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Everything posted by Tonyeh

  1. How does that happen? I thought that they locked into the sound of the gunfire?
  2. You know what, I take it back. Just got KoS's AGAIN by a group of 4 people. 4 against 1 and all they can think of is pew pew. I hope when these cunts to this kind of thing in future that they are set upon by multiple infected. Fucking time wasters.
  3. Doors can be shot through.
  4. Maybe. But the hassle of trying to find the ammo negates any possible worth for me. And on Namalsk, where I am at the moment, that's a real chore.
  5. The new infected are only going to make surviving at the beginning even harder than it is now in 1.11. And it's tough enough as it is. The food system has been borked for a while now. Toon's constantly having to stuff themselves is bloody absurd.
  6. While I hate what they've done to my Deagle, it is "sensible" I spose. But it was a thing of beauty to see some arsehole come at you with an AK blazing like crazy and you could put him away with one shot from a pistol. 😍 It was also my fave zombie tool. Clearing a load of zeds was fairly simple and straightforward. And hunting didn't require me to have to shoot something more than once. There was also something very satisfying just carrying a sidearm for everything. So I'll miss the old Deagle now because of the nerf. It's not better than a regular .45 which is easier to find and the ammo is more plentiful. I just won't be wasting time using it now.
  7. I came back to DayZ in 1.08 after a couple of years away. Some of the changes are great, like stamina etc (before players were sprinting everywhere which was dumb). There's some crafting mechanics are good too. I couldn't give a fuck about cars, so that nonsense doesn't bother me in the slightest and base building is rather pointless (as it indeed would be in real life in such a small area) and the whinging about it is beyond tedious now. Other mechanics, like the "count_in" flags, are an appalling addition and very close to game breaking IMO. Plus there's been some musing about regular server wipes which has many people unenthused about where the game is going. There's also far, FAR, too much needless tinkering by the developers in every patch. Little, mickey mouse, things that don't need touching get altered for some bizarre reason. The durability of knives and boots, for example, is at a bloody stupid state at the moment when they were perfectly fine before. They're unreasonably flimsy now and it's ridiculous. The majority of the player base are still massive cunts, it had to be said. But that's nearly always been the case. You will die repeatedly from a number of cowardly ways...sniped, ambushed, getting shot for saying "hello", or simply just shot in the back. Half the time the player that killed you probably doesn't even take any of the gear you have. A lot of the time you won't even have any gear worth taking. This is DayZ combat. Nature is cruel too. It bloody freezing everywhere, even on custom maps like Deer Isle and especially Namalsk, which is a real test. Frankly I think there should be summer maps as well, but that's another story. Wolves, too, can have you for breakfast and bears can knock you into the middle of next week. Hopefully the devs are looking into more dangerous animals. There are diseases that will catch out the unweary or the desperate (drink that water at your own risk). The infected have been given a boost too, in 1.12, and they are more dangerous than they've ever been. Where before they were a nuisance (albeit one that could get the better of you if you were complacent), now they are a bigger threat and something to be really weary of in even small numbers, which was much needed. You will, on occasion, come across other players that are cool and helpful and in some cases end up running with them for a while, which can be a great experience. However, the one thing I will say for the game - and it's an important thing - is that no other game will give to the experience that DayZ does. It takes a long time to build up your toon to a decent state and all of that can come to nothing in an instant. That leads to extremely tense moments, which I have never experienced in any other game. There's times where I have finished a session sweating and my chest heaving. Plus, the game is completely random, so it's what you make it. There's no endgame, other than survival. There's no tasks, other than the ones that you do to keep you alive. But bear in mind that this can be boring for some. But it's the uniqueness of DayZ that keeps people coming back to it time and time again. ...one more thing. The game is as clunky as fuck. I just joined my server and immediately got attacked by wolves. I killed three of them and ran out of ammo for my USG45. Then about 5 zombies appeared, alerted by the gunfire, so I tried to change to my pistol...but the game wouldn't let me, as the hotbar was unresponsive, and I died. Thanks game. That was after spending, literally, hours building up that toon on one of the most difficult servers out there (Spaggies Namalsk Hardcore 1). 🤬
  8. The sound of the player's footsteps is certainly too loud and can be brought down a notch or two. But other people's footsteps, you have to be on top of them before you hear them. As to the crouch sound, I suppose there has to be some sort of stealth mechanic employed. That goes double now that the infected have been uber'd. You need some way to get around them.
  9. Tonyeh

    Character Creation

    When you die, it just says Respawn as far as I know. I've tried multiple ways to try and get the custom toon to appear on modded servers (like Namalsk) and to no avail. Every time I join a server it's a random. Absolutely mind boggling to think that a game that's been in development for the better part of a decade can't get that right.
  10. I'm not the one aiming. I'm the one being aimed at. Getting hit with a 308 round should fuck you up. No one should be able to just shrug something like that off.
  11. Tonyeh

    Non character transferable Official Servers

    Sure, I get it. But the main thing standing in the way of something like that is the count_in flags. All that will happen is that one or two groups will sweep up the map and stash all the top tier loot denying it to everyone else. Eliminate them and I could see it possibly work.
  12. Tonyeh

