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Everything posted by johnlock

  1. Hi guys This is a rather unusual question but still DayZ related... I think. When I play DayZ and I get in to a firefight my heart starts pounding in my chest. I know that this happens to a lot of players and this is what I love about this game. But what is actually changing? Is it just my pulse increasing or is it also something else? Because it doesn't just feel like my heart pumping faster it feels like it's also pumping harder... I have no medical education so this might be a very stupid question but there might be someone here who knows the answer.
  2. johnlock

    1.12 Experimental Release

    Let me be the first to reply and tell you that you should FIX THE CARS PLEASE. THIS IS REDICULOUS! Cars have been fucked for many many years and despite acknowledging the problems a year ago nothing has been done. Not even an update. No information. It's not even in the timeline for this year. How is this not your top priority???
  3. johnlock

    Stable Update 1.08

    So the cars are still not fixed? They are fucking death traps but I'm glad that can now pull someones dead body out of them after they have been catapulted 700 miles into the air and dropped who the fuck knows where.
  4. try dayzeuropa.com. It's chernarus but pure vanilla. A lot of players and awesome admins.
  5. johnlock

    Heartbeat while playing DayZ

    I probably should have explained why I'm asking. I wan't to measure it. I wan't to hook myself up to a monitor but I'm not sure what I have to monitor. If my heart is pumping faster I need to monitor the pulse but if my heart is pumping harder I think I'd have to measure the blood pressure? So I'm not sure what I exactly I should measure. I kind of knew that the changes are caused by "fight or flight" and adrenaline. But thanks for the great responses anyway!
  6. If you want a survivor feel, play vanilla DayZ. If you want more of a shooter feel with more weapons and vehicles than you'll ever need / use, play epoch / overpoch ... whatever. I've played epoch for a while but it's just not the same after some time you have everything and the game just get's boring. (for me at least...)
  7. johnlock

    DayZ Mod 1.8.5

    Ok I can understand that. But I'm sure someone from this community would be willing to administer a wiki. I'also sure it would be possible to support it with donations. I would donate right away for something like that.
  8. johnlock

    Some Suggestions

    Hey guys Below are some Ideas of mine and my friends, let me know what you think about them. Base system As of now, the only thing a Base is useful for, is to protect "your" vehicles. Bc if you build stashes or tents inside your base, someone is going to take a heli, drop some people inside, they grab your stuff, climb up the ladder and jump out of the base without even taking damage. So I think it would be important to either add roofs, so none can land inside. This however would make Bases a bit OP and there wouldn't be any vehicles left bc everyone would hide them inside their bases. My suggestion for this would be to add two different kinds of doors / Gates. The one which is already ingame would be meant for vehicles and would be made easier to break in. The other door is stronger and smaller so no vehicle would fit trough (maybe add a little stair so bicycles won't get trough either). This way people can reasonably protect their loot without being able to stash up cars like mad. Notebook The little notebook thingy you can open is cool and I like how it has evolved from the debug screen but it has a flaw. The server I play on has kill messages disabled. I like this 'cause it adds to the immersion and you get this "is he dead?" kind of feeling. But with the little booklet you can just check (as long as you keep track of you kill count or humanity) A solution to this would be that either only confirmed kills would be added. Meaning as soon as you open the scroll menu on the body. This however would enable players to never become bandits by not accessing the body they shot. Another solution would be to only update the booklet like 20 minutes or so after the kill and not immediately. This might not solve the problem for very long fight but it would certainly be a big improvement. It would also be cool to get the information that was written in this little notebook if you inspect a body. So you know how many zombies and people he killed, whether he was hungry or not and so forth. (Instead of the text just open the notebook with his information inside) Respawn delay One of the things that annoy me the most is if you get into a fight near the cost. The factory between Polana and Orlovets is one of the best examples. Say there are two players. You kill one and it takes you 5 minutes to kill the other one. You won't be able to loot their bodys and get away before they are back up there as fresh spawn with a lee Enfield / Mozin / Winchester. Then they have nothing to lose and everything to gain berserk inside, maybe trade kill and his buddy collects the gear. I've got two possible solutions in mind: a.) If a player has lived longer than ~20 Minutes he won't be able to respawn inside a certain area of his death location (lets say a radius of about 3.5km) for about 15 minutes. This way you can't just repeatedly die until you spawn near you body and run like a madman to YOLO kill your the one who killed you. But freshspawns who get killed in cherno or electro still can spawn there (bc they have to be alive for 20 Minutes before this rule counts) b.) Add a respawn delay if a player dies near the cost and has lived for longer than 20 Minutes. 10 Minutes delay would be enough. (I like a.) better though) Jerry-Can as fuel for fire Kind of a short one, I had the idea reading the current patch note. Would be awesome to make a fire using filled Jerry-Cans. Temperature I know that this have been changed in the last patch and things have improved. But it still happened to me that my Temperature dropped despite constantly running across the map with no rain and in broad daylight. This really shouldn't happen it has to be reeealy cold for you to start freezing while running (during daytime) and with such temperatures we wouldn't have rain (when it starts raining), we certainly would have snow. The way the temperature is during night time and so forth is absolutely fine but not what I described above. Maybe it's a bug or maybe it will get better with reduced fog intensity. At least it's not that much of a problem to make a fire anymore or to cure sickness. I have one suggestion tough that would maybe solve this problem and certainly add to the realism. I have experienced this myself countless times. The temperature isn't almost never a problem while you run / walk fast. But if you do run / walk fast, you start sweating, meaning your body and cloths are wet. Still, while your moving this isn't much of a problem but as soon as you stop it very soon becomes one. So I would suggest to boost the temperature gain for running but add wetness as status effect (you can get it from running, swimming, rain) and if you're standing still and are wet your temperature will drop faster. Can be "cured" with fire. I think that's all for now. Eager to know what you think about this.
  9. johnlock

