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About sgtopt

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. sgtopt

    BMB clan flashbang wipe

    I was just hacked on the BMB Server. 7:15-7:20pm MST. Was by Vybor military base and was looking out on a field. I was laying prone and all of a sudden a blue truck appeared out of nowhere. Not moving just like it spawned then it disappeared again. Then i see a guy run out of an area to the left of where the truck spawned and just start shooting at me. Totally never could have seen me. My IGN was Boris Svenson and I hope that helps to get them banned! My buddy was killed just moments after by the same guy. His IGN is 42|Deathhusky.
  2. sgtopt

    Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

    Are all experimental servers crashing every 15 minutes or so? Or is it just the one that I am on?? Southcentral3 crashes constantly!
  3. sgtopt

    Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

    interesting. Have you had any luck playing for any length of time with these crashes? I havent wanted to play anymore because restarting the game every 15 minutes isnt fun... Seems like we are the only ones that are having this issue??? I havent heard anyone else saying they are crashing..
  4. sgtopt

    Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

    The ugly canvas ones are all in Sol! :)
  5. sgtopt

    Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

    1 time it was in a house with a lot of jacket loot in Sol. Then I ran into a house and saw a gun laying on the ground, tried to pick it up and boom crash. I relogged and the gun was gone. Im thinking it wasnt really there and that caused the problem as Sol is highly looted I found it hard to believe a gun would be sitting there.
  6. sgtopt

    Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

    Downloaded latest patch..... played for 15 minutes. Had 2 fatal memory errors while interacting with items. Unplayable... :(