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Everything posted by BathSalts

  1. BathSalts

    Should we remove barbed wire in the next update

    Yes, please remove player barbwire cuz griefing is really it's only use; and please remove the barbwire coded into the map which cause the graphics glitches!
  2. BathSalts

    The ultimate fix for everything

    Excellent post! BEANS!
  3. BathSalts

    What about some zombie´s skills? and a way to "punish" banditry

    Here we go again with the friggin hallucinations.....
  4. BathSalts

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Hi guys, I see everyone is as cheerful as ever! My issues are the same; artifacts at all military sites, spawning on the beach-which is the worst, constantly worried about hackers.. Q6600, hd5770, win 7 64 bit, latest updates
  5. BathSalts

    Big Foot In Dayz - READ

    Yeah nice try perpetuating a failed gag that has already been done over and over again. You must be trolling for views on your channel. Look at the other bigfoot videos from Arma, the ones that are just like the one you posted, which show absolutely nothing. By the way, you never saw a bigfoot. And you didn't seen him either.
  6. BathSalts

    Looking to join or form a small squad.

    Skype request sent, let's talk!
  7. BathSalts

    Combat Go-to tent? New DayZ tactic? Read to find out more.

    Close to the barracks? One of them may have hoped to pick up a Coyote then fill it with whatever else was left in there that they needed, then decide what was expendable back at the Czeck backpack. Plus dropping your backpack makes you less of a target. I've thought about it as a tactic but have always been too sketchy on dropping any of my gear so I've never bothered to try.
  8. Absolutely I'm interested sounds just like what I'm looking for! Been hoping to link up with some players of the same age, too. Playing with the younger ones is like herding cats.
  9. BathSalts

    Boobytrap my backpack

    ooooh that makes me wonder if it's possible to attach a satchel charge to a player and send him on a jihad mission lol
  10. BathSalts

    Graphical Issue near balota

    Yuuuuuup me too. Stuck at Balota. Win 7 64bit, q6600, hd5770
  11. BathSalts

    Graphical Issues

    Same. Can't move from balota cuz I can't see! Win 7 64bit, q6600, hd5770, newest drivers, newest updates
  12. BathSalts

    Consequences of player killing - a new direction!

    The Playstyle is punishment though, really if you think about it. "Survival Simulator" - Bandits are played by a type of person that exist IRL, not crazy insane murder type necessarily - but there are a lot of lazy, stupid, ignorant, hateful people play this game and love to grief and usually end up playing in dumb groups you'll see running around at the airfield. And there are a bunch of other lazy types who just want the game itself to punish players who don't play the game the way they want it played. Rocket is going to make it harder and harder for bandit types to not succeed; and he's going to do it by introducing more tools, not game mechanics or sanity meters - so that it's up to you and me to combat those types in-game ourselves. This game became popular because of the freedom it allows in the open world, and because it leaves SO much to your own imagination! And you guys are asking for that freedom to be restricted with a mechanic that would probably only cause every one to bug out and lose their gear if it ever actually made it into an update????? Just so that, what, you feel like 'something' is done to get even with those assholes? Those assholes EXIST! Now that's REALISM!
  13. BathSalts

    Consequences of player killing - a new direction!

    Is everyone considering that as the game is now, it reflects pretty well how things would go IRL. If it hits the fan tomorrow, and there are people running around your city, there will be PLENTY of people without the conscience, or rather; with the twisted conscience enough to justify to themselves to shoot first and ask questions later. There are PLENTY of people who are ready to shoot you in the back IRL. But if you're smart and good and trustworthy and useful and not a politician type :) there will be plenty of people who will want/give you help. And if it hit the fan tomorrow, it would be like the game - there would be a bunch of people wandering around like zombies, complaining that it's unfair; there will be a bunch of military grade weapons aimed at you, there will be Survivors and Bandits and more, in fact Rocket should add a Rape option to the scroll menu, cuz there'll be plenty of that, too! What there won't be is hallucinations from murder, audio hallucinations from murder, etc. because that doesn't happen in real life - it sometimes goes the other way around with the hallucinations and such coming first but as far as realism is concerned; I'm totally with Rocket that primarily this is a survival simulator, and in this game just like in real life it will eventually sort itself out because murderers who band together end up murdering each other somehow too, directly or indirectly through negligence, stupidity, selfishness and percieved invulnerability, or fucking with the wrong group of Survivors. Survivors that just deal with what comes, including what is percieved as unfair to other, weaker characters- will ultimately triumph even with their losses. As this game evolves, so will the gameplay - we'll bash it out in the forums until we get it right. And maybe we learn something in the process. A few months from now we will have figured out a way to do it, and it will happen naturally.
  14. BathSalts

    Consequences of player killing - a new direction!

    lol your 'response' only proves my point that you hold a dismissive attitude toward those who disagree. You mock yourself and do not know it.
  15. BathSalts

    Consequences of player killing - a new direction!