    Non character transferable Official Servers

    But, then that will probably piss off the PvE players who look for lower pop servers.
  13. We don't know this. In any case, I've seen it happen on vanilla too. It's happened to me.
  14. I generally don't PvP. But I watched a YouTube vid last night of someone on a Deer Isle server. He was blasting people with all manner of ammo, 308, 7.62, whatever you're having yourself, and the amount of times people just ran away after a direct hit was farcical. Using a Winchester, he hit one guy coming out of a barrack building. A straight whack. The guy he shot just stopped for a second, then legged it away, not a bother. 🙄
  15. Tonyeh

    Non character transferable Official Servers

    ^ This would only be a good idea if (A) the count_in_cargo, count_in_hoarder, etc was done away with and (B) if the server was well populated. The "count_in" flags are a scourge on the game and it wrecks it for many players. And if folk are stuck on a low pop server and can't server hop to somewhere with some more people without having to start all over again as a freshie, I can see many players just giving up.
  16. On Spaggies Namalsk, it's more difficult to aim the swing without the white dot on the screen. Which is good. I find myself sometimes hitting the zed but not knocking it out with one swing. Then it's a desperate whacking contest to finish it off and often they'll get a hit in. So if you have three of them on top of you, you're likely to be buggered with the changes in 1.12. My standard loadout for dealing with zeds is the splitting axe or a pistol (.45 calibre or Deagle). The Deagle was brilliant. A one shot zombie popper. But that got nerfed too. 😒 Haven't found a Deagle on Namalsk yet. I don't think they can spawn on that map. Plus .357 is nearly impossible to come across. So at the moment I carry an FNX45 of which I have only found one in about a week of playing. There's plenty of Colt 45's knocking around, but they're a poor second really. The only good thing about this patch, for me, is the fact that the zeds won't be so sensitive to suppressed weapons now and come charging from all angles. I've been waiting for that for a LONG time. So, my method for dealing with them will now involve more gunplay I spose.
  17. Agreed. Melee fighting in 1.12 is a very different kettle of fish. I mean it was a clunky affair before (it always has been in DayZ), but now it's downright terrible with the nerf. This is the biggest problem I have with 1.12. Infected being a tougher opponent is fine, but making the likes of the fireman's or splitting axe into soft rubber is not. I currently play on Spaggie's Namalsk and I think the infected are already tough enough. They get in enough hits on me to make me think twice about going for something on the map if there's more than two in close proximity, and I have to be a little smarter around them. Although that probably has something to do with the 1PP and no white dot as an aiming point too. Enough hits from them results in damaged gear, which in Namalsk really matters because it's so cold. So these changes in 1.12 on the Namalsk map is going to a significant effect and I don't think in a good way. Although if there's one thing I'd really like to see reversed, it's the durability of footwear which got (inexplicably) screwed a couple of patches ago. It sucks so bad at the moment and having to change footwear so frequently is just silly.
  18. Tonyeh

    Health dropping for no reason

    Right so. Made no difference in the end anyway as I just got shot by someone...so... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  19. Can anyone explain this? The health cross dropped all the way to red and is still dropping despite my hydration and food being in the white and I have no injuries. This is on Spaggies Namalsk server.
  20. Tonyeh

    Health dropping for no reason

    It that what it is? Never got that cold before I spose.
  21. Maybe getting shot should result in that stagger movement that the player gets when your starving? The one where you're doubled up. That would allow the player to possibly get to cover and gather their wits. As it stands, it's a bit silly. I just pumped two 7.62's from an SKS into an unarmoured player there and they just ran off. That should not be happening. I'm not sure if stunning the player in the fashion outlined is the exact answer though.
  22. Agreed on pretty much all of that. In particular the extreme nerf on the axe. That's going to really bugger my playing style and I can't say I'm happy about it. I like the idea of the "stun" being more a case of disorientation, rather than a "lock" for the player. At least that might give someone a fighting chance to get to some cover and get their shit together in certain circumstances. Assuming that there's some distance involved. In CQ, the reality should be whoever shoots first wins the day in any case. This is going to be an odd iteration of DayZ I think. In any way, I find myself generally not liking where the game is going ATM, especially when all the tweeks in this patch are coupled with the regular sever wipe proposal that was announced a couple of weeks ago.
  23. This patch is going to be weird. But I like the idea of shock damage done by ammo, because NOBODY should be running off with bullets pumped into them. Not even .22's. Now how that plays out in normal session of DayZ remains to be seen. But at the moment, that's what regularly happens. You can hit players several times and they just run away to bandage themselves. I've done it myself. And that's a load of bollocks. As for "who sees who first", the combat was nearly always like that anyway, so I don't see any real changes there. But if I had my way, I would have INCREASED the damage done by all of the lower calibers.
  24. Meh. I see they nerfed the crap out of the .357 to a stupid level. The more I see of this patch the less I like it.
  25. I don't think anyone should be running away after taking a rifle round and I say that as someone who doesn't wear any armour in the game, apart from a helmet. Maybe one shotting every single time might be a bit much though. Agree that the infected now seem to be ridiculously resilient. There goes my usual method of dealing with them, i.e. an axe to the face when they charged me. Not too sure how I feel about that at the mo. But in Joe Scrub's vid above it looks like a bleedin farce. Suppressed head shots on the infected without alerting every other one in 500 yards is a great addition and about time too.