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thrasher (DayZ)

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Everything posted by thrasher (DayZ)

  1. We already reported this directly to the server admin but i figured I'd post it here too. Two guys, "triss" and "bae d" were spawning in fighter jets and attack helis along with tons of other vehicles. They nukes the entire coast the other night. Server was restarted and everything was cleaned up, however last night we had A-10s destroying vybor and other northern towns, however those 2 guys weren't on the server at that time (at least not under those names). I have a ton of screenshots but I'm posting this from work so I'll have to edit this post later when I get home. I wanted to get this info out there tho.
  2. thrasher (DayZ)

    Freeside Trading Co.

    When the trading post is back up I'd like to trade for an SVD camo, a ghillie, and NVG. Can offer several FALs with the night vision scopes, m107s, AS50s, and mk48s.
  3. i searched the forums for an answer before posting this, but I saw some people saying yes and others no. They aren't listed on the wiki page so I'm wondering... Are they actually in DayZ, and if so where can they spawn? I've raided the airfields countless times, and tons of unlooted heli crashes... Ive never seen one.
  4. thrasher (DayZ)

    How to find Crashed Helis...

    i found 5 crashes on the same server in 1 session once. so there CAN be at least 5 on a server at one time...
  5. Ok so right now we have water (in a canteen) and cans of soda. I have a couple of ideas to maybe improve the current system. IRL water will quench your thirst way better than a can of soda, so I think water should be better than it is now. Sodas should stay exactly as they are now, but considering a canteen has a cap and you would be able to close it you should be able to drink TWICE from a canteen, or maybe have your thirst level drop much slower after drinking water. I was also thinking players should be able to use an empty tin can, or an empty whiskey bottle to fill with water (which would disappear after being used, like soda cans) in a pinch, but they wouldn't fully recover your thirst, only slightly. Also, as many people have said... Rain water to fill bottles.
  6. I guess I would be considered a bandit. I kill on sight unless you are in my group. I do this to both loot my victims and for safety because I just don't trust those I don't know. I don't go hunting for kills and I dont camp high traffic areas but when I see someone I will kill them. Most of you carebears will consider me a bad guy and that's fine by me. what's not fine by me is the constant bitching to punish bandits and/or remove PvP from the game because you don't like how we Play the game. So here is my suggestion... You carebears should form groups to protect each other, and others while hunting us down. It would make things more interesting. My suggestion to the devs to support this idea is to add in a new skin that would identify these players as say... "vigilantes". Kind of how bandits once had their own skin so players knew they were bandits there should be a way for a player to be a vigilante by killing bandits. My other part of this suggestion is to make skins/outfits on dead players available to pick up and use. If someone with a vigilante skin dies a bandit may use that outfit to trick people. It would make things very interesting.
  7. thrasher (DayZ)

    Huey Spawn Question

    sooooooooo i just found a huey behind the supermarket in pusto. its almost fully gassed and has ammo in the guns. the hull and rotor are red as hell. we had hackers on our server last night who were nuking the coast with fighter jets and attack helis. our admin restarted the server and all those vehicles despawned... can this thing be legit??? the other day they said vehicles parked off the map were going to be cleaned up and spawn back in the map, maybe this is a real spawn? can anyone tell me? im currently camping this heli while my friends look for a rotor lol.
  8. thrasher (DayZ)

    Backpack Items Missing.

    im not having any trouble keeping guns in my alice pack. ive been running around for almost a week with an m107 and a FAL (night scope) in there and they seem to be fine. I have however lost TWO ghillie suits that I never even put on. I found them, kept them in my inventory, and they were gone the next time i logged in. Also, a week or so ago I found camo, put it on, played for a day or so with it no problems. When i randomly logged in oen day the camo was just gone, i was back to civilian clothes.
  9. thrasher (DayZ)

    Seattle 35 Removed

    its not like battle eye works anyway lol. the server i play on has battle eye enabled and last night the entire coast was in flames because some hackers were spawning in attack helis and fighter jets (and other things) and just destroying everything. battle eye... please fix it so it actually catches hackers. thanks.
  10. thrasher (DayZ)

    No competent player should die

    You know what's funny? Based on what the OP said I pretty much know exactly where he's shooting from. Also 3 days in Cherno with an AS50 and only 45 kills? That's pretty sad lol. I've spawned in Cherno before and racked up 20+ kills with just a lee in about 2 hours. you should have well over 100 kills as long as you have ammo
  11. thrasher (DayZ)

    No competent player should die

    This guy is fucking PRO! Sign my mousepad bro?
  12. thrasher (DayZ)

    No competent player should die

    Lol @ camping Cherno with an AS50. Ur really good bro, people talk about you all the time. What server are you on, I'll suicide and come 1 shot you with a Lee. I could use a 3rd AS50 for my collection
  13. ok so i think i just found something random that maybe completely undiscovered. when using the in game map zoom out pretty far to where the map turns white and you can really only see the names of the major cities and towns. look waaaay above the north EAST airfield and you will see a little blue blur. it doesnt show up on every zoom level on the map, but there seems to be a pond WAY the hell off the map in the middle of nowhere. has anyone else seen this? has anyone actually run up there? I think im going to try driving up there tomorrow just to check it out and see what the hell it really is up there.
  14. thrasher (DayZ)

    random lake/pond off the map?

    http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/558694638369794705/0B2C83C815119F78C41CCEDF19DE78CE6132A740/ a screenshot of the place in question.
  15. thrasher (DayZ)

