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About Midgethumper

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  1. I don't know what we're yelling about!
  2. I'm in a glass case of emotion!!
  3. Midgethumper

    new player looking for UK squad or group

    I frequently play with a group of 6-7 other players, all english speaking via skype. We are very interested in the art of not dieing. xD Feel free to add me if you wanna join in on the fun. Skype: James_D_Eley Xfire: MidgetHumper
  4. Midgethumper

    Looking for a group to play with.

    Added! holla at me brohan.
  5. Looking for 1 - 3 others to play DayZ with. Must be from EU for minimal Lag. (I'm from England) I only know English so.. :P Must use Skype. Skype: James_D_eley Peace! Edit: I'm 22.. Looking for Mature players. No COD Kiddies please. xD Jay.
  6. Midgethumper

    Murders not counting today.

    I got 1 bandit kill (just noticed) is there a gap between it being a murder and a bandit kill where it might just not show up?
  7. Okay so yesterday I managed to get 8 murders, 3 in self defence and 5 as kill or be killed. xD (all counted and listed as 8 murders before I got sniped) Today I have killed 4 different players and still have 0 murders. Any ideas as to why? I dont mind them not counting as it means less chance of turnign into a bandit.. It would just be nice to have a total you know? Thanks in advance, MidgetHumper.
  8. Midgethumper

    Looking for a group.

    Hey, Just installed DayZ and i'm looking for someone or a group to join as I can imagine this game isn't allot of fun alone. From EU. [England] Skype: James_D_eley