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Everything posted by SmokingAshGaming

  1. SmokingAshGaming

    SmokingAshGaming Overpoch

    SmokingAshGaming Server SmokingAsh offers unlimited hours of action, enjoyment, teamwork, and much more. Our dedicated Overpoch server has many features and resourceful admins that are always able to help in any situation. SmokingAsh's personal scriptors update the server with the latest plugins the Dayz community enjoys. Down below is a list of the features, server information, and many fun moments on the server. To join the overpoch server, use Dayz commander, or DayzLauncher and search for Smoking Ash Overpoch ( Feel free to connect to the teamspeak and ask about the server, the admins and players would love to explain more details! Our Features include: - Self Blood Bag - Vehicle Tow/ Lift - Auto Refuel - Mining, Gem trading, Drugs - Name Tags - Halo Spawn - Trade all from vehicle - Capital Lennon Custom city - Custom loot tables - Russian drones - Furniture system - Roaming Vehicle AI - AI Missions - Skullisty AI - Indestructible Bases - Indestructible Locked Vehicles - No Building Maintenance - And Much More! Servers Available: Chernarus Overpoch: Namalsk PVP: Teamspeak: smokingash.typefrag.com Website: http://www.smokingash.com/ Trader Cities ​ Trader City Stary: God mode, however players can steal kill outside of the zone, and camp outside of the trader. Trader city Klen: God mode, however players can steal kill outside of the zone, and camp outside of the trader. Trader City Bash: God mode, however players can steal kill outside of the zone, and camp outside of the trader. Capitol Lennon: No god mode, AI present. Capitol Lennon: Capitol Lennon is located on the north eastern side of the map, every trader is present. However, Lennon does not have god mode and is guarded by 2-4 AI. Also, a new feature called "sell from vehicle" is located in capitol Lennon as well. Sell from vehicle lets any player sell all of their items in their vehicle in an instant. This saves hours of boring trading. But, is it worth the risk? Base Building: Bases are Indestructible, and there is not a maintenance fee. Base building rules are very lenient. However, players may not build bases one thousand meters from a trader, or in very high loot areas. Green mountain, Devils Castle and major towns are able to be built on. Humanity Rewards: SmokingAsh offers rewards for either being a hardcore bandit, or a friendly hero. Each reward requires a certain humanity, some of the rewards are lockboxes, russian heli drone, and a Ka-60. Teamspeak: Every dedicated player, or group can receive a personal teamspeak channel on the SmokingAsh teamspeak ( smokingash.typefrag.com) Admins are on our Teamspeak 24/7 to help out when needed. Fun Moments: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DnfCVlCq710