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About sorenackerman

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  • Steam

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  • Gender
  • Interests
    Open world action adventure RPGs

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  • Bio
    I slept through earthquakes twice :)
  1. No its not an internet cafe, its my own place. Thanks for the answers. I guess I'll have to play with what I can until DayZ lets us host our own servers. So just to be sure, if I follow any of the guides about using tunngle, hamachi and other files to host my own server, I would be breaking the rules?
  2. Is there a difference?
  3. I am from Bangladesh and have a 2.5 mbps connection I found some guides on hosting own server through hamachi/tunngle and other downloadable files. Are they illegal if I use a legit copy of DayZ?
  4. I live in a country with no servers for DayZ and multiplayer gaming is rare here. The minimum ping servers I joined were unplayable. So, what should I do? Is there any way for me to host my own server and play solo?