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About aks_pain

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    On the Coast
  1. aks_pain

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    Dear Devs, Although you might not read this I wanted to thank you, thank you for staying true to the core concept of this game, thank you for all your hard work, and thank you putting up with the negative criticism but listening to those that are constructive. I've played this game since V0.28 back when those who played this way before me didn't gun you down with all their collected ammo but instead help you up for the rare can opener you found 5 minutes into playing the game and they haven't found in months. My point is there are a large number of us that appreciate the direction the game is going and aren't as impatient as some younger DayZ players, and I hope everyone is as thankful as I am. What brought this on? (Warning: long story feel free to skip) Well, although I've been around since 0.28 there was a time where I stopped playing for a couple updates because I felt it was no longer about survival but getting a leg up on the trigger happy players. That was until the recent 0.52 update, that I heard the zombies and loot economy had a major adjustment, so I strapped on, logged on, choose a 1PP server, and gave it a run. I start in Cherno on a cold breezy night, a lot of door closed with hopefully loot inside. 1, 2, 3, 4 houses later I've found a can of soda, bullets, and a bandana, it'll have to do. I keep searching building but stop dead in my tracks and hit the deck as I find a zombie across the hallway (didn't know they could wander indors. Scared the crap out of me). It knows I'm near but after a few moments wanders off back through the open door it came from. Through out the town I'm slowly creeping past zombies, I do this until I find enough food just to get me energized, that is until I find a room brief case, a icepick and a pair of Rocket Aviators that things are going good. I make my way to the next room and find a bear trap, but not having enough room I happily carry it in my hand, but my heart plumets as I turn a corner as I find my self face to face with the undead and only a bear trap in my hand. I think quickly and crouch, at this point the zombies head is twitching with rage, I slowly back to steps and set the bear trap at the door way. I back up up quickly pull out my icepick and get ready, unfortunately the trap isn't set off so I'm forced to battle it out, I strike once and thanks to the new zombie hit response animiation I can hit it another 2 times before I get hit. Fighting as hard as I can the zombie still draws blood, I b line it to the next room, close the door, and bandage myself to get ready for round 2, I open the door and give it my best shot, both of us land hits but I come out victorious. Using my rag as a bandage to stop the bleeding again I think about how I need an axe and I should head over to firestation, then I think about the ammo I have hoping I find a gun, and how I haven't even begun looting Cherno but it comes with the risk of my own life. I think about how I'm going to manage my material, gather more food, and if I did find a gun will I have the right ammo?, I think about all this and more and how it's up to me from the second I spawned how I'm going to survive. This game is without a doubt going in the right direction, and all it takes is for us to be patient. I can not tell you enough how much joy this game has brought me, weather with friends, strangers, or survivng on my own, and it is really coming together. I can't say it enough, thank you for the hard work and determination. Awesome update, Great work.