1.) zombie spawns - On the dayzmap.info page it shows the zombie spawn chance for each building, most small to medium size buildings have a chance of 0% - 40% to spawn zombies, but literally EVERY tiny building you find in the middle of nowhere spawns 3-5 zombies. With the 1.7.1 update buffing the zombies quite a bit it would be nice to have some changes made to the zombie spawn system. In a real life scenario you would obviously have larger numbers of zombies in large cities like cherno for example. If you are in a larger city then yeah the current spawns are fine, but what really pisses me off are zombies always spawning at every single barn, shack, and tree stand in the middle of nowhere. Again with a real life scenario most people wouldnt be hanging out in a barn at the end of the world, they would be going to "safe zones" or something. Im not saying these buildings should NEVER spawn zombies, but my suggestion is for the smaller towns and especially the really isolated random barns and stuff to have a chance to spawn fewer, or SOMETIMES even no zombies. 2.) zombies have sonar apparently... Fire one shot and every zombie knows exactly where you are. Come on now, zombies are dead, their senses have been impaired not enhanced. If im at the airfield with a DMR covering my friends while they raid Im usually OUTSIDE the fence and if I have to fire I usually get 2-3 zombies running at me from god knows where, even in the dark. Zombies shouldnt be able to tell exactly where you are whenever a single shot is fired. 3.) zombie speed - apparently they are olympic track stars. I understand they are kind of like 28 Days Later style zombies that sprint for you and all, but again... they are dead, their senses and motor skills should be AT LEAST slightly diminished, they shouldnt be able to run AS fast as players... at least not all of them. maybe have different speeds available to the zombies or something (like every time one spawns they must have some bit of code that randomly makes them a walker, crawler, or hopper, so maybe there could also be a way to randomize the speed they can run at as well). 4.) tent/vehicles - sometimes vehicles (across the entire server) seem to vanish and return to their default spawn locations. Also tents sometimes seem to have gear just vanish out of them as well (and no, its not someone finding the tent and stealing stuff. I have nightvision, GPS, silenced CCO in my tent, but like.... 10 M1911 mags, or a bunch of AKM mags just disappear from a tent on occasion, it seems random). 5.) disconnect timer - obviously this has been brought up many times but I had to mention it. Its stupid when u kill someone and they just abort real quick and you dont get the loot or credit for the kill. Also, apparently if this is done fast enough people can even respawn in still alive with all the gear. 6.) clothing fix - another one thats been brought up but please fix the camo and ghillie from spawning you in the ocean or debug. 7.) zombies constatly respawning - say some group wants to clear a town (or if they are really crazy, an entire city) for some reason, the zombies shouldnt keep respawning as soon as the players move a few houses away from where they just were. If someone WANTS to do something like this, the area should STAY clear of zombies as long as there are players anywhere in the town, and if they all leave, the town should STAY clear of zombies for a set amount of time (maybe 15 minutes?) so if another player stumbles into the area they wont have to deal with all the zombies respawning as soon as they get close.