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About werqwrqwerqwr

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  1. werqwrqwerqwr

    Black Element Software

    Could this possibly be one of the smaller studios that BIS bought up to expand the DayZ project? Just a thought, even though it appears they're based in Thailand, it's not impossible?
  2. werqwrqwerqwr

    ReLogin at server reset and you insta die bug?

    If you logged in to it saying "You are dead" there is a very good chance your Status' (Energized, Hydrated) were bugged and you possibly died of Dehydration instantly upon login. :/ ...or someone put an Axe in the back of your head the second you spawned.
  3. werqwrqwerqwr

    Permanent Fracture

    I've fortunately not got a fracture but my status bar is glitched and no amount of relogging has fixed it. :(
  4. werqwrqwerqwr

    Sniper's weapon of choice

    I've voted Winchester Model 70 because the Hunting Scope, if you know which specific huts to check they're a 100% chance to find them and ammo is plentiful, also I've yet to get my hands on an SVD.
  5. werqwrqwerqwr

    Most frustrating way you have died?

    Didn't happen to me, but it must have been a pretty frustrating way to die for this one particular clan member. We were camped in Balota, about 5 or 6 of us all spread out when a friendly but rival clan member who play on our server joined our TS and asked if we were up for a little pvp, to which we obliged. We told them where we were and they told us they were at the flats, so we started scouting and spotted three of them on top of the second closest flat that looks over Balota Airstrip. One of our members then logs on TS and we tell him about the oncoming fight, "Great, I'll log in I'm at the flats." , excellent we think, he can catch them from behind as we spread out and wait for them to come to us. He logged in on top of the very top of the exact same building as three of their guys, they didn't notice him at all, and we're all giggling like little schoolgirls knowing he's about to unload on them. The shots ring out, he puts down two of them but as he makes his move for the third he got rubber banded and flung from the top of the flats. Was pretty funny, we were all in fits of laughter, he was a bit pissed but seen the funny side himself then got a Cherno spawn and ran back to his gear. Can't really remember the outcome of the overall fight but that moment will always stay with me.
  6. werqwrqwerqwr

    What is the final goal of this game?

    Yes! A friend and I did this with Police uniforms and sirens, we told them to "COMPLY OR DIE!" then when they were on the ground we would give them food and water.