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Everything posted by ADULTSWIM


    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    You can't be serious. No' date=' this has to be a troll. Please let this be a troll. You go prone and you are invincible, INVINCIBLE, 100% UNDETECTABLE. Creep your way through towns, be smart and have patience. If you run around all the time like a chicken with its head cut off it's not the games fault. He doesn't make money from this mod. This mod is free. You paid for arma2. Bohemia Interactive got the money. It's more unique without a starting weapon now. nope this is 100% true, this game was fun, only reason i bought 2 copys (one for me other for little brother) was because my friends from college were playing it plus my little bro had friends, there was 10 of us in total playing this game, now we stopped because of this patch. you don't get around much, because when you spawn and instantly get shot by people running the shore line. it gets old quick. and searching towns and finding no weapons. and get 20+ zombies after you with no way to defend but run. gets old. so like i said this guy has our money and releases this patch because its the way he ment it to be played. well you dont make games or a product for you, you make it for the consumer. so im gonna check in this week and come friday if its not reasonable again. then im deleting the game. i dont expect any of you to care. but this is my reasoning

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    im just gonna come out and say it, spawning without a chance in hell to survive, is the worst idea you could have thought up. im gonna give this game till friday, if its not playable in the sense that i can protect my self from other players who are camping the shores and killing for fun, or from zombies. then im done along with my friends. why should you care you already have my money. before you put this patch out this game was fun, and great very unique, but you went and pulled a blizzard. and killed it.
  3. make this update for hardcore players, but give us regular players a fighting chance i like getting on finding my friends and us searching surviving to together, not hey where u at im in... nvm im dead. constantly
  4. so this new update, was supposed to be good right? so why are people spawn capping the shore killing everyone because they can? we cant even fight back, i finally got off the shore and played for over a hour found no food, ammo,guns,etc just empty bottles. and got killed by a player who massacred me because i couldn't fight back. if your gonna rig it so its like this at least give us lube in our backpack, i hate being raped dry.