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About mrjordanreece87

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  1. mrjordanreece87

    DayZ on consoles

    Devs have confirmed it on Xone
  2. mrjordanreece87

    DayZ Xbox One Game Preview

    We will probably have to wait longer than what the guy said at E3 "within the year" so by looks of it it probably going to be another year (if lucky) but at least Xone will get it before Ps4 ;) and I think DayZ will work fine on xone! Have faith!
  3. mrjordanreece87

    DayZ on consoles

    None at all man :( still same answers from devs for over 7-8 months since the announcement! The console prototype will be Q1 this year (only for the developers tho) then will probably have to wait for a while.... Although it was xbox who messed up as the guy said last June "we'll have DayZ within the year on game preview" we've ended up with Ark, although its a good game id prefer to be playing DayZ!
  4. mrjordanreece87

    DayZ PS4 Discussion

    nobody knows! Probably 2017 :/ hope I'm wrong
  5. mrjordanreece87

    DayZ PS4 Discussion

    Same here lol guess Ark will have to do untill this decides to finally show up on Game preview :/ would rather play this tho lol
  6. mrjordanreece87

    DayZ on consoles

    I'm not saying it will but.... Id love it if DayZ actually did come to console and actually did perform really well unlike what most you guys on PC keep saying! Gaming is gaming at the end of the day, why be-little consoles?
  7. mrjordanreece87

    DayZ on consoles

    Give up?? Never! Lol it will come eventually :)
  8. mrjordanreece87

    DayZ on consoles

    Is there still no damn news on DayZ coming to console??? Its taking forevvvvveeeerrrrrr (I can be patient honestly ;P )
  9. mrjordanreece87

    DayZ on consoles

    Speculation?? So its not confirmed fully yet?
  10. mrjordanreece87

    DayZ on consoles

    Hope we get some info soon on anything console wise I'm losing interest/patience :(
  11. mrjordanreece87

    DayZ PS4 Discussion

    No worries I'm following news of DayZ and anything console wise is very quiet and tbh its only been a week since it was announce for xbox at E3... I hope it is released sometime in next few months but its highly unlikely to get it any sooner :(
  12. mrjordanreece87

    DayZ PS4 Discussion

    Nope not yet :/ be probably towards the end of year but that's my guess :)
  13. mrjordanreece87

    DayZ on consoles

    They are keeping tight lipped on console release probably be 2016 :(
  14. mrjordanreece87

    DayZ confirmed for xbox one at E3?

    I've never played the game, but its a game that has interested me a lot and was gutted it was on PC (wish I got into PC gaming) but it coming to consoles has made me a happy gamer :) yeah its not working correctly and should of been made better by now, but it looks to be a decent game considering its problems, id still play it as its something different :)
  15. mrjordanreece87

    DayZ confirmed for xbox one at E3?

    I cant find the 'xbox game preview' what the guy said about in that video? Lol Also that new controller will come in handy for a game like this as it has more buttons etc