    Some Suggestions

    Since this gets no replies I thought I'd add a TL;DR: Base System: Add roof to bases to improve usability. Notebook: Change it so you can't just press "i" to check whether you killed your opponent. Also open little booklet of opponent when clicking check body. Respawn delay: Suggestions to solve problem of someone dying and just running back to the fight with lee enfield after respawning and killing everybody (having nothing to lose) Jerry-Can as fuel for fire: self explanatory Temperature: Change so wetness has impact on temperature.
  10. johnlock

    DayZ Mod 1.8.5

    So why don't you just host your own wiki on a webserver?
  11. johnlock

    DayZ Mod 1.8.5

    I'm not quite sure if I'm understanding you correctly. Are you saying all the pages where you can create a wiki, already have a page about some DayZ mod and you cannot create a new wiki about te "same" game? If that's the case, why don't you just host your own wiki on a webserver? Also what is this "map updates" stuff you guys are talking about? Are you talking about maybe getting permission to add new buildings / make some enterable or add new Islands and stuff like that? Maybe even make pine trees not so over protective of the players who are invading their private space?
  12. Hey guys I haven't played the original DayZ Mod in a while but recently came back to it and so far I like most of the changes and enjoy my time playing. Good work Devs. But there are things I'm (still) not happy with. One of the admins on the server I play on told me that in this game the Devs actually listen to player suggestions so I thought I'd give it a try. First thing: Combat logger. As long as you play on a server with active admins which ban combat logger it's not so much of a problem for the player. For the admin however it must be pretty annoying. On Servers inactive admins this becomes a serious problem. And I believe to have a solution: If a player is in combat and disconnects, his gear will be dropped on the ground (preferably in a box). There should also be an option to destroy the box via scroll down menu (like hide body). In a normal combat log situation this would result in almost the thing as getting killed. The only advantage the combat logger has, is that upon log in he isn't at the cost. Flaws in this solution: Accidental combat log could result in loss of equipment if: A disconnect / crash happens in a crowded area and the player isn't able to log in fast enoughThe player isn't able to log in before the server restart / The player is in combat during server restartStill I think this would be better then what we have now. Second thing: Temperature. I think the way it is now is to harsh. I like the fact that it is hard to survive but since I started playing again in 90% of the cases my cause of death is an infection due to hypothermia. Antibiotics and tents aren't really a solution because once you cure the Infection you'd get a new one and they are either very rare or too big to carry around. Since boxes of matches seem to only contain 5 matches and you would have to make a fire way to often you run out of them too fast and oil barrels are way to rare or in too dangerous locations as well. I can think of three ways of solving this problems: A.) The speed at which the temperature drops is decreased. B.) The existing ways of raising your temperature become enhanced: More matches in one boxMatchboxes more commonOil barrels more commonRunning raises Temperature more efficientlyMake heat packs more commonC.) New ways to preserve / raise temperature ClothingMake fire using a bow drill (craft with string and wood)Make fire using Road flareWarm up using Road flare (would be extremely dangerous)Add Vacuum Flask to be able to make and conserve warm tea (fill with water, add box herbs [what are they good for anyway], cook over fire) could also have a low chance of curing infection I hope you like the Ideas and I'd appreciate any feedback. Disclaimer: As I said I haven't played Dayz Vanilla in a while and since the wiki seems to be severely outdated it is very hard to get good information. So I might not be up to date with my information and apologize in advance for any wrong statement.
  13. johnlock

