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About Kingjeffkoch

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  1. Kingjeffkoch

    DayZ care package???

    It's a cheaterbox only cheaters can spawn those.
  2. Kingjeffkoch

    [b2k]aliman999 cheating on lu156

    See You, have fun playing other games.
  3. You really think they care? I mean, we got every single stuff we have redundant, we got everything, 10gps 10nvg nearly every weapon ingame, main weapon mk48 5times or so, Fn pal anpsv4 3times etc. If I die i'll just go to my stash and equip me new, don't think everyone will be hating on you only for killing them.
  4. Kingjeffkoch

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/48598-server-side-hotfix-072-helicopter-status-and-server-info/ Iam sad too, that's exactly what bothers me, I hope they'll stay realistic.
  5. Kingjeffkoch

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Was there a tent and vehicle reset? There is nothing left in our camp.
  6. Hey, me and a friend found a camp with two big trucks and an atv, full with weapons and items, we just drove those vehicles away and i got kicked. I was like "WTF" joined again, asked in the group channel why i got kicked, but no reply. So i then connected again and got kicked immediately. Now the Server is full and i can't connect on it, the name of the admin was GH3OSTLY. I hope he get banned or whatever... edit: my ingame name was "Aerial".
  7. Kingjeffkoch

    Safezones & more

    That's a good idea, maybe some kind of zone where shooting/pvp isn't allowed, so people can team up with strangers because at the moment everybody shoots and it's nearly impossible to team up, just like a little town or something.
  8. Kingjeffkoch

    A few Suggestions

    Hello, I'm not a man of big words so. 1. Don't let the active mag use an extra inventory space, cause it's in the weapon and not in the inventory. 2. Let Zombies randomly overrun specific sectors with people in it, so if a few people are in a sector there is a chance that a bunch of zombies (100-200) spawn at the edge of the sector and walk to the other edge, so the players have to hide or run for their lifes. 3. Put some craftable chests ingame, which are not as obvious as tents, so players can hide their stuff in it, maybe with a camo net or something. 4. Put more bikes ingame, i mean, it's a walking simulator and which real life town hasn't a few abandoned bikes. (maybe slow them a bit down, 50 is too fast.) If i get some new ideas i edit this post, don't hate on me iam not an native english speaker.