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About bozsoki93

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  1. bozsoki93

    Trading Post

    [H] M4, Blaze, AKM with PSO-1 (all 3 weapons with ammo) [W] Crossbow with holosight + bolts We can meet somewhere near Cherno Add me to trade: steamcommunity.com/id/sinterrr/
  2. bozsoki93

    Trading Post

    [H] M4 with RV scope + Magazines [W] Sporter with magazine(s) , AUG Contact: steamcommunity.com/id/sinterrr/
  3. I have attached PU Scope to my mosin and when i try look in the scope its looks like that: http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/309992713946152166/31F3A0A0D846D6EE79814B41FBF3D4DD3210034A/ I have tried: - restart the game - detach PU scope and look in when its in my hand and attach back to mosin Still keep same problem, How can i fix it?
  4. bozsoki93

    Trading Post

    [H] M4, SVD, Winchester, FN FAL, [w] AUG Contact: steamcommunity.com/id/sinterrr/
  5. bozsoki93

    Trading Post

    I got two of Ghille Tops and one weapon ghillie. One magazine is enough for me :) Trade done
  6. bozsoki93

    Trading Post

    Trade completed
  7. bozsoki93

    Tanned Leather Crafting problem

    Thank you for helping me, it worked fine!
  8. Hello I have put Deer Pelt + Garden Lime (100%) in a barrel i close it and when i want to make tanned leather the barrel is bugged and i can't close or open it, can't drag items inside in the barrel. What is the problem? Make tanned leather is not possible in this patch? In 0.58 its worked for me fine. Sorry for my bad english Thanks for help!
  9. bozsoki93

    Trading Post

    Thanks for the trade, everything okay.
  10. bozsoki93

    Trading Post

    [H] Hunting Backpack (Worn), SVD, .308 rounds, FAL, AK74 with bipod + pso-1 scope, AUG, Winchester with scope, Military tent [W] Green cargo pants
  11. bozsoki93

    Dayz Happy New Year! :)

    Someone know a server with happy new year event?
  12. bozsoki93

    Trading Post

    [H] Military tent, barrel, SVD, Vintorez, AUG, (magazines for all), .308 rounds, Pristine plate carrier complete set and other smaller things [W] Hunting backpack, FN Fal,
  13. bozsoki93

    Trading Post

    Have: SVD, Vintorez, AUG, Military Tent, [W] Hunting backpack
  14. bozsoki93

    Trading Post

    Have: Military tent, Camping Tent, Car Tent, SVD, Vintorez, AUG, Winchester with scope, MP5, Black Set (Cargo, M65, Balaclava, Drybag) Want: FN FAL, Glock, M4, AK101, This set of clothes + hat (pristine) + red or blue drybag
  15. bozsoki93

    Trading Post

    [H] VSS Vintorez, Aug, AK 74 with PSO Scope, SVD, Military tent, Camping tent [W] AKM 75 Rnd Drum Magazine Contact: steamcommunity.com/id/sinterrr/