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Everything posted by jefc_uk

  1. I've been thinking a lot about moving to a private server (probably not the same one as you though!). I think I will after my next death. I can see lots of advantages.
  2. Doesn't persistence take away some of the buzz though? I'm a fairly casual player and already have three barrels stashed with gear for when I get killed. This has lowered my fear of death considerably as, in a sense, it's not permadeath anymore...
  3. Well, perhaps nonsense for you, but I take more risks and have no patience after a few and almost inevitably end up dead.
  4. Not only using an alpha build, but using the experimental branch. You're just like my boss!
  5. I too have little time to play due to work and family stuff. More like mid-30s for me though ;) Funnily enough, one of the reasons I am enjoying DayZ so much (especially .58) is because of the way I can achieve something valuable in just 10 or 15 minutes of play. Could be loads of things: get to water fountain, find a barrel, do a spot of helicopter searching, check out a location I've not been to before, go cross country between two towns (found someone's tent yesterday!), camp tent city while writing an email or two, go looting, check up on & top up my stashes etc etc. When you say you'd like things to move a bit faster, that implies some sort of end goal. What is that goal? I came to DayZ from Elite: Dangerous where many people asked the same sort of question. The difference there was that it could take ages to do just one small and tedious action so I got bored of that as I don;t have time to 'waste'. The only other game I play is Battlefield 4 for a quick fix and often after a couple of beers. DayZ and booze don't really mix! The only thing I struggle to do in DayZ is team up with anyone because I've got so little control over when I can play. Normally when I see people I end up dead, which gets annoying sometimes.
  6. I found a barrel up north and put it amongst some rocks and logged off and back on and it was gone. I did this twice with different barrels each time. Each time I was on public servers with names which indicated that persistence was on. Then I got K'dOS while climbing down from a deer stand north of NWAF (on a server with 5 other people!!). Sad because I had an AUG and a truck battery and was happy. Ah well. As my killer said to me as I expired: "This is DayZ. Little bitch". And we could have been friends. Spawned and found another barrel in the middle of the road. This time i put some stuff in it before I logged off. Logged back on and it were gone. 0.58 is great; being forced to travel to find stuff (though still not found a glowplug, despite all the travelling). Would love to be able to keep a modest stash in a barrel though, for the many, many times I get killed to death.
  7. jefc_uk

    (how) does oil barrel persistence work?

    Am I really thick? Does persistence work across servers on the public hive? Or do I have to log back on to the same public server? Oh dear.
  8. jefc_uk

    (how) does oil barrel persistence work?

    Thanks for the information. So just to clarify; there is nothing I can store stuff in at all? What if I just hide stuff in a room or behind a tree or something? Will it still be there later on?
  9. Wearing the right outfit and ambling around like a moron, might just get away with it.
  10. jefc_uk

    DayZ SA Modding: A New Map

    I'm not American but I think America is a good way to go. There are so many films and books set there that it's likely to inspire anyone (most people I know, including me, would love to do a coast to coast road trip). If you haven't already read 'The Stand' I'd recommend it for inspiration. I've recently read it and a few features of the landscape that stayed with me strongly include long dark tunnels, massive immobile traffic jams (with associated loot), arid featureless desert (Nevada) and the idea that people would be drawn to major conurbations. 'Lucifer's Hammer' and 'Station Eleven' would also be worthwhile for research. None of these books feature zombies (or infected...) though! Another thought - lore is very important to a lot of people and so maybe it would be establishing that as integral part of the project. 'Elite' fans will understand this if they have read 'The Dark Wheel'.
  11. jefc_uk

    Anyone ever 'played zombie'?

    Yeah, I see what you mean. But I'm not the only nutter with a gun out there!
  12. jefc_uk

    Anyone ever 'played zombie'?

    Well, it depends on the circumstances, though KOS would be a last resort. I've been KOS'd enough times now that I'm pretty twitchy. I can still only think of one time that I've fired the first shot though. Trouble is, at the moment on stable, it's hard to go hungry and really easy to get guns and ammo so people don't have the same drive to play any other way than pvp. A couple of months ago I was giving people apples and stuff.
  13. jefc_uk

    Anyone ever 'played zombie'?

