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Everything posted by Voak

  1. I've played this game four hours today, and have never once laid my hands on a gun. I have a flashlight, a bandage, and some painkillers. They can see that I don't even have a gun, but people will still pump assault rifle rounds into me just to make sure I don't live. You know what the worst part about that is? I can't blame them, because they're making the right choice, and I would do the same in their position. I'm not just talking about this patch. I'm talking about in general. Trying to encourage player cooperation is not the way to try and make this game better. The people who want to play the game as a CoD simulator with npcs will always play like that, and that's the majority of the player base. They don't care about surviving; they care about killing. There is nothing you will ever be able to do to change that. I WANT to cooperate with people. The first person I ever ran into on a server three days ago was a friendly, and we played together for a couple hours. I've met one other friendly since then. Every other of the dozens of people I've met since have shot at me on sight. Cooperating with others is stupid. If I walk up behind someone, I have three choices. Try to get away, shoot them in the back, or try to initiate contact. Assuming the first is not an option considering they will most likely see me in the hour it take to crawl away from them, there are realistically two things to do. If I shoot the person, I get stuff. Happy me. I wouldn't even feel guilty. Why wouldn't I? Because I don't care about other people? No. It's because if I let him live, ask him if he's friendly, he'd probably kill me too. There's no reason to let him live. He doesn't have a gun and isn't a threat to me? Guess what, he's also no use to me like that. He'll just add to the chance of aggroing zombies and will still probably put a bullet in my brain the second he gets his hands on one. Everything done to "encourage cooperation" only makes it harder for people who don't have shiny stuff to get shiny stuff. The people with shiny stuff can last for days and weeks, while the rest sometimes spawn on an island, or catch aggro without even taking a single step. The zombie buffs are actually a direct buff to people who have anything more than a flashlight, and the rest of use are left to die. I'm going to try playing this game one more time tomorrow, with two friends. If by some chance we find a weapon, we'll be sure to gun down every stranger we see only for the fear that they would do the same to us. If that doesn't work out, I'm done with this game for good. I bought Arma 2 just for this mod, and now I'm really hoping that the rest of the game will be worth the thirty dollars without DayZ.
  2. No one, not even you, has the right to say people aren't allowed to voice their opinions. I'm offering my feedback on the direction that the game is headed. If my feedback isn't wanted, then so be it, but what you're saying is that I shouldn't be allowed to have this mod installed on my computer if my opinion is different than yours. That's the stupid thing I've heard regarding this whole ordeal. You hate to be that guy? There's a reason for that. And In regards to Rocket "trying it out", I am under the very clear impression that things are only supposed to become more like this in the future. I hardly ever see a post by him. The twitter feed is completely silent in regards to the backlash from the community regarding this patch. I have no reason to believe that the problems I have with the game will ever be fixed unless I make it known that I'm displeased, and provide the reasons why I'm displeased. I didn't say you're not allowed to speak your opinion. I'm sorry if that's how it came off. What I'm criticizing is how you say you're going to be "done with this game for good" if it doesn't go well for you, and the reason I criticize that is because it doesn't sound like you understand the alpha, beta and full release process. This game will change and evolve over time, and I'm sick of people acting like it won't if it doesn't change this second. Maybe you didn't really mean it when you said you'd leave "for good", but that's how you came off. About Rocket hardly posting, what I recommend you do is go to his forum profile and look at his recent posts. You can follow what he says easier and more frequently that way. I was reading it just a few minutes ago, and I saw this post: While I thank you for the idea of checking his forum page, what he's posted still doesn't quell my thoughts much. I still do not like the way the game is headed, and the only new thing I know is that he isn't listening to the community in this regard at all, and he's just going to do whatever he wants eventually. He has the right to do that, but that doesn't mean it's a good thing to do. And when I said "done" I meant for this patch, at least. I'll try the next patch, and maybe the one after that, but know I won't keep blind faith forever either. If things keep going South, I'll quit for good, because right now, in four hours of playing 1.7.1, I have not found a single gun. Some of this surely has to do with my skill level, but that needs to be taken into account. If new players hate your game, your going to have a hard time keeping a community. The biggest thing the devs need to keep in mind, is that this game REALLY sucks if you're not doing well. In Battlefield, I can go negative and still have fun. In Tribes, I can go negative and still have fun. In League of Legends, I can go negative and still have fun. In DayZ, if I get killed fifteen minutes after spawn, that is NEVER fun. With the way the system currently rewards players who are already ahead, this is a recipe for disaster, and I think this needs to be addressed in some way.
  3. No one, not even you, has the right to say people aren't allowed to voice their opinions. I'm offering my feedback on the direction that the game is headed. If my feedback isn't wanted, then so be it, but what you're saying is that I shouldn't be allowed to have this mod installed on my computer if my opinion is different than yours. That's the stupid thing I've heard regarding this whole ordeal. You hate to be that guy? There's a reason for that. And In regards to Rocket "trying it out", I am under the very clear impression that things are only supposed to become more like this in the future. I hardly ever see a post by him. The twitter feed is completely silent in regards to the backlash from the community regarding this patch. I have no reason to believe that the problems I have with the game will ever be fixed unless I make it known that I'm displeased, and provide the reasons why I'm displeased.
  4. You bought the voucher to purchase arma, dayz was free. You really shouldn't be spending £50 dollars on the components to play a mod if you cant afford it though. I would feel worse for you but this in alpha and issues are to be expected. Many more to come. When did I say I couldn't afford it? I only said I'm not happy with the money I spent. To make sure you understand, it's not fifty euros. Fifty dollars is a lot less. I only spent thirty on the game, but I had to spend fifty to spend the thirty. The mod is drastically changed from the way it was before. I don't understand why it has to be so restricting. It's a mod, after all. Server owners should be allowed to change what items you spawn with. The mod is being more restrictive than the actual game is at this point, and that's just stupid.
  5. I got a fifty dollar steam card just to play this mod. After an hour of playing the new patch, catching aggro from a zombie through a wall, him attacking me through the wall, losing the one zombie, looting one building to find nothing of use, and making it into a building I could actually loot, I get shot in the face by a random guy inside. He got nothing off me except one painkiller. If this is how the game is going to be played now, I'm done. It's not fun any more. Fifty dollars down the drain.