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Everything posted by Tonyeh

  1. Tonyeh

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    I'm getting to that point as well. I played a little exp .58 and enjoyed it somewhat. But, the fact is that it's just a little too boring at the moment and there's far too much still to be done. DayZ is probably the only game which is bizarrely compelling and incredibly tedious at the same time. It's funny. But, no zeds is a serious, serious problem and there's no point in anyone sticking their head in the sand over that. I think I'll be hopping onto exp .59 as soon as it's out, because .58 isn't doing it for me. I agree with the opinion that Brian's RTX presentation's aim for an end of year beta is ambitious, to say the very least. If they pull it off, that will be absolutely fantastic. But, looking at .58, that looks like a pipe dream to me. Also, while new cars look great, it's the basics that need to get sorted first and that's the zombies. Zombies, which have ruined the game time and time again when they're implemented, so much so, it forces me to wonder if they can ever be in the game in a meaningful fashion.
  2. Tonyeh

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    1. It's a very delicate balance, no doubt. But, as it stands DayZ is PVP for the vast majority of players, whether I like that or not and at the moment player death, 99% of the time, comes in the form of another player shooting them for shits and giggles. I don't agree about spawning with a high end weapon, part of the game's lure is searching for gear. However, if after 8 or 16 hours or more of gameplay, you're killed by someone with an AK47, while you've been stuck with slingshot, that kind of culmination will eventually put people off, regardless of what "type" of player they are. 2. By "See the above paragraph I meant see this "I normally tend to avoid people, because most of the players these days are ONLY interested in PVP and that's not really what floats my boat. Normally, I'd be interested in a gun usually because I'd like to clear towns of zeds. But there are none of them in the game now, so the only threat to the player is other players, who more often than not will simply fire on you as soon as they look at you, regardless of your threat level." 3. I agree. I don't think everyone should have high end military gear. However, high end military gear is currently the best gear in the game. So, basic logic will dictate the people will search out the best gear they can find in order to survive longer. This really is a no brainer. In saying that, I'm a person that would welcome NO automatic weapons in the game and no helicopters and all of that noise, to be honest. As it stands, if you any sense, you're going to be searching for the high end military gear...because you can be damn sure somebody else who means to do you harm, has it.
  3. Tonyeh

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    If DayZ gets near to the vision Brian Hicks and the crew have for it, it'll possibly be one of the greatest games ever made. However, we are a very, very long way away from that at the moment, because all DayZ is at present is a glorified PVP shooter that takes a stupid amount of time to get equiped. That's the facts, whether we like it or not. Re: zombies...here's a post I made about them in another part of the forum which illustrates what I want from them. Frankly until the above happens, pointless PVP will continue to be the norm (and it it usually pointless as most of the dead player's gear is largely ruined after being killed). I've probably hundreds, if not over a thousand hours logged on DayZ now and I can count on the fingers of one hand the amount of positive interaction I've had with other players and yet I see YouTube vids all the time with players talking to strangers, whereas my usual encounters are "Hello!" -> Bang! -> You are Dead... A lot of the time, I don't even have a shirt on my back. I absolutely agree that the main focus of the dev group should be the zombies (I know they are working in them) and until they are sorted in a meaningful way that makes them a real worry for the player, DayZ will ONLY be a PVP shooter masquerading as something more.
  4. Tonyeh

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    Whe you run into someone in a house, you have no option but to "confront". I normally tend to avoid people, because most of the players these days are ONLY interested in PVP and that's not really what floats my boat. Normally, I'd be interested in a gun usually because I'd like to clear towns of zeds. But there are none of them in the game now, so the only threat to the player is other players, who more often than not will simply fire on you as soon as they look at you, regardless of your threat level. At least having a decent weapon will give you the edge. 1. It isn't anywhere near a "survival simulator yet" 2. See the above paragraph. 3. Guns are essential to the game. There isn't a single player out there that doesn't go for the best gun they can find. We are in agreement on 4.
  5. Tonyeh

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    I got one better. I tried to pick an item up in a copshop a couple of nights ago. I bent down to get the item, then all of a sudden found myself transported outside the building and falling to the ground. You are dead. :facepalm:
  6. Tonyeh

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    Really having a hard time finding a decent gun in this patch. IMO, it takes waaaay to long for servers to repopulate material. Spent 8 hours running around several different maps, differently populated and the best I could get was the shotgun with grip and frankly, that's a shit gun as evidenced by the fact that the first time I came across somebody, who (of course) just started to immediately fire upon me, I could do him no damage, even though I hit him full on at least twice. One shot from him and I'm dead and I now have to start over again. And before people start going on about guns...the simple fact is that they are absolutely essential to this game for every player, as there are so many KOS clowns in the game. So a decent gun is a must. Seriously though, the shotguns need some serious umphing in this game. Nobody should be able to shrug off a shotgun blast to the face. It's just bloody stupid. Also, can anyone recommend a decent server to play on?
  7. Tonyeh

