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Everything posted by Tac0qvy

  1. I propose that foods and drinks be given temporary modifiers upon their consumption. Drinking a soda will hydrate you, for a time; but due to the intake of diuretics, you will experience an accelerated drop off in hydration over a period of time. Something similar would go for food. Proteins would take up much more space in your stomach and yield low calorie counts initially, however, they will increase your energy over a period of time as opposed to instantly. This could be a tiered system such as follows. Sugar/simple carbs: instant energy Complex carbs: energy dispensed over a short period of time Lean proteins: energy dispensed over an intermediate time frame Fatty proteins: energy dispensed over a long period of time These tiers can also be used to alter the stomach space of the food. Fatty proteins will fill you up fast, but will not yield instant energy. In regards to this, you can also utilize stomach space as another modifier. If you eat loads of fatty foods, then take off sprinting, you will likely vomit it all up and end up worse off. This can yield a much larger need for strategy in how players carry and search for food. It isn't simply about finding food, but how and when you use it.
  2. I believe that it would be very easy to implement. There would just need to be some testing and balancing. It is similar to the way blood works. If you are hydrated and energized then you restore blood. There are several effects that are on the character that aren't displayed on the character screen. For instance, you could have the effect "<protein/sugar/ect.>: + <whatever amount of hunger> for <whatever amount of time>" or The increase would outweigh the gradual decline in hunger so that you wouldn't starve, however, if you are on the brink, it won't immediately energize you. Quick energy like sugars on the other hand would distribute energy much more rapidly but for a shorter amount of time. With this system, you would be reward instantly for finding sugar, but the use of proteins would be more of an-end game item. The players who have build up the ability to hunt for meat will be much more resilient than the scavengers who are forced to eat the "quick fix" canned goods. This also could be implemented into the blood system as it was in the mod. Eating proteins alleviate your hunger longer (the hunger increase will outweigh your gradual decline for a time, thus increasing how long you stay energized) as well as grant you a mild increase to blood production. Giving this advantage to meat will encourage players to hunt as opposed to raiding. The current state of the standalone gives me little incentive to hunt when I can just run into town and grab a bag of rice and some peaches. You are essentially rewarding those who learn to live off the land and that have adapted to the zombie apocalypse.
  3. Tac0qvy

    Concealable Holsters for Jeans and Cargo Pants?

    I see no need in this, you can take the holster from the plate carrier and put it in your inventory, or just put the gun into a protective case. Since we have the quickbar, there is no need for a holster besides better inventory space. Just pick up the holster from the plate carrier and put it in your pants. It won’t be displayed on your character model and it is also a holster.
  4. One of the more defining gameplay moments happened to me just a while ago. I didn't intend for it to happen the way that it did, but... it did. It was my partner, a mutual friend (who couldn't survive his way out of a produce market), and I searching through Gorka. We had split up to search for supplies. We had just found a working truck and had planned for a quick grab and go. Looking through a blown out truck, I saw an earth tone backpack (I couldn't entirely make it out. I was injured from a prior accident and could barely see straight. I immediately assume military gear). I yell out for him to get down (we intended on subduing them until we cleared the area. I didn't want to risk any of our loot or our truck). He ran over to where my partner was scavenging. My partner yelled for him to get down. He ignored it and proceeded to charge him. Next thing I know, I hear my partner's 12 gauge go off. I approach my partner. We skirmish with zombies for a moment, then out of the bushes runs a guy with a wood cutting ax. He has a zombie chasing him. I yell, "get down and I'll kill the zombie!" I get a clear shot and take it out. The guy keeps running and sprints right up to my partner and axes him in the face. I lose it and open fire full auto on him with my mp5. Several more zombies arrive and I deplete all my mags fighting them off. I have to kill the last one with my fire ax. Sadly, I wasn't quick enough and I couldn't get to my friend in time to epi him and he died. All while this is happening, my rookie-ass, bambi-ass, friend is shitting himself and screaming, thinking someone is shooting at him while I'm doing all the shooting. He was in no danger and did nothing to stop the zombies, our assailants, or to help my dying partner. I recuperate, bandage up, restock a mag, and decide to take a look at what these psychos were packing. I nearly fell over when I saw an inventory full of tomatoes and a rusty garden ho. We gunned down two farmers... TWO FUCKING FARMERS! ALL THEY HAD TO DO WAS GET THE FUCK DOWN AND NONE OF THIS WOULD HAVE HAPPENED! It wasn't my fault! It wasn't my fault... Never again... I won't risk losing anyone else... From now on there will be no warnings... I will kill on sight... I will cut them down before they get a chance to hurt one of my friends again...
  5. Tac0qvy

    0.55 loot spawns!

    Has anyone seen any netting? As far as I k ow they don't spawn in boats anymore.
  6. Tac0qvy

    .55 loot, I'll just leave it at this.

    I had just finished rage quiting like a week ago after returning to DayZ. Zombies teleported around and their OP line of sight made it impossible to stealth. The next day my friend told me about update .55 and FINALLY DayZ is playable. I've been enjoying it more than I have since the mod. The loot system is not broke. Actually search new places for supplies. They even put an updated loot map on the twitter feed. Use it if you are having so much trouble. Buildings don't have the same loot profile. You can enter one building that has something, then enter the same building in the next town and find a mosin and a high capacity vest. The only thing I can't find is netting. :( Currenlty I have a tortilla pack, smersh vest, mosin w/ long range scope and range finder, fire axe, m65 field jacket, firefighter pants, 2 grenades, 1 flashbang, 3 bottles of water, Mp5-k suppressed with over 200 rounds of 9mm (3 mags with an ammo box), 3 protector cases, a bag of rice, and a crz75 suppressed (no mags) + some misc stuff. I would post a photo, but I'm on my laptop at the moment. This took me about a day to collect. If you are having trouble then you must not be doing something right. I've never had this much loot.