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Everything posted by itsnowak

  1. Played this game maybe a year and a half back as the mod. Loved the game but eventually got too fed up with the hackers and items not saving correctly. I watched a few gameplay videos on youtube and see the interface is a little bit different. Really have the itch to play again but would like to hear about some of the issues or if the issues I addressed above still persist. And if anyone could generally give me a quick up-to-speed report of what has changed in the year or so since I've been gone, I'd greatly appreciate it! If this helps, I stopped right around the time dayz introduced the hero outfit idea
  2. itsnowak

    thinking about coming back

    Ugh, thats what was originally so frustrating for me. I'd go through all this hard work and finally start to set up a small camp and then it would be gone upon next log in. So to be safe I wanna limit myself to what I can carry in my backpack until the issue is fixed?
  3. itsnowak

    thinking about coming back

    Yeah I've been running through all the new things. Just wanted a general consensus. Thanks for your kind words..
  4. itsnowak

    thinking about coming back

    So say I set myself up a tent and store things inside, that's gonna get wiped every Wednesday?? Or is it the opposite?