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Everything posted by Tonyeh
Haven't played in 6 months. Hear buzz about new Exp update. Log in to play. Can't see any servers to play on. Log out. See you in another 6 months DayZ.
Cheers. I actually found one today...you know...when I wasn't bothering my arse looking for them anymore. :lol: But there was just a couple of mags and some rickety boots. As for the hunting bag, I found one in one of those large sheds with no doors. It was wrecked though so I left it. Pity. They're the best bag in the game.
Do Zombies Dream Of A Good Nights Sleep? (Zombie feedback)
Tonyeh replied to SmashT's topic in General Discussion
That's why they need to be made dangerous. Real dangerous. I've said it here and elsewhere, I think the zombies should have a very real chance of killing players. If you're unfortunate enough to be attacked and hit by a zombie, I'd make it so there is a good percentage chance of the player getting infected. This infection should have a serious chance of killing the player. Perhaps the player can counteract the effects with medicine of some kind, which means their focus will then be either on keeping the blood levels high or finding the medicine. That'll put the shits up you when you see a group of zombies hanging around your area. -
Do you know how many choppers actually spawn now? I spent a day looking for one and could see any.
You see, here's the problem with these guns. They're distance guns, not firefight guns. Which means the player using them has, likely, been stalking other players and firing at them from afar. There are players that don't stalk other players in DayZ and in my experience most players bumping into each other happens by accident and fairly close up. That's where the likes of the MP5 is indispensable. I'm one of those players that isn't interested in stalking other players (although, I have observed other players from afar) and when I get into a firefight, it's nearly always a close up afair and in those instances an AK will beat a Blaze 90% of the time. For that reason, I'll swap out a Whinchester for a full auto machine gun every day of the week.
Guns or ammo don't have to made rare or nerfed or whatever. Having weapons is fine. What DayZ needs more than anything in this regard is something else than other players to shoot at. In other words, really dangerous zombies. If and when the devs sort out the zombies in this zombie apocalypse, where they are something serious to contend with, PVP will go down naturally as more ammo will be spent on zombies and people will conserve their ammo for them too. I'd even go so far as making a zombie attack a high possibility of being fatal due to sickness if they manage to bring their attack to bear. That'll really shake things up. Say you have to hit up a town for supplies. You get to Electro and see that there are 50+ zombies in there, who could kill you if they land a blow. You scope out the town as best you can and weigh up the options. Perhaps you give it a go, perhaps you say not today. The risk is too much and you move on. That's what I want to see from zombies in this game. They should be dangerous enough to alter a player's decisions. Perhaps later you hook up with a couple of other people and team up to storm Electro together, using team work to eliminate the zombies and get the supplies you need. There's a whole different game right there.
All well and good, if you can hide. But most encounters with players, especially in towns and cities are by accident and surprise and that negates hiding. If that's the case and the other player is intent on doing you harm, like 95% of the players in DayZ are want to do at present, then a good shooter is indespensible and good luck using your fists against someone with an AKM. You WILL die. Also, I never said "that the only way to survive an encounter with a hostile player is to have a descent gun and shoot him". But, the bottom line is sometimes there is no option but to engage.
Well, I'm just not that good in a shoot out, it's not really why I play the game. My MO is spray off a lot of bullets to scare to crap out of the other guy(s) and run away. :lol:
And this happens all the time. In addition, it now happens on every square inch of the map, now that Cherno or Electro aren't the playground of gobshites any more. These PVP geniues have been exported across the entire map. You can end up in a firefight in a field NW of Gorka. Before you could avoid the likes of Cherno, unless you were actively seeking trouble. But now DayZ is less 'Call of Cherno' and more 'Call of Chernarus', which is unfortunate in the extreme IMHO. Whether we like it or not (and I don't), a huge number of DayZ's player base is in it to killl other players. I've been shot at with everything from a bow to an M4, regardless of what I was actually carrying at the time. For god's sake, I've been attacked by fools with just their fists! There really are some people who have no other way of playing games and until DayZ's environment becomes a very realy threat and truly dangerous zombie hordes are a reailty, that situation is likely to stay that way.
