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Everything posted by maldorlevr

  1. maldorlevr

    Traders and Traitors List

    +1 for DaveAoizer, smooth trade.
  2. Since when is doc a part of TMW amirite guise amirite.
  3. maldorlevr

    Buying NVGs (anything)

  4. maldorlevr

    Need Anything From Weapons To Beans? Click Here!

    What do you want for NVGs?
  5. Clans go away I don't want to join a clan(or social group, or community, or whatever the fuck you want to calll your group) QQ Hey, I'm 14 but I have a slightly higher pitched voice than most. I still sound ~14 but higher pitched than most. I am only going to use Skype for right now, no TS just because it's too much of a hassle for playing with one guy. I'm also in the EU but I can only speak English. Also I'm on a laptop that runs DayZ on all low settings with all the optimizations I could find at 8-20 FPS depending on the area. I've been playing DayZ since shortly after you spawned with revolvers so I know just about everything about the game that there is to know. My playstyle is pretty complicated. Basically as soon as I spawn I'm friendly until I find my first non-civilian tiered weapon. Once that happens anybody that has a bandit skin dies and anybody that looks suspicous dies. Then when I get a vehicle it tends to just be KoS anybody that is near me/in my way. Also people in vehicles are KoS because I really need dat shit. I can fly helicopters pretty fast as well. My server preferences tend to lie towards more 'hardcore' servers that at maximum have 100 vehicles and 2 helis. I don't care at all wether it's private or public hives. I was thinking maybe BMRF #2 would be fun or AWA. I'd prefer 30-50 players on a server. Maps that I will play are Chernarus or Taviana. Also be prepared to use terms like cardinal directions since I like to play a bit tactical. I'm pretty mature in general but I'm not going to be very formal. Also if you're a bit younger or older I don't really mind unless you're an 8 year old squeaker or a 40 year old man. Skype name: banzayjump EDIT: I also used to be a whitelisted medic and attempted to join TMW but nobody ever got back to me about training because their servers were down at the time.
  6. Original Post: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/129387-looking-for-partner-age-13-16/ Clans go away I don't want to join a clan(or social group, or community, or whatever the fuck you want to calll your group) QQ Hey, I'm 14 but I have a slightly higher pitched voice than most. I still sound ~14 but higher pitched than most. I am only going to use Skype for right now, no TS just because it's too much of a hassle for playing with one guy. I'm also in the EU but I can only speak English. Also I'm on a laptop that runs DayZ on all low settings with all the optimizations I could find at 8-20 FPS depending on the area. I've been playing DayZ since shortly after you spawned with revolvers so I know just about everything about the game that there is to know. My playstyle is pretty complicated. Basically as soon as I spawn I'm friendly until I find my first non-civilian tiered weapon. Once that happens anybody that has a bandit skin dies and anybody that looks suspicous dies. Then when I get a vehicle it tends to just be KoS anybody that is near me/in my way. Also people in vehicles are KoS because I really need dat shit. I can fly helicopters pretty fast as well. My server preferences tend to lie towards more 'hardcore' servers that at maximum have 100 vehicles and 2 helis. I don't care at all wether it's private or public hives. I was thinking maybe BMRF #2 would be fun or AWA. I'd prefer 30-50 players on a server. Maps that I will play are Chernarus or Taviana. Also be prepared to use terms like cardinal directions since I like to play a bit tactical. I'm pretty mature in general but I'm not going to be very formal. Also if you're a bit younger or older I don't really mind unless you're an 8 year old squeaker or a 40 year old man. Skype name: banzayjump EDIT: I also used to be a whitelisted medic and attempted to join TMW but nobody ever got back to me about training because their servers were down at the time.
  7. Damnit man first thing I write is no clans please and then you want me to join a clan :( And Cap'n add me on skype or tell me your name if you've already added me. I've had lots of people add me and I'll probably end up playing with everyone.
  8. maldorlevr

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Never mind. I was helping some people and they seemed nice but then I pulled out my M9SD and they asked me where I got it then shot me QQ
  9. maldorlevr

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I am inside of Cherno ready to assist people. I will move out soon so respond fast if you need help.
  10. maldorlevr

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    MaldorLevr temporarily signing off... I died falling off of a building. I tried to press c to stand up but pressed v to vault instead...
  11. maldorlevr

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    ^ But instead of south area NW area
  12. maldorlevr

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    The Doctor is ready to save lives. Operating in the NW area.
  13. maldorlevr

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Medic is needing a medic. Add me on Steam and I will tell you more details. I am near Vybor.
  14. maldorlevr

    Remove NVG Poll

    The game is in alpha. Deal with it. If you don't want to deal with rusty game machanics and hackers come back in full release. Right now Rocket needs to be dealing with bugs and graphics issues such as artifacting. He should NOT he focusing on balancing the game. He can do that in Beta when he's getting ready to release it. Everything that needs to be done is being done and he is probably apready working on fixing the duping. Removing NVGs is just going to waste an hour of his that he could be spending fixing bugs. tl;dr: Let rocket fix bugs when and which ones he wants to. Complain in full release pls
  15. maldorlevr

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Don't worry I've got him Askar. I just had another patient I thought was him. It's all sorted now though. EDIT: Never mind didn't see his post just right now.
  16. maldorlevr

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I'm not trusted but I have 2 people who have said I helped them very well. Here's one of them: dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/3910-need-medical-assistance-we-can-help/page__st__3140#entry476242 I am also within 2 minutes of the airfield.
  17. maldorlevr

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I'm near there, add me on Steam and I will assist you.
  18. maldorlevr

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Well I could save you today if you accepted my steam request.
  19. maldorlevr

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I'm getting added to The White List. If you don't want me you're not getting anybody so don't be too picky.
  20. maldorlevr

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Add me on steam I will save yo ass
  21. maldorlevr

    Trading Mountain Dew

    It's like hats in TF2 man. Most awesome thing evar.
  22. maldorlevr

    Trading Mountain Dew

    Dude. I'm not being sarcastic. I would never drink my Mountain Dew ever. I thought you were serious here. I'm keeping my Mountain Dew until I die, and so far I've been alive for 2 weeks irl :D. I play 4-5 hours a day as well.