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About tabasco

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    On the Coast

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    I am a sauce.
  1. tabasco

    Where do you guys find LRSs these days?

    This isn't going to do that. Hotspots and military establishments still spawn their respect loot, because there's a multiplier in these areas for certain kinds of loot so that military establishments still spawn military loot and etc, and although its technically *possible* to find a AKM in an outhouse, its very unlikely. This all depends on how things are being looted in a server (again, you must understand how CLE and PERS work together) if a server's military bases havent been touched but towns and cities are being looted, those military bases will be overflowing with loot. However, once people start looting those bases and emptying them, loot will start dispersing to other areas more instead. Then once people stop looting the bases because good loot is diminishing and move to other places, the base will start being filled again based on how often its not being looted. Devs have control of how much of what is spawning and where (across all servers).
  2. tabasco

    Where do you guys find LRSs these days?

    Because of the new central economy and persistance systems, stuff like this spawns all over the place now. Ive searched 3 bases and airstrips and not found one, just to find 3 in an apartment building later.