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About [email protected]

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    Woodland Warrior
  1. Just rocket stating that the alpha would be released within a week! So that kinda would be end June... B)
  2. to me it sounds more like 'how do I stop it fucking recording' :D
  3. oooh, btw... any chance of seeing the new stance system implemented? also the polished zoom feature from the Arma3 alpha would be sweet
  4. Love when Rocket says that he isn't putting the syncing through objects in the video :P
  5. I think the editing is a bit amateurish, the background volume of Arma3 alpha is way to loud. Guessing Smash might work his transcription magic :)
  6. I think the merging of the engines is a natural step. Dayz SA would greatly benifit from the new mechanics in arma3. I really hope they port the mods FAST :D
  7. Absolutely brilliant :D This is truly great news. Glad that Ivan and Martin can now finally be re-united with friends and loved-ones. A shame the Greek officials didn't release them on bail before christmas... Oh well better late than never!
  8. I am not sure of what you're trying to say :/
  9. if this game gets ported to the consoles, I at least hope the let us play on the same servers. So they can learn the power of a mouse and a keyboard :D
  10. He's alive!!! Good to hear from you Rocket. Hope you have had the time to relax and refuel over the holidays. You have been missed, but everyone on this forum is just looking forward to a quality product from the team. Take your time :) I'll play the mod whenever I get impatient :D
  11. use the playwith six utility on the main page :) also, make sure you start both arma2 and OA once before launching dayz
  12. Last little note. Check your application setting regarding video settings. look at post process level and AA, decreasing these parameters gives a nice performance boost. also object detail adjustment will help...
  13. Yes, the Intel cpu beats AMD in most tests. However most of these are single-threaded and intel is the king of single threading. however Arma is heavily multithreaded. This gives Amd an advantage, since they sell true quads for a lot less than intel demands :)
  14. cpu and hdd is your major limitations. arma also loves ram, so 8 gb will increase perfomance. like above stated a proper quad is 'mandatory'. an ssd would resolve issues regarding sudden dips in the frames :)