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Goose Springsteen

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About Goose Springsteen

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. Goose Springsteen

    Anyone using the Blaze 95?

    I love using the Blaze 95 because I think double rifles are lovely! More than that, as I've seen others say, I think it's nice that we aren't limited to simply having a steady progression of firearms. I like guns with character even if on a utilitarian basis I should drop it when I come across an objectively superior weapon.
  2. Goose Springsteen

    What if we get rid of Zombies?

    Which, as you know, was how it was in the mod way back when :P . As I've said several times this isn't really accurate. Wasteland isn't a persistent game (as far as I know?) in the same way DayZ is when you log out you lose your character. More than that the survival elements are far less fleshed out. If you got rid of the infected you would have a very similar experience to what you have now only (as it stands currently) there would be less clunky and frustrating deaths. I quite enjoy the Zeds and really look forward to their improvement but as Dean Hall himself said (I think!) DayZ isn't really about the Zeds, it's about the sort of experiences you have with other humans in a harsh persistent environment filled with threats. The infected are, marketing aside, part of the background of the experiences which make DayZ worth playing and nothing more. Persistence, in my opinion, is the mechanic that is fundamental to a DayZlike experience.
  3. Goose Springsteen

    What if we get rid of Zombies?

    As I said in my earlier post I don't think that Wasteland is suitable as a direct comparison to Dayz, the survival elements are far less refined, there is immediate access to firearms, and there isn't (to the best of my knowledge) persistent servers which save gear over more than one session. To say that Wasteland is essentially DayZ without Zeds is to do a disservice to both experiences in my opinion.
  4. Goose Springsteen

    What if we get rid of Zombies?

    Honestly, I really take issue with this sort of response to the OP who was very polite and not looking to troll or aggravate others. I don't understand why people feel the need to make snide jokes when, at least to me, it seems perfectly understandable that someone might want to play a persistent survival game a la DayZ without the infected AI who honestly at best were never more than a backdrop from which the real meat of the game, the human element, could build upon. Although I personally have no qualms with them in principle it is my own opinion that removing the Zeds from the game wouldn't drastically detract from the experience in my own opinion. People can say "oh but there is the Wasteland mod for ARMA" and while that is a great mod it seems (at least in my own experiences) that there are no persistent servers where gear or equipment saves and the survival and scarcity elements are far less developed and serious.
  5. Goose Springsteen

    My response to dupers.

    Just to echo the sentiment that, while I understand the frustration, I don't think the response was very nice even though it was clearly meant in jest. It simply makes the OP seem a bit crass and immature because the duper, as dubious as his argument may be, wasn't writing in a particularly infantile way. Tell him to get lost sure but the way you handled it OP was totally inappropriate I think and only makes you yourself seem childish yourself to throw around such wishes to complete strangers. Edit: Just read the OP's last post and, while I stand by what I said, I accept the mitigating circumstances.
  6. Goose Springsteen

    Have to relog every 10 minutes because...

    You must remember that it's not like the artists are typically also coders so isn't it better for them to keep making content while the appropriate people actually look to tackle the bugs? I understand it is a very frustrating bug (I almost died to it a few times myself!) but this is the reality of early access games—you either play now and endure the bugs (although you don't have to like them!) or you sit on your hands and play something else until the game development has progressed a little further. I'm not criticising the fact you're complaining, only that you cannot really expect more at this stage when the game is plastered with disclaimers telling you it is broken and you probably are going to get frustrated.
  7. Goose Springsteen

    sawn off episode 931204

    As has already been said it's a confirmed issue that it only fires a single pellet (rather than numerous as it should) per "shell" hence the relatively recent (a few months?) fall in performance. I really hope it's sorted soon, you can't whack a bit of shotgun combat. :P
  8. Goose Springsteen

    First-Aid Kits disappearing

    Last Saturday the same thing happened to me, I lost the both my first aid kit (pristine) and a ruined protector case + their contents while the rest of my inventory was intact. A very annoying occurrence but then again this is Alpha! :P
  9. Goose Springsteen

    The spirit of day z is dieing

    As one of the more long-standing members of the board (aren't I magnificent?! :P ) I think there is a danger to over romanticise the past of DayZ. Certainly there was team play but from starting to play it back in April 2012 I can tell you that most encounters were hostile and indeed I dare say that when you were spawning with a makarov straight off the bat there was even less incentive to seek to forge alliances in game because you were only ever one bullet away from getting late-game gear. This is not to say that the current state of the game doesn't push people towards wanton PVP but as far as I've ever known it (and I did stop playing for over a year) DayZ has harboured a very prevalent shoot on site mentality. This is because for most there is more to lose in risking interaction. The best thing people such as ourselves, who desire a greater sense of community in the game, can do is to be friendly in spite of odds and the frustrating deaths. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the PVP aspect of the game and have been known to KOS but the most rewarding moments for me in the game by far have been when I've interacting with somebody who I've met as a stranger. Sometimes I'll go out of my way to share loot and advice to new spawns I meet and even if I die to trickery or cunning opportunism I don't feel too down because I know that I have had an exciting experience. Occasionally I'll even make an enduring friendship. Long story short? Keep the faith because it's not as bleak as you think! :)
  10. Goose Springsteen

    i have no 1920x1080

    I believe that I had this issue also! The game reset my aspect ratio to 4:3 (which I can tell you looks godawful on a 24 inch screen!). Check your aspect ratio is set to the one appropriate for your monitor :) .
  11. Goose Springsteen

    Shouldn't zombies also bleed to death eventually?

    Well yes, as I said, on paper with what I said being they case they should. Whether it's feasible for the game to support that when there are hundreds on a server is another matter but in principle assuming they are alive I think it would be desirable for them to need to stay fed and watered. Imagine going to drink or hunt deer at a watering hole only to find a few zombies there drinking! :D
  12. Goose Springsteen

    Shouldn't zombies also bleed to death eventually?

    I think that the zombies we have in DayZ aren't undead, rather they are "infected" and as such on paper they should suffer the same dangers of bleeding out as anybody else in this game. That said it could be a big hog of server resources? Especially when you consider a tenfold increase in Zed population so while (assuming I've not made a mistake!) it may be desirable it many not be feasible.
  13. Goose Springsteen

    DayZ always crashes when I leave a server

    While it may be the case that summer can exacerbate ventilation issues in certain cases I too have been experiencing crashing upon exiting DayZ. It doesn't matter when in-game (when the GPU/CPU is working hardest) but 9/10 times leaving from the server menu to the main screen will result in a crash. Clearly, given that I can play for many hours without fearing a crash, it's not a case of overheating.
  14. Goose Springsteen

    Jesus why ?

    I had the resolution problem, I'm not sure why but somehow the game changed the aspect ratio from 16:9 to 4:3. Go to your video settings and ensure you have the appropriate aspect ratio. :)
  15. Goose Springsteen

    DayZ SA still much more laggy than anything else I play

    That's misleading, the engine we have now IS the Infusion engine, it's simply the case that for the sake of marketing/honest misphrasing Dean repacked it in an interview as being new but it could be more accurately understood as "we have changed so much and have so much more planned from where we started that this essentially is a new engine".