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About sekh765

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  1. sekh765

    Micro-Stutter on every Step

    Ping is just fine, it's not an internet problem.
  2. So I am getting a Micro-stutter effect about every step. I would say every 2 seconds my game pauses for .5 seconds, and repeats this forever. I do not get this effect in single player. It makes ARMA virtually unplayable in any multiplayer setting. I have a very good computer and in game video settings have no effect on this problem. Has anyone else encountered this issue? I have done all the basic stuff such as upgrade my drivers, checking the files, etc.
  3. Yes. It serves no decent purpose until it can block zombies.
  4. sekh765

    Crazy bug! Don't ban me!

    I got stuck in debug forest as well. It is apparently off the map in the southwest corner of the world. Run East and you will get home.
  5. sekh765

    Multiplayer FPS drops

    I fixed this, maybe my fix will help someone else? I dunno if any of this helped but. I updated to the latest version of DayZ, following this I boosted my 3d resolution to 100% instead of 75%. I restarted my computer, then I copy pasted all my DayZ files from common/steam/arma2operation arrowhead etc etc, into common/steam/arma2 etc etc. I dunno if that helped but the lag started when I stopped updating the ARMA 2 folder files and only updated my Op arrowhead ones.
  6. sekh765

    Multiplayer FPS drops

    I don't think it's the zombies since I can be in the middle of nowhere and get it. I heard rocket say something about the debug menu causing this type of issue before but that was supposed to have been fixed a patch ago. I actually recorded a video of the lag I was experiencing while dicking with streaming software. Here is the link to the video I recorded. Ignore quality etc, but you can see the 2 second stutter lag very easily. Just mute the audio, it's unrelated. http://www.twitch.tv/sekh765/b/318862459 This doesn't happen on any other ARMA mods/programs. Any ideas?
  7. sekh765

    Multiplayer FPS drops

    I have this exact same issue. Every 2 seconds I get a huge fps stutter. Single player is fine. Multiplayer on non DayZ servers is fine. DayZ servers instantly give me this stutter. It makes the game almost unplayable right now.
  8. sekh765

    Daytime servers are always overloaded.

    Night Time is amazing and properly planned and executed Night Ops are incredibly fun. Get some Chem lights and color code your crew and go raid some military bases. People whining about daylight are just like the people that couldn't handle the food being used while offline feature. I hope rocket sticks to his guns and tells people to get over it instead of changing the day/night cycle.
  9. sekh765

    Do you remember your first murder or murderer?

    Having finally recovered from my 3rd death from a random survivor that I was chatting with I decided I was going every man for himself from then on out. Raided Balota Airstrip in the middle of the night, no moon or anything and found an 870 with a flashlight and some slug rounds. Investigating a nearby warehouse when I hear a survivor. I think he heard me too because he started sneaking around the other side of the building. I hide next to a wrecked car and see him walk up to the big warehouse door. At that point I decided I wasn't taking any chances and I flicked my flashlight on. For a brief moment he was like a deer caught in headlights. He was just staring into my flashlight, confused, right up until the slug round slammed into his head. Took his food, water and survival gear and quietly made my escape. Didn't feel bad at all after so many people killing me for no reason even after calling friendly. I'll keep it up too until there's an incentive otherwise. No hard feelings though. Good times.
  10. sekh765

    Stuttering every 30 seconds

    I am now encountering a similar issue to this. I stutter every 2 seconds exactly. It is only on DayZ servers. Normal ARMA does not stutter. I did not have this issue until a few days ago. Anyone else encountering this or have a fix?
  11. sekh765

    Rarest Weapons?

    M16 with an ACOG on it. The zoom was the same as my binoculars.
  12. sekh765

    Just when I was getting bored with the game...

    Shoot down someone's helicopter or car they spent forever building. Become the ultimate rocket toting bandit!
  13. How does having a helicopter work. Won't it disappear when the server resets or you log off for awhile? That was an awesome vid btw.
  14. sekh765

    Legion Servers Locked?

    Good to hear Tonic. I assume you mean this form? - http://dayzmod.com/contact.php ? Doesn't really have a title so I just stuck what you said as the Name with a character name after it. Would be nice to be restored, thanks for all the hard work. Have you guys figured out the exploit to prevent it from happening again by chance?