no avail.