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Everything posted by Tonyeh

  1. LOL, I do that all the time. Especially at night.
  2. Tonyeh

    Loot spawn system restrictions

    Let them hoard more. It wouldn't matter what they hoard if their hidden loot didn't count against new loot spawning. As things stand, you can server hop and gather a few Ak's, bury them and eliminate a server from spawning new ones forever. That's a shitty mechanic if ever there was one.
  3. Managed to get one in the Summer camps on the west of the map. They're spawning in the cabins like Derleth said. I forgot they did as I haven't really be using them for ages because of the wonder that was Duct Tape 😄 My toon was never without a roll. Great for boots, bags, clothes, suppressors and guns.
  4. Tonyeh

    How are people finding my stashes?

    That didn't stop players from finding my stuff, which is why I ask the question in the first place. The last stash I had was in the middle of a forest, under a bush on a generally low pop server. I had to draw a map for myself to tell me where it was. There wasn't even a lootable building or object nearby nearby. The odds of anyone even walking by it would have been astronomical.
  5. Tonyeh

    Loot spawn system restrictions

    I agree. Although there are those who think it's great for some reason. I'd say keep the numbers small for the higher tiered weapons and attachments, but at least make them spawn on the server, even if loot hoarders have loads of them buried in the ground.
  6. ...Anyway, have people been finding the weapon cleaning kit anywhere? If so, where have you been getting them? Haven't seen one in ages.
  7. Tonyeh

    How are people finding my stashes?

    I'd consider it unsportsmanlike I suppose. It's kinda like PTW. Although there's no real winning in DayZ. Just not that enamoured with the idea.
  8. That's just not good enough.
  9. Tonyeh

    How are people finding my stashes?

    I'd consider that a bit of cheat TBH. No. I'll probably just not store stuff at all at the moment. Besides there's little I actually want to stash really, besides weapons and ammo. Most other things are readily available, so there's no real need to store anything much. I was just surprised at how people were finding my stashes, especially the ones is very remote locales that would have had little, if any, player traffic.
  10. Tonyeh

    Fence damage change?

    The strength of barriers is ridiculous at the moment. I wasted 5 grenades and an axe trying to get through a barrier to a shed I found. Barely scraped it. It's pointless even bothering.
  11. No. Some items don't spawn if there are a certain amount buried in stashes, or being carried on players.
  12. I know exactly what DayZ is. But no item should be completely off limits to 99% of players because of some crappy game mechanic. Sure, keep the numbers reduced, and as such rare. But as it stands, the current mechanic just makes them not spawn at all. That's broken in my book.
  13. Weren't there different seasons on official servers years ago? I distinctly remember that there were servers that were very hot weather and others that were freezing.
  14. Tonyeh

    Roaming Zombies

    Hordes should absolutely be a thing in the game. I've been saying that since I started playing. I understand why there can't be 1000's of infected walking around, though. But, one of my best experiences in the game was being attacked in a town by a large group of them and having to jump up on something to avoid them. I killed as many as I could with my low ammo, which ran out. But that attracted more, until there was a tidy number all going mad trying to get to me. I sat there giving out to myself for not playing my usual stealthy game and hoping that it wouldn't start raining. After a while a few lads came along and systematically cleared them out. We talked for a bit and I gave them some canned food as thanks. It was all I had that was tradable. And we went on our separate ways. But that feeling of "...bugger...I'm done", because I was stupid enough to go into a town all gung ho against zombies was, in hindsight, a pretty good lesson. Now, I will avoid agroing zombies unnecessarily and/or use a silencer (even though that doesn't have 100% success).
  15. Tonyeh

    Roaming Zombies

    If I had my way, I'd reduce the number of animals in the game and replace them with zombies. Not only that. I'd introduce a new game mechanic. Make the infected carry disease that will make you infected (and kill you) over time. The infection will have to be curable somehow, of course. That will make any encounter with the infected in the game a scary one. If they had a % chance of infecting you with their disease if they managed to get a hit on you, you'd have to think twice about barging into the fray with even a small number of them.
  16. Your body temp will tell you how hot you are. If you're too hot, you'll soon know. Then it's time to start stripping. Boomchickawahwah
  17. It's one of the worst things about the game at the moment. The fact that certain items can be rendered off limits to 99% of players, because 1% have them stored away in boxes. That's just a shitty way to design any game. The idea that something simply won't spawn AT ALL because there's 5 (or whatever) already on the map just means that the majority of the people playing the game will never experience that item. The 1% will just server hop until they have all they need/want and stash it away, killing the server's ability to spawn more. I get that making some things rare is essential to the...um..."joy" of discovering it. But rare shouldn't mean impossible. Which is what the current mechanic does. The ONLY reason I possess an AKM now, is because I was in early on 1.09 and got one from one of those green lookout towers at the NWAF. I haven't found another AK weapon since...in 100's of play. The baby AK doesn't count. That's just not right. There shouldn't be any item closed off to spawning on any map.
  18. Agreed. KOS or run away is a bolted on standard now, because nobody is going to take a chance on talking to anyone. They've won't be willing to spend months and months getting a new character back into any kind of shape. Where the balance is, though, is another story. Clearly, the feedback suggested that the lifetime of objects was way too long in 1.09, so a tweak there was probably necessary.
  19. There was nothing wrong with how knives worked before. They went blunt and had to be sharpened/replaced in a reasonable time frame. I don't see the need to tinker with this. If anything needs to be addressed, it's the availability of higher tiered weapons and attachments. I have, literally, spent half a year looking for a silencer for an AK weapon and have no found one. THAT'S a broken mechanic if ever there was one.
  20. Something needed to be done. At the moment the CLE is completely buggered.
  21. 28c would have me sweating and feeling pretty uncomfortable in real life if I had to do all the physical things I do in DayZ. 28c is T-shirt and shorts weather.
  22. Tonyeh

    Newspawn first 30 minutes

    I'm dreading dying at the moment, because I know it'll just be a massive pain in the arse to get back up to speed again. In fact, If I do kick the bucket, I might just stop playing for a while.
  23. Tonyeh

    How are people finding my stashes?

    Well the only thing I'm attached to is my AKM, because I have, literally spent months trying to find one. But that's on me at all times. The only things I'd actually miss from my stash would be the baby AK and the Tundra, which I use for hunting. But both of them are replaced by the AKM...so, it's no biggie. I just found it remarkable that somebody found the stash this time, because it really was smack in the middle of nowhere. The odds of anyone just walking by it would have been very low I reckon.
  24. Tonyeh

    How are people finding my stashes?

    So basically stashing anything is pretty pointless, unless you're willing to sit on it 24/7? Because somebody will come along and snippity snip, steal everything.
  25. Tonyeh

    Stable Update 1.09

    So, just so I understand this, cos I never see stones...If I walk along a rail track for a few hundred metres and then double back on myself, I'll find some stones? But jogging along will get me nothing? I'm asking cos I haven't died yet with my geared character (but it's only a matter of time) and I want to be able to craft a stone knife as a new spawn.