    DayZ Mod 1.8.5

    Oh OK I understand now. I think I said that in an other post already but to my knowledge there currently isn't any way to get recent information about the vanilla mod without reading through all the change logs (which is a pain in the ass, bc you don't know whether something has changed again in the later versions) or asking on he forum. All the wikis I know of and have used are outdated or contain information about either the standalone or other mods. And if you try to google stuff you will find either outdated stuff, information on other mods or information about the standalone. So there really is a need for a new wiki. Dayz Mod Vanilla only and I can tell you, you have to start from scratch. There would be so much to review and change, that it is easier to just start over again. Here are two other websites I used to use: http://dayzdb.com/(has a database about what weapons and vehicles there are and so forth but is not really a wiki, and the information is outdated.) http://dayz.gamepedia.com/Mod:Weapons(used to be a good wiki back in the days but is outdated and is mixed with information about the standalone) I would love to contribute to a new wiki but since I haven't played in a very long time I don't think I would be of much help. Also there is so much misinformation spread around the community that the start of a new wiki would be really hard. The things people I some times play with believe in (or don't believe) are amazing. If I may suggest, I think the easiest way to start a wiki would probably be to define which topics are absolutely crucial and then choose some experienced players to create those pages. The topics could be chosen via the forum in a "Wiki pages suggestion thread". And people who would create the pages to those topics could apply via the forum (need to have a certain amount of posts in the forum to give an idea about how experienced they are). Then the wiki would be created in a closed Beta kind of way, so only those chosen and the dev team have access. Once the important pages are made. The wiki could enter open Beta and people could create pages, which have to be reviewed by a "Wiki Mod" (preferably the ones that created the initial pages) before the page is made public. And once the wiki grows, people who have made a lot of posts which have been approved by the "Wiki Mods" can be promoted to be "Wiki Mods" themselves. I hope this helps =) EDIT: I just thought of an other Idea. Maybe it is possible to take an existing wiki and flag every page as old. Experienced players could then review the sites and approve if they are still up to date / relevant or edit the page.
  14. johnlock

