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About neptyr

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  1. Well as I said earlier, the problem would probably fix itself eventually, and it did. Not sure if anyone else's got fixed, but mine seems to be working fine now. I didn't change anything. Edit: Jk, started happening again, unplayable.
  2. Thankyou for correcting me on my usage of alpha and beta, after thinking about it for longer, the statement could be either. Without going into it too deeply, you could say, "The game is in alpha stage because more features which the devs plan on adding need to be completed and implemented into the game", OR you could say, "The game better get some new features which the community wants added because the game is in alpha, and thats what happens in alpha." But in the end, It's just wordplay and I was messing with you. Or maybe I was trying to sound smart but instead sounded dumb...oops BUT REALLY, the more correct statement would be "Because... NOT YET END OF BETA" Really though, I forgot about what happens in alpha and what happens in beta, thank you for reminding me that the community should be less concerned with bugs and more with adding features at this stage, because even if bugs are fixed in this early stage, if new things get added, they might break again, and this is the most important thing to remember.
  3. Back on topic, reinstalling the game did not help at all, and UK servers were doing the same thing as the US servers, both public and private. Lets hope the upcoming update fixes this.
  4. Nothing important really, was just messing with you. BUT, I meant that the game's errors do not come from the game being in alpha, but the game was declared to be in alpha and is in alpha because of the game's errors. And the reason a game is declared to be in alpha is so that the errors can be worked on with people realising it is not the final product. I guess I see the message "because the game is in alpha" a lot, but that doesn't explain anything, the game does not have bugs because it is in alpha, but it is in alpha because it has bugs. If there was a chair, and somebody called the chair broken, it doesn't mean it just breaks all of a sudden. But the chair breaks, and you then call it broken. Hopefully you understood this message and didn't read this as I submitted it and then edited it several times, sorry.
  5. In fact, I believe you have it backwards. You should instead have the mindset "ALPHA....because...".
  6. Thanks for input red I'll try an eu server, personally dealing with 100 ping is not nearly as difficult as the rubber banding and jerkiness.
  7. Anyhow, I have SATs in about 7 hours so I'd better get some sleep, I'll be checking back tomorrow though.
  8. Thanks for explaining it better, coincidentally I linked the same exact thing a little bit ago. How this could be the cause makes sense, just not that it suddenly became a problem when it wasn't a day ago. I wonder if large amounts of duping and loot glitches(items spawning in large quantities where they shouldn't be, firehouses, etc) could cause more load on the server due to more entities having to load in? I doubt it.
  9. Yep, for people with the problem no doubt unplayable, a huge disadvantage. But this is why it's in alpha(or so im told). Honestly very annoying, planned on having some fun this weekend with friends on dayz. Im going to try reinstalling and see if it is resolved tomorrow.
  10. Yeah I was reading up on this issue quite a bit in some reddit threads and just different places. http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/34hsjh/will_this_game_ever_feature_client_prediction/
  11. Hmm, yeah hopefully Eugen takes a look, it's very weird though because the game was working flawlessly for me on this very patch, but randomly started doing this as i was playing. Its a peculiar problem so I don't expect a solution honestly. Things like these usually just fix themselves with time. Technology...
  12. neptyr

    Dayz rendering and object issue

    A little late, but it could be in your config, not sure how itd have gotten changed though. Ok so go to your documents wherever that is located, and find the folder DayZ. In the folder right click DayZ.cfg and open it with notepad or notepad++ if you have it, either is fine. Now im going to post what my settings are so you can see what they are supposed to look like, if i had to guess i would say it might be: GPU_MaxFramesAhead=1000; GPU_DetectedFramesAhead=2; BUT, here are the rest of my settings, pretty much default. language="English"; adapter=-1; 3D_Performance=1500000; Resolution_Bpp=32; Resolution_W=1920; Resolution_H=1080; winX=16; winY=32; winW=800; winH=600; winDefW=800; winDefH=600; refresh=60; Render_W=2560; Render_H=1440; FSAA=4; postFX=5; GPU_MaxFramesAhead=1000; GPU_DetectedFramesAhead=2; HDRPrecision=16; lastDeviceId=""; localVRAM=2147483647; nonlocalVRAM=1073676288; vsync=1; ssaoEnabled=1; AToC=15; SWLayersCount=0; PipQuality=3; PPAA=8; Windowed=0;
  13. Could you explain this further? I think I understood what you were trying to say, that the public hive has to interact with each server but it is being overloaded? Although if this were the case then everyone would be lagging, such as the multiple people I've asked, and also why would the private hives be doing the same thing for me? Sorry if i didn't understand what you were saying. I think multiple people are having this problem so thank you for trying to explain.
  14. neptyr


    I dont know man, im not terribly educated on this subject, but i can answer how to change your resolution. You want to go to C:/users/myuser(your name)/documents/DayZ/ once in here right click on the file DayZ.cfg and open it with Notepad or Notepad++, some sort of word editor. Now once in this you will see Resolution_W and Resolution_H, change these to your wanted resolution, such as 1920x1080, or 1280x720 There is also rendering resolution(Render_W and Render_H), which does not need to be the same as your normal resolution, but improves the quality of the game if it is higher, but the higher it is, the lower the fps.