    "I'd mostly blame in-game communication options over anything else." - Agreed. It needs work, and we also need an animation to holster pistols. And I can think of a simpler solution than introducing a whole host of different audio cues and 'hallucinations' in game to dissuade players from getting locked into killing other players. Reveal more player data. In loading screen, or when you hit I for Info - if we could see how many murders, zombie, and bandit kills are assigned to each player on the server I think it would give the crucial data we need in order to assess the risk of interacting with other players. If possible, see how many times a player has healed or equipped another player. You could see the good guys/ bad guys. You could see if there was a group of murderers on a server, you could see how many fresh characters with few zombie kills etc. You would have the data required to assess for yourself what posture to take on any server, and find the server you want to play on. If you could assess your threat level, then you don't have to go into maximum threat I'm-gonna-shoot-before-I-get-shot mode CONSTANTLY. Also maybe we DO need to have "Player killed NextPlayer" to scroll on the bottom? If you like to PvP, you would be able to tell how many PvP'ers are on a server so you can play without causing grief and argument (or maybe grief and argument are exactly what you're after hmm? but that's a whole other subject lol). And if you are a carebear like me you would be able to make better decisions, too. It's a simple mechanic that would evolve the players naturally and wouldn't force the game to go on rails. This game needs to stay raw so that the feeling part stays up to us players - if this thing goes all Hollywood it'll eat shit.
  16. BathSalts

    Consequences of player killing - a new direction!

    OP and some supporters are imposing their own misperceptions of reality on others and taking the passive aggressive route of thanking those who disagree for their input while simultaneously insulting them for it. OP seems to think everybody must take happy pills to cope, and that everyone who disagrees needs to take happy pills. How dismissive. Plus, Anti-Depressants ruin peoples lives. If you're taking them - they're pruning your neurodendrites. If you're depressed, your life sucks. Logical fallacies everywhere. OP is 'projecting' his worldview and is not admitting he wants to punish players and is talking around in circles. Something a 'sane' person doesn't do. OP wants DayZ and everyone else to think like him so that he feels normal, but can't admit it. Survivors deal with what comes. The game as it is is more authentic now than most any other game. Just surviving the updates is hard. My heart is ALREADY pounding in game, I'm ALREADY paranoid when I've got good gear or kill out of self defense, and what you suggest as an 'addition' to the game will absolutely take away the realism that is already present, because what you suggest is not only redundant but will appear as inauthentic as well. You're 'Gilding the Lily'. I'm putting this bluntly to avoid any more flowery language as response, as I like being direct, honest, and to the point. And also because some cling so hard to an unsound idea and weakly assume a mocking superior attitude as response to the community for feedback that may not have been anticipated. We disagree not because we are wrong, we disagree because quite potentially we are right, and I don't see that OP is allowing for this fact. End of Session: 1 can of beans, please Oh, and I've only killed 4 people total so it's not like a want to just murder everyone I see. I avoid, I hide, I see others before they see me, if I don't I might be dead. But those who stumble onto me by accident or choose to shoot first suffer the same reaction - I will protect my gear and my beans.
  17. BathSalts

    L85A2 AWS/Ghillie Missing.

    Not fixed for me, I picked one up and got the "You cannot play/edit this mission it depends on content that has been deleted...' I did pick it up and have it on my back, but after seeing the error message I decided to log off and back on to test if it stayed - it didn't.
  18. I picked one up tonight, got the " You cannot play/edit this mission; it depends on content that has been deleted....' you know the drill. So, seeing the error I decided to log out then back in, but when I logged back in it was gone from my back. I'm on the latest patch
  19. BathSalts

    L85AWS Trouble

    I picked one up tonight again too, but I got the error message as well. Then to 'test' if it would stay in my inventory I logged out and back in after about ten minutes. When I logged in I had G17 in hand and no L85AWS on my back :(
  20. BathSalts

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    I too lost L85 and ammo for the pp19
  21. BathSalts

    Telepathic groups of survivors

    Absolutely not. No way. If the game must listen to my microphone without giving me the option than I won't play it. And I love this game, it's the best game ever. But I'd drop it like a dead fish if that idea was ever implemented, and I am actually amazed that some people would eagerly give that permission to a game, just to keep from getting ganged up on. There are many other better first solutions, like, start your own gang duh...
  22. BathSalts

    I love cigarettes

  23. I'm interested in having a go at it with a larger group, too. I'm on Steam - name is BathSalts.