    Question About Vehicles

    they DO spawn with gear, my friends rented a server for a while, and we hit up all the best vehicle locations early. The BAF offroader spawns with like 40 stannag mags (20 silenced) and some other random gear. the ATVs usually have some tents. The UAZ has 20 SVD mags and like 10 frag grenades... vehicles DO spawn with loot, at least some do, but like cars and stuff.. prolly not.
  16. thrasher (DayZ)

    ideas to stop server hoping?

    server hoping (for gear, and flanking people) is really lame. The other day there were some snipers on top of the tallest building in cherno, so i made my way to the 2nd tallest which was right next to theirs. they had my friend pinned down on the ground and i was able to take out 2 of the 4 snipers and keep my position hidden. one guy spawned back in and was trying to climb up the ladder to his friends and i killed him on the ladder, then his friends saw me and pinned me down. the guy who died on the ladder then left the server for a few minutes, and later rejoined. as soon as he did I got into another exchange with them and killed the same guy. He had server hopped to get back on top of the building. then 2 of them left and tried to spawn on the same building with me. I killed one, and then died to the other. This is so stupid. Server hoping is also dumb because people find logical places where someone may setup a camp, and just server hop over and over until they find a camp there and raid it and hop agian. Is there any way that each individual server can remember players locations? If you spawn into a new server you should get a random coast spawn like anyone else (except you will have all the gear from the previous server). So say you log out with like an AKM at starry, and change servers, you would spawn at the coast on that new server with an AKM, but if you went back into that original server, you would be back at starry. Is there any way to do something like this?
  17. thrasher (DayZ)

    Server Restart Possessions Fix

    is that fully confirmed? all vehicles and tents are gone on all servers? are the vehicles going to respawn at their original spawn locations when the server restarts next?
  18. ok so ive been looking around and I cant find a solid answer to this question. I saw here on the forums, some people said 2 at a time, some say 3. Well my friends and i are driving around right now after a fresh server restart and so far we have found 4 (2 were literally right next to each other). Does anyone know for sure how many heli crashes there are on a server at any given time?
  19. thrasher (DayZ)

    how many heli crashes on a server at one time?

    ok make that FIVE crash sites we have found lol. seriously, does anyone know?
  20. random bug i noticed. sometimes when i spawn in, i see a copy of myself just... there. I can take loot off my clone and eventually (maybe a server restart) it disappears. Ive seen other players like this too. came across a guy at starry just standing there not attracting any zombies. he didnt move for hours. I was able to loot him just fine. Weird bug. Also, the zombies are waaaaaaaaay too powerful. I was just at the NWAF with some friends and they got one aggro on them in the north barracks. I was covering them from a hill outside the airfield and as soon as a single shot was fired at least 20 zombies came from god knows where and rushed inside the barracks. With each shot they fired more and more zombies just came sprinting out of nowhere. We were alone on the server (just the 3 of us) at the time so no zombies were being spawned by other players in another section of the airfield or anything... they just kept coming and coming. at this point its not even fun to play. you waste WAY more ammo and medical supplies trying to explore then you are going to find WHILE you explore. there is literally no benefit to going near any location that spawns zombies right now. Just hunt and refill water bottles and stay alive... thats pretty much all there is to do. Zombies need to be toned down ASAP.
  21. - zombies are far too powerful right now. You can hardly avoid them. If you are playing at night it's almost impossible as a new spawn. They hear you and see you from too far away, and can apparently see just fine when it's pitch black outside. They also all run like oylmpic track stars. They also apparently have sonar and know exactly where you are if you have to fire a single shot (this has been an issue for a long time). -wire fence kits and tank traps are super common now. I'm finding them EVERYWHERE. These need to be more of a rare spawn. Basically the zombies need a ton of work. Here are my ideas: - tone down the zombies awareness so you can sneak past them like before. - make the running zombies more of a rare spawn and bring in some typical walking zombies. This would allow players to escape easier if they aggro some zombies, especially without a gun. - add new ways for players to avoid zombies. In Shaun Of The Dead they were able to fool the zombies by acting like them. In the walking dead Rick and Glenn covered themselves in zombie blood/guts so the zombies wouldn't notice them. The rain started to wash it off and the zombies noticed them. With as much as it rains in this game that could be an interesting idea. "gut infected" and as long as you WALK you don't attract zombies, but you slowly drop blood when you are covered in the blood. If it rains it it washes off, or you can find a water source (or use a bottle of water) to clean off and stop the bleeding. I know this is a really off the wall idea that most likely won't get used but hey... Throwing it out there lol. I'm not suggesting ALL of those changes be made, only one of them, each one would add a totally different aspect to the gameplay.
  22. thrasher (DayZ)

    Spawning in Barren Wasteland?

    the server i was just playing on (Dallas 39... my home server) just restarted. i reconnected and spawned in debug with NO GEAR AT ALL. I tried updating to and tried different servers and still im spawning with NO GEAR in the damn debug field. I tried reverting back to and connecting to my home server and there is no change. Ill run out of debug thats fine but I had a DMR and nightvision on me that i WANT BACK. I literally have NOTHING, and no... i wasnt wearing camo or anything. anyone know what to do here?
  23. thrasher (DayZ)

    Infected can 'smell' low humanity...

    And the world was never intended to be filled with zombies and now it is (in the game). What's your point? Adapt to survive. humanity goes out the window in an apocalypse. People will kill each other, deal with it or go play the sims, kthxbye.
  24. thrasher (DayZ)

    Infected can 'smell' low humanity...

    What does low humanity smell like exactly? Does it smell anything like a whiny little bitch who posts a really stupid idea on the forums because he doesn't like those mean ol' bandits?! Here are a few "suggestions" for you: Don't run to Starry as soon as you find a Winchester in Cherno. Dont go to the airfields alone or in the daylight. Don't make stupid suggestions that don't make any sense because you dont know how to survive.