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Mr Shades

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About Mr Shades

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Mr Shades


    how do i increase my fps
  2. Mr Shades


    ayy lmao. I FIXED IT.
  3. Mr Shades


    Changed to 1920x1080 then launched, still blurry text and overall. It's like there is a blurry glow over everything, and also there is alight green outline that is an inch thick around my monitor. THIS FUICKING SUKS!
  4. Mr Shades


    OK, I will try these suggestions.
  5. Mr Shades


    The game used to work great, I have not been playing it for a while. I have had to unplug and plug my computer for various reasons in the past few months when I have not been playing DayZ. I have had this problem for a while and never knew how to fix it. Basically, I have motion blur and all the settings correct, but there is still an overall blur on my screen and play. I was told it might be the resolution, but I have no idea how to fix this. If I need to provide my monitor specs, I can. Please help!