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Everything posted by defused

  1. Its possible to disable the user flags ? They are a nice feature but they lag me a bit the hard drive everytime i refresh player list
  2. Ah do you mean #login "pass" in DART console ? I just wanted to check some setpos and createvehicle log because im trying to tuning up my filters. But ill keep in mind your advise, i dont want to compromise server performance thank you
  3. Can you guys read Server Filters ? I checked all, some, none, inserted name in custom, reload scripts / events .. but never showed me the server filters .. this is a arma 3 server ... the filters are in root/arma3/battleye/*:* probably because program is trying to get filters from another folder in default ? Doesnt make sense because bans file are in same folder than filters and they work just fine. Anyone with same problem or im missing something ? Thanks