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About TonoKon

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  1. TonoKon

    What is wrong with my specs?

    Idc what recommended requirements say for certain games, it doesn't take into account if the game is fully optimized or not.
  2. True. I don't know if I'm a bandit or not because I've looted places and got really nice gear and for a couple days now I have not seen anyone. I had a mindset of killing anyone I see because Side chat got disabled in recent patches for some stupid reason, Most people don't have mics so they can't use in game mic chat either, anyone rarely uses direct chat even when in range, and I've been killed in the most ridiculous of ways by bandits so its time for payback. I think thats how everyone sees it, as in, they want payback or they just want to get gear quicker. There are some people out there that do it just to be dicks on the internet and others who mostly want revenge/easy gear. Only people I'll trust is the ones that I've known for years.
  3. TonoKon

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    People should honestly just "Like" the DayZ FB page, its alot more helpful then the forum atm lol.
  4. TonoKon

    Can Someone Tell Me Where I Am?

  5. I get real disappointed when I see threads like this with no video and just a story... :(
  6. TonoKon

    Should I play?

    Steam is your friend.
  7. TonoKon

    PC build will this run DayZ?

    I have an old Intel Core 2 Extreme Quad 3.0GHz, 8GB RAM, 750GB HD, GTX 470, and I run it fine, just in big cities like cherno or elecktro it kinda fks me over in fps but everywhere else is 50+ fps. Of course my old CPU bottlenecks my GPU but its still decent. I'm sure there will be more performance patches in the near future.
  8. TonoKon

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    boobies AND booty
  9. TonoKon

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    ............................. Sorry for implying that I'm being impatient but I now have to wait for this update since it'll supposedly fix my spawning in the wilderness issue. I'm not going to respawn and lose all the crap I took 20 hours to get, especially since its rare for me to find a gun for some reason. Nor am I going to run east for 1-2 hours.
  10. TonoKon

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    I would appreciate it but I logged off a server after gathering alot of supplies then relog to find myself in the wilderness, so I'm waiting for this patch to come through to see if it'll fix it.
  11. TonoKon

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Update yet?....its been a week.
  12. TonoKon

    spawning in debug forest - all gear lost.

    Same thing happened to me, playing for 1-2 hours looting deer stands then I log off to take a break, re-log to same server to find myself spawned in the wilderness -.- My gear wasn't gone though so I don't want to respawn to lose all the sht I got nor do I want to run east for 1-2 hours to fine the edge of the play area.