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About includes08

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  1. 25-04-2015 General:Namalsk - Added Walking Amongst the Dead - Improved serverload
  2. 24-04-2015 General:Namalsk - Added Group Management - Added Radio to spawn loadout - Custom debug (right ctrl) shows information about admins online, location and community details.
  3. Hi There, FMG servers are based on the TLC servers, they have great lag free servers, nice admin team with great support. I'll list the features below. These both count for the Namalsk and Lingor server. My question is; Why do you guys choose CCG's server with bad support, lag spikes. I tried to join with a friend of mine and that took us both 15 minutes, then even i joined and my friend wasn't in yet. Something that hasn't happened to me on any other clan server. Try our namalsk server out and we would love to get some feedback back. Is it just because of the coin system that just makes it easier for bambies? Anyway here are the features. Features Plotpole management (plot for life) & door management Custom and balanced trader prices + custom trader locations with safezones. Usefull starting gear (Toolbox, deploy bike, hatchet, m9, morphine, painkiller, alice pack) Snap build pro - Vector building Group management Trade from backpack EVR Storms Paint Vehilcles Elevator script Supply drop & admin events Tow & lift Lottery Active admins Admin events WIP - Railgun Features will be added on request... Hope to see you guys soon FreshMeat Gaming Ill update this post with oncoming server updates..