Ya know...people keep saying this kind of stuff, but the fact is that, at present, HARDCORE survival means not being killed by other players, because DayZ IS a PVP focused mod. Death by other players is the absolute most common way to die in this game, so any talk of "survival" in other contexts is absolutely meaningless, unless you fuck up spectacularly. It's incredibly easy to survive the world of DayZ, because food is readilly available, water can be had in one of the many pumps in Chernarus, weather isn't that severe and there isn't a single zombie to be found (and even when they're in, they're only a very minor irritation). Apart from one instance, I have had no trouble whatsoever maintaining a "stuffed" status in any of the iterations of DayZ that I've played and I don't even bother with camps, or stocking up items. So, the ONLY real threat to your player's survival in DayZ's current form is other players who, will more often that not, just shoot you for the sake of it, regardless of whether your wearing a T-shirt or kitted out like a marine. This means that, yes, it is absolutely ESSENTIAL that a player who wishes to survive for any length of time obtain a decent fire arm, even if only as a means to surpress other players while you make good your escape, which I have had to do many, many times and that's something which simply isn't done using a ".22 Sporter", "trumpet" or a "Derringer". Simply put, wanting a good firearm like an MP5 or what have you, doesn't mean that the player is entirely PVP obsessed.
I'm going to try hunter choppers today. Something I never bother with. Can anyone tell me how many helicoptors spawn at present?
Seen plenty of deer, when I had no gun. Now that I've finally found a flippin shooter (sks), I can't see any. :rolleyes: So far, I have only spotted deer and cows. Haven't seen any chickens either. I miss the chicken zombie train that used to happen a few patches ago.
Nope it certainly isn't just him. I've been playing for the last 3/12 hours on the WOBO server. I've run from Gorka > Novy Sobor > Stary Sobor > Kabanino > NWAF. I searched every single building in the towns (and between) and I mean EVERY SINGLE BUILDING and found nothing (well nothing except for a canteen in a fridge in Novy) At the NWAF, there was nothing worth taking. Some boots, jackets, trousers and trench tools all in various states of damage. But that had been effectively cleared too. Surely this cannot be what the devs envisaged for the game.
Well, I can't claim to have an answer to that Seven, it's a puzzle to me too, when I hear people talking about the gear they're found in a couple of hours play and I'm still in a crap coat and the same jeans for the whole evening! :lol: But, there does seem to be something really "off" at the moment. I think the game, in general, is going in the right direction, but I've just about had it with .58. That being said, I know I'm going to be on tonight, despite myself. BTW, what shard are you on? I might have a go on that one and check it out, to see if there is a difference. I might just have been having a rotten run of luck this week with servers.
Well, there's whining and observation. There's a difference.
There's a good bit that's working in game than in previous iterations, but the CLE needs some serious tweaking. I've been testing multiple servers (public and private) over the past week and the distribution of loot is very, very poor. It was good at the beginning of the week and I could get relatively decent gear in about six to ten hours. But later in the week, there's not a sausage to be found, which leads me to think the respawning is off and that kind of thing will lead to ridiculous disadvantages for newbies and fresh spawned players. Not to mention, epic level boredom from running into empty house after empty house and I'm not talking about major cities here, I'm talking backwoods hamlets. Thank god for apple trees, because players would be dropping like flies of starvation left, right and centre. Also, the sheer amount of PVP in the game now is at crazy levels. I've met one guy who talked to me in the entire week and I suspect that was only because he was a fresh spawn and I had a shotgun. The rest have simply kill me out right or started agro. Another thing I've noticed is the sucker punch to the back of the head resulting in an insta'kill. Was that crap always in the game? Three times last night was killed in that way.
Yeh, I think there's something seriously wrong with loot spawning (especially on private servers). After I got killed (again) tonight, I hopped onto a server and spawned in Svetlo. I searched about 85% or more of the buildings in town and only found a can of Pipsi. I'm not kidding. Moved up to Novo and found a pair of trousers and a can of food, after much searching. Decided to log out and try some public servers instead. I just don't the the time to waste. I might give .58 a bill of ill health and simply wait for .59. There's no entertainment here. Sorry, but that's just boring. There's no other word for it.
Yeh. There seems to be a real serious problem with item respawns in .58. It's looking like a first come first/serve situation, where people who are in early get all the "good" gear and everybody else stays a semi-bambi and remain at a relative disadvantage.
