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Everything posted by R2THEON

  1. R2THEON

    Readable books and carving

    I have two suggestions. First, I would like to see some sort of carving ability on your weapons. Initials, hash marks for kills, the name of your rifle, a sick design, coordinates, anything you could fit. Depending on how much it would take, you could expand it to trees and such. Also, using spray paint to mark houses (or really anything) would be awesome. Second, what if we could read the books that we pick up? Maybe tone down the amount of titles, as I assume keeping that much data in reserve would be taxing, but make them able to be read while you're waiting around for your friends to show up and have already put the zeds down for their naps.
  2. R2THEON

    Readable books and carving

    I had no idea! Thanks for telling me how to read them!
  3. R2THEON

    Clothing Pockets (Separate the inventory slots!)

    Yes! I always organize my things according to where I would actually put them... Gives the game much more depth. I have no idea how to give beans to your original post, it will only let me quote it, but you have my support!
  4. R2THEON

    Persistent Diaries for players to write in.

    Firstly, this is a great idea. You can carry a paper and pen around to write things with (I used to leave notes in random places), but a notebook would be way, way better. Secondly, I searched "books" in suggestions to see if anyone already suggested my idea... which is readable books. apparently you can already read them? How? So much waiting to meet up with nothing to do once the zeds get put down for their nap :D
  5. R2THEON

    Does DayZ need aeiral transport?

    . This. All of this.
  6. R2THEON

    Does DayZ need aeiral transport?

    Anything available in real life should be available in game. Helis, jets, battleships (why not), you name it. But it should have the same drawbacks as in real life. Flying a helicopter is hard as fuck, to much tilt one way or the other and you're dead. Most aircraft take more than one person to fly effectively, and it should be the same in game. You want to fly around in a gunship, laying waste to anything below you? Cool. But make it as hard to do as if you were actually doing it. In an apocalypse. While trying not to get eaten/robbed. Ammo for any weaponized aircraft should be very large and rare as hell. Parts should be scattered EVERYWHERE, seeing as how the military would have put it together and put it in use if it was feasible. Finding fuel shouldn't be as hard as everyone else seems to think it should be, at least not at first. Maybe each server could get a set amount of fuel, and as time goes on, the resources would dwindle... Reset it every week or two? In my opinion though, any aircraft should be added after smaller kinks get ironed out. Fix the bugs first... More game, less gimmicks.
  7. R2THEON

    New Zombies (how to deal with)?

    Loot seems to spawn better in sheds, I've found, for whoever was commenting on the new coat store update. Also seems that smaller towns are better for finding things than large towns are. Forest Opening is usually pretty decent. As to dealing with SuperZed, I have found crouching and staying behind them does wonders for my self esteem, and also my lifespan. I've found that lodging an axe into their brain seems to annoy them, and I've found that calling them names while running away seems to be the only effective course once you've pissed them off. Sort of like a girlfriend that I had once.