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Everything posted by JMurph2809

  1. I have been playing for about a 6 weeks now, although not solidly. So far I have avoided crowded servers in the main, just so I have a chance to equip without being killed. Most of my characters died or were murdered within a day or two but my latest char has lasted for about three weeks. I started on the North East coast (overlooking Rify). After scouting Rify (I found a shotgun and ammo on the top deck) I headed West to Khelm. On the way here, at least I think it was at this point, I spotted and killed a deer with the shotgun. It didn't have any loot, not sure if this was a glitch or not? I was starting to starve... After Khelm I headed to the NW airfield via Krasnostav. I found enough supplies to keep me alive, plus some clothes, a backpack, a splitting axe and a pistol (no ammo) I then headed to Svetlojarsk via Olsha. In Svet I found a blaze 95 for which I had already found quite a bit of ammo. I got cocky with the gun and was nearly overwhelmed by zombies. My pants were ruined , along with all the contents. Some of my other clothes were badly damaged too. I had run away into the hills towards Berezhki. By the time I had reached Berezhki I was cold (trouser less) and hungry. I had crafted a fishing rod and proceeded to try and fish from the jetty. Not sure if you are able to do this yet? it didn't seem to work and I ended up falling in. I made a camp fire which sorted my cold/wet condition. I left Berezhki and headed to Turovo. I was getting desperate as I was nearly starving to death so I was sprinting and not worrying about any potential threats. I had,had to kill a couple of z's before I reached the lake there. Here, I was able to use the rod and caught a fish but when I "prepared it" I was only left with the guts? I cooked the guts (I think) and ate them.. I felt good, I was no longer starving. I found a few more supplies and some new pants etc and headed to Novodmitrovsk. My plan was to then visit all 11 Military bases mentioned here: http://dayz.gamepedia.com/Military_Bases On route to Novo I got the shits I guess? food poisoning. I quickly googled it (cheating I know!) and found that I needed charcoal tabs. I actually loved that this could happen! To speed this long story up....I found some and fixed myself up. I then made my through the military bases, one by one. I replaced my Blaze 95 with an sks. I also found a ton of ammo and a short range scope. I logged on today in Vybor and found my first truck. I drove the truck to the nearby military base. After looting the base I planned to go to the next base at green mountain. on return to my truck I found a zombie, which was sort of on top of it. I killed it but the truck would no longer start so I headed off on foot via the nearby hill. I then spotted a deer in the fields to the south east, it was quite a way off and I think I rushed the shot a little. I did hit it with the 1st (I saw blood) but it ran off. I fired off another 5-6 shots but it disappeared. This is when my first human kill happened... After firing off the shots, I checked to see how many players were on the server. There had been one last time I checked but there were 5 or 6 now. I headed South sticking to the bushes and trees and stopped to check my map. As I did this I heard the sound of a vehicle. I shit myself to be honest, closed my map and span around with my sks scanning the area. A jeap, had somehow flipped and had landed on his side about 100 meters from me. I zoomed in on the doorway. I thought to myself that I would only shoot if he came out armed. It had crossed my mind that he may have been hunting me and every other player I had met had killed me on sight up to this point. He did come out armed...So I fired all 10 rounds. I'm not sure how many hit, I think 3, but he went down. I approached the body with my splitting axe. I had planned to land a couple of blows to the head, just to be safe but I considered this a bit too barbaric and decided not to and to just loot him/her. The corpse had the most amount of weapons and ammo I had ever seen, including an Aug, which I immediately equipped. The second i did this he got up and I sprayed him with my new found toy! I took everything I could and that was not ruined....That's where I've got up to so far. Loving the game a few questions now though 1>Should you be able to fish from the sea shore with a rod? Or are there any plans to be able? I have since read that you can build sardine traps with a plastic bottle and worms, so i will try this. I reckon it would be good if you could fish for crabs and bigger fish,maybe seaweed and cockles,limpets etc 2>I have only ever killed a couple of chickens and a deer but have never got any loot from them. I have also caught 2 fish but only ever get guts. I know that there should be fillets or steaks etc. Am I being unlucky with a percentage chance or is this a bug? Also-I have never seen a boar/pig/cow or anything else other than deer and chickens? 3>I'm not sure If my survival skills have just improved but some servers seem to have more loot/food. I never pick a server which says "high loot" or anything as I'd rather play the game as it's meant to be played. Is there a way to insure that I play on a main game server, an unmodified one? Thanks to anyone who bothers to read all that crap and thanks for any replies
  2. JMurph2809

    New player.long story and a few questions

    Hi guys. Let me just say that I am not one of those people who takes great pleasure in killing other players. I have had other chances to kill or shoot at others and have not taken them. This time I felt like I was in danger and my gut instincts tell me I was right to shoot first..this guy had an automatic rifle,two pistols, a land mine, a large box of ammo, about 10 clips and full military gear. He was headed right at my position in a jeap. I guess the only reason I survived was because he flipped it at the last minute and I had moved behind a tree and was leaning out. I guess he couldn't get a sight of me before I fired. Even so, there is the nagging feeling that it may just be complete coincidence that he was headed straight at me, and that I had just killed someone who must have spent hours and hours finding all the stuff he had. I am going to go out of my way to help the next newborn I find and I will post here what happens....a sort of trial by fire! :)
  3. JMurph2809

    New player.long story and a few questions

    Hahaha...that's mental.........Punched to death while picking berries. He could have just said hi! I plan to at least try and help the next person I see, especially if they look like newspawn
  4. JMurph2809

    New player.long story and a few questions

    Thanks for the advice Bean king. I guess my survival skills have improved dramatically. When I logged off today, I had quite a bit of food and drink with me and full health etc.I used to starve to death..i feel almost invincible right now!! and a little guilty for killing that player
  5. JMurph2809

    New player.long story and a few questions

    Hello, thanks for the skinning advice! As for servers..I've been thinking of trying to join a private hive at some point soon.
  6. JMurph2809

    Multiple Characters

    Have been playing the game for a week and loving it. One thing i'm really not sure on though is how many characters it is possible to have at once? I had one char, who was starving and about to die. It was time to log any way so I left him behind a barn in partial cover and logged. When I logged on a day later I clicked continue (I think I did anyway) and I spawned on the coast with a new character (I had guessed that the old one had died from starvation or something). This new char had been going really well (comparatively). I had got further north than ever before. I had a flask of water, a tin of sardines, some rice, rags,decent clothes and plenty of ammo. I just needed a gun......Anyway. I logged on tonight and my previous, presumed dead and less equipped character was there. Is there a way to change back or check how many characters i have? Also I found a chicken the other day. I chased it like madman and killed it with a wrench
  7. JMurph2809

    Multiple Characters

    Thanks all, that makes sense. Not sure if it was a public or private. I usually just go for the lowest ping server and as long as the description doesn't say "clan only" or something. I guess I can just look for a private server in my history and hope that there aren't many of them