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    Do those apartment buildings actually spawn anything? Or are they a waste of time? I've yet to find anything in them.
  8. Tonyeh

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    Well, it's difficult to rip tshirts with your hands after running with a full backpack for 6 hours. <_<
  9. Yeh, me too. I know a lot of people complained about them, but I thought they were great and really added to the game. You had to be super careful around them. What I'd like to see in DayZ regarding zombies, is to make them a really serious threat to player survival. There have to be lots of them, of course, but also I'd make it so a there's a 50/50 chance of the player being infected if one lands a blow. Infection doesn't necessarily have to mean death though. It can simply use the mechanics that are already present in the current build when your wounds get infected, but I'd up the ante. The infected should be a true danger and one that the players shouldn't take lightly. That'll up the stakes considerably when dealing with them and it'll also eliminate much of the PVP sniper bullshit that goes on in the game. The zombies in DayZ should be a threat worth reckoning with, not the empty gesture they are (or non-existent as of .58). Players should have to think twice before going into a town with a group of them hanging out. It's also make co-op more rewarding. One or two zombies should be ok to handle in a malee, but six to ten or more, no way. You should either have to run away or resort to the gun, which should then attract more of them you your location, making gun use a final option. They also shouldn't announce their presence either. One of the great things about the silent zombies of a few patches ago was that they could pop up anywhere and the player really had to be on the lookout for them. A number of times I was suprised by a zed in .56 (I think it was .56) and to be honest, it was bloody great to have that level of tension. I remember crawling through a town at night, looking for an item, trying to avoid the zombies that were there and it was absolutely exhilarating.
  10. Tonyeh

    Where is everyone?

    Played last night for six straight hours on quite populated servers, running from Berezino to the NWAF. Didn't see a single soul.
  11. Tonyeh

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    Vielen Dank! Can that rope be used to make the improvised backpack like normal rope? All I've found so far is brightly coloured toulon backpacks that can be seen for miles.
  12. Tonyeh

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    Ah right. Cheers. Makes sense I spose.
  13. Tonyeh

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    I've seen a couple in those big warehouse type sheds in Berezino.
  14. Tonyeh

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    Hmmm...I haven't found any at all yet. Also, how do I make new rags now? I can't rip up clothing like i used to. or, is there a different method to that now?
  15. Tonyeh

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    Anyone found rope yet?
  16. Tonyeh

    The Psychology of Understanding Alpha

    The basic reason people are so fed up consistantly with DayZ is that there is a two steps forward, one step back syndrome with development, as there is with many types of software development, it has to be said. The problem DayZ has is that it's already "in the field" as it were, so the flak will be drawn from the public and not the dev team/shareholders. Also, many, many people are wondering if DayZ will ever be finished to the level that was anticipated and when constant problems arise with the likes of zombies, etc. it's easy to see why.
  17. Tonyeh

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    Tell me about it. I've spent the last 30 minutes looking for apples. I have not found a thing I have not found a thing I have not found a thing I have not found a thing I have not found a thing I have not found a thing I have not found a thing I have not found a thing I have not found a thing I have not found a thing I have not found a thing I have not found a thing I have not found a thing I have not found a thing I have not found a thing I have not found a thing I have not found a thing I have not found a thing I have not found a thing I have not found a thing oh fuck off...
  18. Tonyeh

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    Actually, now that I look at you screenshot closer, I can say that that's exactly where I saw my one and only zombie, beside that Humvee.
  19. Tonyeh

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    Is that up near Novo? That's where I saw my one and only zombie a couple of nights ago. Dear old girl. Not a peep since.
  20. Tonyeh

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    Have to say, the lack of zombies is fast becoming a serious issue for me. All that's happened in this patch is that the shooting has been moved from Cherno/Electro to the NWAF and everywhere else is devoid of life. Undead or otherwise. Meaning the only real threat to a players existence are the douchebags that shoot for no reason other than to do so.
  21. Tonyeh

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    I saw about 5 or 6 cows east of Serverograd today. It look so cool I stopped for a while just to look. Then on of the cows looked up and they all ran off. Then near Novaya petrovka I saw 2 dears run across my path.
  22. Tonyeh

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    Cheers lad, that worked.
  23. Tonyeh

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    Don't know if this has been reported yet, but is anyone else having trouble changing items on the MP5? I simply cannot change out the silencer or the handgrip. I tried substituting the handgrip for the railgrip, but it won't swap. Ditto when I right click either the gun or the item I want to change. I only get an "inspect" option.
  24. Tonyeh

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    Yeh, I'm on now. For some reason, I couldn't see any for a while.
  25. Tonyeh

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    Are the experimental servers offline? I can't seem to see any listed in the game.