    I don't normally bother killing zombies unless I happen to have a slienced handgun with plentiful ammo. Don't wanna get close enough for them to get a single hit on me and don't want to make loud loud bang bangs with a big gun.
  14. So, having pretty much resigned myself to the fact everyone who sees me tries to kill me (normally successfully) my faith has been restored! About halfway along the south coast I'm just half an hour or so into gearing up my new spawn and I hear a truck approaching. I've got ammo but no gun yet. I'm pretty sure he's seen me so I just take a little bit of cover and wait. He stops and climbs out - fully geared for sure, but without even drawing his gun he waves. I've not got a mic and he didn't seem to see my direct messages so the next hour involved a lot of guess work. We both got in the truck and he drove us along the coast with the odd stop to pick some bits and pieces up (I found some water, which I was in desperate need of). Next things I see prison island in the distance so I type 'prison island?' in direct chat and he makes the turn soon after (not sure if that was coincidence). So - my first trip to prison island. He showed me round pointing out where to look for stuff. I'm not sure if he needed anything himself, or if he was just helping me out. He dropped a bottle of water for me but I couldn't pick it up and was getting very thirsty again. We left to swim back to the mainland - me nicely set up with a Trumpet & ammo along with a Mosin (no ammo yet) and a Magnum (also no ammo yet), some nice new threads and a decent backpack. Also, my first plate carrier, just waiting for accessories. Oh and binoculars and a busted ACOG. At the shore we parted ways. Don't know what he was up to but I had to find water. Fast. So - thanks mate - it was fun. It was a public server. I think it was French and said something about two hour restarts in the name. You had a military helmet of some sort and a handgun which you shot a couple of infected with.
  15. So I logged into a low population public server (3 or 4 survivors) and spawn upstairs in one of those jail houses on the southern airstrip and seconds later someone's who's looking well geared is coming up the stairs shooting at me with an automatic weapon, I'm hit but I manage to miss him once with the Winchester (love my WInchester) I am already holding (got an AK on my back with brimmed mag, but no time). I manage to shut the door and ADS ready to get him if he enters. Surely he won't just open the door? Well, he does and shoots, misses, and I get him in the gut. He's down! Adrenaline pumping hard now. Once more in the head because I'm scared and I'm careful. Now I'm worried. i can see is well geared and so I reckon he's got mates so I back into the corner, drop my spent Winchester and whip out my AK. Just as I do this a zombie is on me and I'm wasting my bullets getting the manky mother off of me. Yep - there he is - someone's coming at me from the doorway shooting. I estimate my mag is pretty much empty (no spare) so out comes my 1911 with ONE round chambered I squeeze it off. Not sure if I got a hit in or not. My screen is very grey. I manage to work around him as he flails his gun wildly shooting all the walls maniacally. I'm alive. I'm running. Right across the middle of the airstrip. This must be great target practise for someone There's automatic fire chasing me but I haven't been hit. Two guns? Keep runnning. A bit more gunfire to my rear as I exit the airstrip threshold and I just keep running. So - I'd only shot and killed one survivor before this, and I managed to kill one of these two (or three?) and perhaps wound another and definitely escape bleeding and fractured. I am terribly addicted to this game. More than ever now. The most frustrating thing about the encounter was that for much of the time my screen was suffering from that annoying 'staying blurred' bug that I seem to get when I get wounded sometimes. The fix is to go into video settings and then exit them. Is there any way of clearing the unintended blur more easily (ie. while running), or avoiding it all together? Cheers!
  16. jefc_uk

    My first kill

    I feel pretty guilty right now. I've been playing for a while and have been killed by survivors 2 or 3 times. I've gotten quite good now at gearing up and staying alive (not that it's particularly difficult in the stable build!) so for the last couple of weeks I've been looking for player interaction. I've had chats with a couple of people and also had one very tense standoff with a survivor in a fire station (I drew blood but ultimately died. I think he was using 3pp to see round the wall. Maybe). So just now I'm on a low population public server looking around the NWAF for some nice bits and pieces and doing some target practise on zombies (or whatever they are). Like an idiot I run out of rounds in my Magnum, and quick bar hotkeys aren't working, so I run and hide in a garage tyoe building. While I'm in there I pop downstairs to get a drink before coming back up to waste that infected bloke. When I come back up I hear automatic fire and no more zombie grunty shuffly noise. Sh!t there's someone out there! So I wait around for a bit then gingerly step out and have a look round. I can see the guy's bright red back pack as he looks around the rooms in one of those long buildings with 4 or 5 rooms and a shower room off to the left. I try to get his attention on text chat ("hello", "thanks for taking out the Z") but maybe I'm too far away). I'm also pretty scared at this point as I'm packing some decent iron by now. I wait outside the single exit door intending to pin him with my Magnum and get him to state his intentions (I'd love to team up with someone as have never done that...) but I lost my nerve and shot the poor b*stard a few times. It was almost involuntary. I am sorry. But I am alive (actually I'm not now, but that's another story...). I checked his pulse and it was still strong so I thought maybe I could help him out but ended up injecting myself with morphine by mistake... Could I have done anything for him after I'd stripped his guns? I really love this game. When I started playing (having got bored of Elite: Dangerous) I thought there wasn't much to do, but fair enough - it's pre-release. But I've put in a fair few hours now and it is SO rewarding. I totally understand now why some people get so disappointed when changes make life easier. The fact it's hard (permadeath) is the one single thing that makes player interactions so intense. That, combined with the fact that early stage gearing up is also fun (anyone else kind of breathe a masochistic sigh of relief when it says 'you are dead'?). Anyway sorry mate. According to the game your name was 'test' but I guess that was a glitch. If it wasn't - well - sh!t name! My stuff (and some of yours!) is at the NWAF in a jail building if you want it. I won't be able to play for a couple of days.
  17. jefc_uk

    My first kill

    Yeah, total adrenaline hit. That's what made my trigger finger so itchy I think. I guess that kind of scenario happens in real life too. Deep.
  18. jefc_uk

    My first kill

    Trouble is if I get a microphone and start talking into it my partner will definitely know I'm not working! Yeah I don't feel so bad now. I reckon he would have done for me if I hadn't him. Plus it felt really good.
  19. jefc_uk

    What is the final goal of this game?

    The other day, somebody knocked me out after I spawned. I came-to after a bit and they were standing nearby, wearing my outfit and I was in my undies. It was pretty funny. First I thought it was some weird bug. Then I chased them around but lost them. Interacting with other people in imaginative ways seems to be the most interesting thing to do. I don't have much time to play unfortunately, so don't really get time to seek these interactions out, but when I see other people it gets my heart racing. The very fact is it so rare is part of the attraction. Looking for trucks takes up most of my time at the moment...