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Everything posted by Aquanoise

  1. Aquanoise

    Mental health / Morale

    i think everyone would be able to kill to protect their loved ones, but it all depends on how far you are willing to go. Would you rob someone to get food for your family? would you kill someone who might be a threat in the future? would you kill children or old people because they might have something on them worth taking? if you can really be that ruthless your survival chances would definitly increase. but what would you become?
  2. Aquanoise

    Mental health / Morale

    Do you really think that when some sort of apocalypse happens everyone would go guns blazing and shoot on everything that moves???? come on be realistic, during a apocalypse the world would turn into chaos but it won't be one big free-for-all deathmatch
  3. Aquanoise

    Mental health / Morale

    i have to disagree with you on this in a realistic survival scenario there would be people who KOS but it would be FAR LESS then ingame. most people aren't cold-hearted sociopaths and it take alot to take someones live even in a apocalyptic world... look at all natural dissasters and civil wars, there are always people who want try to help other people, people are like that and these people would definitly outnumber the people that go robbing and killing people
  4. Aquanoise

    Mental health / Morale

    Wow relax dude, as i have said: i want to add a new mechanic to make the game more realistic , and with this mechanic you would also be able to balance out the playstyles. but my priority lies by realism. I don't care if people want to KOS but i think all playstyles should have advantages/disadvantages and why are you calling me a f/vag when i propose an idea? we all love dayz so there is no need to call eachother names...
  5. Aquanoise

    Mental health / Morale

    I agree with you that tere should be KOS bandits in dayz, but as you said in your post its easier to be a bad guy then be a good guy, with this system i want to add another survival mechanic and balance these playstyles more It's ok if you want to be a KOS lone wolf, but you have to find another way to keep your morale high if you dont want to be near people, the same goes for 'heroes' they might have more player interactions but if they are starving or cold their morale should be low aswell. what i'm trying to say is, with this system i don't want to force someone in a certain role, i want to add a new survival factor and balance the playstyles more