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About Thegoon84

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    UK - Swansea
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    Boxing, MotoCross & PC gaming

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    28year old, clan leader of TFU. Family man & loving life.
  1. To be fair i honestly didn't expect this much attention... I just saw that imagine and kind of cringed. As i've said above, pretty much all new video/screenshot content shows pretty much the majority of people wearing pay day masks! That is all.
  2. Missing the point a bit.... Yes this thread has gone a bit mental, i just cant wrap my head around the fact that out of nowhere has come this Dayz Standalone: Payday edition. Just needs to be seriously toned down a bit! Put them in, yes. Keep them rare.
  3. Thegoon84

    Important question

    I'm going to spit when i say this.... The only thing Warz did well was the day/night time... Cycle was 4 -6 hours Again, this for me would be deverstating if it stayed as RL time. I want to be forced to play in the night.
  4. Does anyone have an idea of how the day/night cycle will work across all servers? What's the point in having night time in Stand Alone if no one is going to use it? I've search for answers everywhere. Zombie survival should be about day and night time survival, I.e find flares, use torches etc. There should be a universal time and weather systrm which is forced server side by all servers. Players will just server hop to a day time server. Will be rubbish if you ask me. I'd really like to run around with friends in the night under the moon light with prehaps a geared up friend in the tree line with nvgs keeping eyes open. Also it opens up a whole new aspect of the game... do I use my flashlight here encase people see, do I fire encase someone sees the gun fire flash, I better use my melee weapon.
  5. This has gone a bit crazy! Listen, my original point was not to make this a game breaking point. It was only an observation. We've only seen a few video's and 1 stream. I could list 1000's of things i like/dont like. While others might think "arguing about masks, REALLY?". Yeah its pretty pointless, but when practically EVERY poxy screenshot/video is of players wearing poxy payday masks then yeah, why shouldn't we voice our opinions. Judging by peoples responses, the masses dont want everyone running around in pay day masks, dont get me wrong if it were a rare rare rare spawn then fair enough. Best response was, rags and balaclavas are a better option that endless payday masks... This isn't Warz or Payday! HELL a much more pressing point in my opinion is day/night time...Surely it has to be a universal time across all servers? I get that, and yes more content is never a bad thing... My point was pretty much all recent video's we've seen a huge number of payday masks. All i'm asking then is please let it be a rare rare spawn. It would be more believeable to me to see players running around in balaclavas.
  6. I can see why people/players would like this idea, but looking at it from a complete concept, i think its NAFF!!! Its more (as some one pointed out above) WARZ like! Tell me, no doubt we're all walking dead fans? When was the last time you saw Rick or the governer running round in a poxy mask? I think Dean needs to take a step back and look at what Dayz stands for - Realisum, believability, and survival. Dont over complicate things that dont need to be
  7. EDIT to childish ill informed comment :D Sorry guys
  8. You're totally right, for that i apologies. Sadly in this day and age "gay" is not seen as a direct reference to homosexuality! No offence was intended ;)
  9. EDIT:All the video's we've seen seem to be aimed at childish gamers who dont really understand the concept of realism.
  10. Does this work? https://twitter.com/24VictorKane/status/407916336577118208/photo/1/large
  11. I've been a huge supporter of Dean/Rocket throught all this. I felt he's the man for the job in taking Dayz to the next level. As you may or may not be able to tell, i 've not posted in a long time. However after a recent video/image appeared i felt the need to: THIS: https://twitter.com/24VictorKane/status/407916336577118208/photo/1/large Dont get me wrong whats going on around looks great. However that stupid pointless mask if quite frankly bloody awful. I understand its from Payday, great. But sorry it lowers the standard of Dayz. Why would someone post apocalypse run around with that type of mask on, bandits yes. You're really reaching now and throwing in idea's which are based on YOUR own personal choice! Anyone remember Rick, The governer or anyone out of The Walking Dead putting on a pathetic mask? Quite frankly its completely lowered feel of the game for me! Its seems too Arcadey just by that one image. I know i'm going to get alot of hate from this, i just hope people at least take a step back and look at how COPYING game props will improve the experience! Please please please just stop with all this "throwing stuff in because you liked it in another game"... Take inspiration, dont just copy it....... Just Look at what WE want in the game and see how it best suits your vision. that is a better starting point. When has anyone asked for stupid poxy masks?
  12. Thegoon84

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    Cant wait!! Tho i would have been happier wit being released next year and people will be caining BF4 over the next few months.... not me ofc... SA is the way forward
  13. Thegoon84

    [DAYZ SA] - ultimate Q&A

    Sorry to Harp on... But is there any info from Rocket or Matt about what they intend to do with Night time? Really want to sneak round in the dark with everyone else and not just people with NVG's
  14. Thegoon84

    [DAYZ SA] - ultimate Q&A

    Whats happening with the Day and night cycle? Is there really any point in having night time at all? I mean think about it... All people will do is server hop to a day time server. I believe that there should be a universal day/night cycle. Speed up the in game time to 12 hours every 4 - 5 hours. The whole point in a Zombie survival should be about night time survival. It brings in a whole new different aspect... Should i use my flashlight or throw flares to light up the way. "Oo look light someone must be there", shall i use my melee weapon instead of people seeing my gun fire flash etc. Nothing from what i have seen has touched on this topic?
  15. Was gobsmacked this morning.... Went to see the hairdressers who happened to have a custom PC mag (mate of mine who games). Opened it and saw an article from last year... I looked closer and realized they'd used an imagine we took of a few clan members shortly after we found a car, ofc this was in the early dayz when cars were a novelty !!! I cant seem to get a focused shot of the UI name which is our clan mate Furyuss!! Cool story right......... I know :D