Talking to people gets me whacked more often than not I find, which is one of the things I dislike about the player base of DayZ. Far too many people are in it simply to shoot other players, because there's little else to do at present and now, with Cherno and Electro depopulated of CoD types, this kind of PVP encounter has been exported across the map. Last night I went onto a private server, Blue Waffle Attack Force. It was a full server, but for 3 hours I saw nobody. Then, just as I was about to check out the cop shop in Novaya, I see a guy come out of the fire station. I say "hi, how's it going", (I have a shotgun stowed on my back and not in my hands) and he immediately he fumbles out a crossbow and starts firing at me. Fuck sake... :rolleyes: I turn and run off, zig zagging and keeping an eye behind me and I lose him easy enough near the petrol station just south west of the town. I hide behnd the petrol pumps and look at this guy trying to hunt me down in the area for about two minutes, maneuvering myself around the petrol pumps to keep out of sight. I was ready to give him two barrels worth if he came too close, but was reluctant to do so as I only had a couple of shells.If I wanted to I, could have just run up to him quickly and wasted him (although the shotgun is so random, there's no guarantee of a kill even a point blank range :huh: ). It was gas, this guy had no idea I was observing him trying to find me. Anyway, I buggered off and left him to his fun. Then down the road, near Ratnoe, I hear the cracks of a gun which I believe was coming from the east. No voices, no nothing...just bang. Again, I run off into the trees, zig zagging. I never saw who was firing. This is DayZ...
I found one a few nights ago. But didn't keep it sorry. They are spawning though.
You're probably right. This was my session tonight. I spawned, moved inland, found a coat, a hat and a PET bottle. Over the next few hours I found a stab vest and some rope. I stopped to fill up my bottle in the middle of nowhere and bang bang bang...someone with an automatic weapon shoots me dead. I don't know if I can be bothered going in again.
Well, that's the problem so. I use the arrow keys too.
How do you do that? If I open my inventory (tab), my toon stops dead.
Good stuff. Though the longhorn can do serious damage if it has to. I've gone long periods without a gun too, as I pass over most of the "useless" ones, like the makarov, as IMO, that just announces your position or pisses other players off as opposed to doing any kind of damage. As for surviving by avoiding contact with potential enemies, that's how I play the game. Sometimes, however, contact is absolutely inevitable and withdrawal impossible.
Hmmm...I think you may have misinterpreted just about everything I was trying to say. I'm not saying that everyone's first priority has to be getting an M4 or whatever. But, in order to have a decent chance against someone who simply plays the game as a KOS'er, you absolutely will need something decent at hand and you can guarantee that somewhere in your playtime on DayZ as it currently stands, that you'll meet someone that will want to kill your toon for no reason at all. Personally, as I've said, I mostly carry a gun to use on zombies and tend to avoid other people unless they can show that their intentions are peaceful. 90% of the time, they're not and it ends with me dead as I initiate talking and they start firing. Also, I did not say that I "...ALWAYS confront someone when inside a house". I said "When you run into someone in a house, you have no option but to 'confront'". I'll clarify that by saying when you run into KOS'er in a house, you have no option but to 'confront', for better understanding, and if you're armed with a trumpet and they have an MP5, you might as well just not bother. Of course, if there is an option to back off, I'll take it. I usually don't engage anyone, unless they fire first, or like like doing so. As for less weapons curbing PVP, I have yet to see that. Bar one glitch, I've been KOS'd every single time, even when I didn't have some much as a fancy coat on. I agree that military locations are a haven for "scum" as you put it, so you take a chance going there. However, they also have good gear in the form of military jackets, vests and trousers, which are great for carrying items. The Gorka jacket is the best coat in the game. It has great camo and it's waterproof. As for talking to people, that's the thing that gets me killed as I'm the one off my guard. In fact, I specifically stated that "...my usual encounters are "Hello!" -> Bang! -> You are Dead..." i.e. that's me saying "Hello" and getting blasted in the face, when I'd much rather just se if the other player has anything to trade. The only time this doesn't happen, is when I meet a new spawn. But they probably are only "friendly" because they don't have a weapon themselves yet. In saying that, I also met new spawns that have their fists out throwing punches within a second of "Hello".