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flint (DayZ)

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About flint (DayZ)

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. flint (DayZ)

    A HERO!?

    yeah, i dont get it.
  2. So looking forward to this. Although I can't watch it iive because it will be 4 AM in Germany. :( Maybe you can shedule it earlier the next time... :)
  3. flint (DayZ)

    Debug monitor will be gone in 1.7.3 !

    Please think about how you would confirm a kill IRL and then think about how the debug monitor relates to that. Then go ahead and delete your post... <_<
  4. flint (DayZ)

    Would you Abort if in Danger of death?

    Only if caused by game bugs, glitches etc. And if this would cause inavoidable death for me.
  5. flint (DayZ)

    Debug monitor will be gone in 1.7.3 !

    Yes it is forbidden to play music while playing DayZ. Rocket himself will enforce it by flicking your ears everytime you do it. Of coourse you are allowed to do it, you just have to deal with the consequences. And please don't whine later about it here in the forums when you didn't hear the zombie or bandit behind you...
  6. flint (DayZ)

    Debug monitor will be gone in 1.7.3 !

    Oh my god this forum is full of so many whiners. Considering the "I don't know how many blood I have" QQ: You don't know how many blood is in your body right now, do you? Sure an average number is out there but when you hurt yourself you won't be able to say: "I just list 2,343 litres of my blood." You would just feel bad and might lose concious. And that is what happens in the game. When you see that you are not at full colour anymore just eat until it does not get better. And if there is a sniper with a .50cal waiting at the NWAF for you; there is no difference what so ever if you have 10k or 12k. A shot to the body will either kill you instantly or knock you unconscious so the bandit can take the kill shot. No difference there. The "I can't keep track of my kills"-QQ: First of all, if you want just to keep track of your kills use a notepad IN REAL LIFE. That is how I mark things on the map, writing down the coordinates on a little piece of paper. Sometimes i sketch the grid square to not lose vehicles. So do that if you want. There is no need to implement a notepad in the game. And there is no reason this game should give you an indicator if you succesfully killed a guy. It doesn't happen in real life. If you want to know, go ahead and look for the dead body. If you are a bandit and you kill for supplies, that is the risk you have to take. Rocket said that he wants to go away from all those HUD things. If you are cold, you will move slower or shake. If you are sick, you cough. If you are hungry your stomach will have a growling stomach. So deal with these changes.
  7. flint (DayZ)

    Do vehicles disappear with server restarts?

    Same here. Tents are most of the time ok. Sometimes items are still there although we took them earlier, others are missing. But I experience the same thing you discripted with cars. And yes, it is sooo frustrating to fix cars over and over again. In fact, this is the reason why I don't play DayZ at the moment, because there is nothing else to do than fixing cars and set up camps... :(
  8. flint (DayZ)

    Do you listen to music while you play?

    Dayz is one of the few games (maybe even the only one) where I dont listen to music playing it. Hearing is just so important, maybe even more important than seeing, that you cant afford to be distracted.
  9. Hi guys. I need your opinion/experience on this. Currently I am playing on DE 1303 most of the times. Me and some other guys managed to find and repair a couple of vehicles such as ATVs, Hatchbacks, Dirtbikes, Urals and even a Chopper. But whenever the server restarts (which is at least twice a day), all of those vehicles are gone and found later at their spawn points, complety damaged just as they were freshly spawned. Others are turned into other vehicles and at different locations. (Hatchback turned into a Pickup). Of course we save the vehicles when we go off and in between a couple of times. So my question to you: Is this normal? Is there anything you can do about it other than changing the server? And is there a server you can recomment where this doesn't happen (preferbly a DE server or at least European)? Thanks in advance.
  10. flint (DayZ)

    Hackers on server DE 1303

    The server is beeing hacked right now. A guy named "[TWOD] Ben" is killing all the players consecutively. A buddy is recording it right now. Maybe we can get the footage up later.
  11. flint (DayZ)

    Hacked Clothing

    You did the right thing. Hacking shouldn't be promoted. Although you wouldn't be banned taking the soldiers clothing, you would be having an advantage because of hacking. So you more or less support hacking, even if in a passive way.
  12. flint (DayZ)

    Graphics bug gone?

    afaik it is backwards compatible.