    First Player Kill

    Like you, he believed the dark side could be conquered from within. Such was not to be. The dark side seduced him utterly…and player kills became his path! Odan-Urr I cannot remember my first player kill, but I remember vividly how got killed by a player for the first time: I was with 3 friends of mine who have been playing the game for about a week (that was back when the soldier bodies caused graphic bugs). After some time, we finally managed to find each other. We met by the house behind Balota airfield. (046 126) They asked me what weapon I want and I said, I wanted to try to play as a sniper (what a fool I was ^.^). So they gave me their precious CZ550. Probably the best weapon they had. After about 2 minutes of holding the gun I accidentally pressed LMB and shot the thing. My friends instantly realized that every zombie of balota was going to run towards us. So they started panicking and shouted "Ruuun ruuuuuun" and ran up the street northwards. I remember telling them that it was me who shot, not understanding what the problem was. They then told me to look behind me and there was this huge crowd of zombies running towards us. I fucking shat my pants. Back then we thought of zombies as the main threat. Well we ran up to the metal barn thing in the little village thing above balota. (048 125) and killed the zombies in there. We couldn't even kill all the zombies before someone started shooting at us. Me and one of my friends were upstairs in this little room thingy, my other mates were downstairs. They both died and the friend who remained panicked and shouted at me to look outside the window and shoot the enemy. I tried to spot him (while looking through the scope) and of course didn't see shit. He: "shoot him shoot him" Me: "I don't see him, I don't see him" He: "You are the sniper, you have to shoot him" Me: "I don't know where he is" and then we both died. Never saw the guy. Had no idea where he was shooting from or what weapon he used. TL;DR: Met up with friends for first time, they gave me a CZ, 5 minutes later everyone got killed bc I had no idea what I was doing. Pro Tip: Record some of your early gameplay. It's a lot of fun to go back and re-watch it when you've mastered the game. Doesn't have to be something like killing players, anything goes. Nothing better than seeing how amazed you were when you found something totally worthless but thought you found something very good, or being finally able to see the guy who killed you bc you ain't blind anymore.
  15. Hi guys I have played DayZ for quite some time and am used to the original gun sounds. Would you suggest switching to the JSRS sound pack or not? Does it make some guns easier to distinguish (SVD / M24 / DMR / M40A3 / M14)? I know that the Server on which I play supports JSRS. Thanks in advance
  16. johnlock

    JSRS vs Original Sounds

    Thanks for the many responses. As I'm not usually running through the forest with a chemlight in my hands and I'm recycling my cans insted of tossing them around in Electro, the problems that have been named are no big deal. Also, as I understand it, you can change some sounds to be the original ones. What other problems are you talking about in 1.8.5 / 1.8.6
  17. johnlock

    DayZ Mod 1.8.5

    I'm not really sure what you mean and why you're asking but here are some links: As I understand it, with this solution you don't require your own web server and it seems like klick together. http://www.wikia.com/Wikia This one seems to be "The Wiki", meaning it's the same that's used by the generally known wikipedia.http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/MediaWiki I have to admit however that I have no personal experience with either. I just found them here: http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2399624,00.aspTrying to help
  18. Thanks R4Z0R49 For anyone interested here's a screenshot of what I told before (just found the recording of that incident) Remember, he walked away from that.
  19. What would it take for you to get the same license as Origins?
  20. I recently headshoted a Player with a DMR who was sitting in a pine tree and he didn't die, at least I now know why. I'd imagine this bug is also responsible for people to be able to protect themselves from zombies in pine trees. As for licensing: I know that the DayZ Mod "Origins" has managed to change that. In origins, standing next to a pine tree doesn't protect you from zombies. How are they allowed to do that and you aren't?
  21. I recently came back to dayz vanilla and I noticed that my character seems to be unable to find the sight on his gun in the most annoying moments. Like most people I run around in third person and when I want to kill something (animal, zombie or player) I right click in the hope that my character looks down his sight so I can aim and shoot. But in some update my character seems to have gotten dementia and seems to sometimes forget where the sight is on his gun. He turns it around in his hands looking for it. First I thought it could be that he is too exhausted and due to this can't aim properly but it happened to me when I just got out of a car too. Also sometimes he seems to nearly faint while looking through a sniper scope and wiggle around like a mad man. Can someone explain to me what the hell that is? Also I was in the military and never have I such hard time to remember how to aim. Of course it's harder to aim when you're out of breath but not like this and especially not when you actually have to shoot or you get killed.
  22. johnlock

    Combat logger and Temperature

    I wasn't sure whether to answer here or not since the temperature thing has been addressed and people didn't seem to interested in my combat log solution. But I might as well give it a go: I won't event get into the zucchini post because it doesn't really belong here and I strongly disagree. As for the getting banned thing I think you haven't read my proposal fully through. I didn't say you would get banned for combat logging, I said: If you log out during combat, all your gear falls to the ground (in a box). If you are a combat logger your enemy can pick up the gear. If you arn't you can log back in, pick it up and continue playing. I also pointed out the weak points of this system but I think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. Also matchboxes used to have 5 matches in them in so after 5 uses they were empty. Now they spawn full and every time you use them they have a certain chance of being reduced to only contain 5 matches. Kind Regards