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Everything posted by Tonyeh
No, They're infected people, that's why they can die with shots to the body. Although they do have some abilities that need looking at. Their flawless night vision for one. Think more 28 Days Later and not Night of the Living Dead. Personally, I don't mind the fact that they're a bit dangerous now. They were stupidly easy before.
Psychic Wolves miles away that Aggro me & ignore the infected.
Tonyeh replied to Raphael_RJ2's topic in General Discussion
Yeh, I like the wolves as they are. In fact, I think I'd make the packs larger. One of the most intense experiences I ever had in the game was with a couple of packs of wolves and me with just a mosin. Not easy to deal with them with that type of weapon. Ended up having to hide in one of those hunter trailers and trying to pick them off, while passing out from lack of blood. LOL -
It depends what server you're on. You can play outback survivor on Chernarus or Deer Isle or even Namalsk, although it's a smaller map. But on a map like Esseker, it's crazy town. In saying that, I've met more straight up people on Esseker than anywhere else. I've ran with Swedes, Croats, Yanks, Georgians and god knows. But you tend not to last too long on that map. It's just PvP really. It's good fun though. However, it's slowly getting destroyed by the base builders and the hoarders. As for difficulty, it depends. As a loner, you are responsible only for yourself. So in some ways it's safer. When you with someone, they can often do stupid things and get everyone killed. I normally play alone and tend to use stealth and caution when getting around. Most people play the game like it's PUBG though. They get a gun, some food and go to town looking for someone to kill.
They're cowardly cunts that shoot at players from safety. They're not even interested in taking their loot. They are they absolute worst type of DayZ player and think they have some sort of "skill". 😆 There's nothing to "git gud" about. They're just wankers of the lowest sort.
I headshotted someone and he got me with a legshot
Tonyeh replied to Homeschooliazon's topic in General Discussion
Yeh I riddled someone with the USG yesterday and I know damn well that I hit him multiple times. But...it was one boom...I'm dead. -
Ah right. That explains that then.
I dunno if there's a random element at play with this new stuff. I hit a player yesterday with one shot from a CR527 in a piano house in Esseker. He went down immediately unconscious and I didn't notice any stagger animation. He just dropped. He had the press vest on. The CR527 seems to be worth picking up now though. It was pants before.
That's kinda crazy. Really, he should just go down unconscious when hit like that. They could probably just get rid of of the stagger animation and leave it as a knock out effect. I mean, it's "better" than before where players just ran off not a bother. But it certainly needs tweaking. On the other hand that's some crazy shooting. I've never even seen a bloody SVD so I don't know if that's just standard with that gun.
Grand. I'll have a look when my current toon snuffs it.
As an addendum to the above, I'm getting the feeling that all armour is now pretty useless and is actually just added weight. It might protect you from getting killed on the first shot, but with the new shock damage, you just get killed anyway, whether it's from another round while you're unconscious or when you come to and automatically get up and give away your position <- if they are intent on keeping the shock damage as it is, then the devs really need to let the player stay in the unconscious position and play dead until they press a button to get up. For the time being, I've dropped all armour in favour of more stamina. Because, if I get hit I'm buggered anyway, so what's the point in loading myself down when speed is now more important. As an aside, I'm fucking sick of snipers. It's the most cowardly way to play the game. I'll never understand these arseholes that just sit there for hours just waiting to shoot some player (whose probably spent ages trying to get some loot) from the safety of 500 yards away. They are an absolute scourge. If I had my way, I'd get rid of all long range scopes out of the game altogether. 🤬 In Esseker yesterday, I was getting sniped at the police station in Novi Grad. There's a block of flats over looking it and these cunts just sit there picking off other players. I hid in some bushes, that provided some cover, watching this for a good while and I was warning players, when they entered the car park at the back of the station, telling them that there was a sniper in the apartments. They usually thanked me and went the other way. Some ignored me and got shot. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Anyway, I overheard a group of players talking. They were going into the building flush this dickhead out. There was an almighty firefight and the sniping was over. For the time being. Fair play to those lads. I wanted to say well done, but they probably would have shot me too. 😆
What's your server name D? I'll pop on and have a go, if the ping isn't too bad. I'm in Ireland. If you're in the States, it might not work.
I think I'd much prefer it if Deer Isle was a warmer weather map. Esseker's temp is great. Not too hot, not too cold. So, spending too long near a fire and you'll overheat. But the nights can be chilly if you're too underdressed. It's really added a great change to my DayZ play. I am sooooo tired of the constant cold on the other maps. My only issue with Esseker is that it's unfinished. But if the rest of the map is half as good as the playable part now, it'll be great. It's really only a PVP map at the moment though, cos of its size and the 50 player allowance. It's impossible not to run into people, which is both a good thing and a bad one. I've had more interaction and team ups in 3 days on Esseker than any other map and the actual city of Esseker is the best I've ever seen in the game. It's extremely well designed, even if it is essentially a death trap. 😟 See Esseker and die.
The silencers in 1.12 I don't mind at all I must admit. They're a vast improvement over every other patch and are great for clearing out a place of zeds. I actually use some weapons in the game now that I otherwise would never have even bothered touching. The Amphibia, Skorpion and Makarov are great little weapons now and actually fit for some purpose. But the zeds need do to be made more aggressive in their searches I think. Mind you, they do rile each other up now, which is a good thing. But yeah, the new infected are definitely a WIP at the moment. I like them though. They're certainly more difficult to deal with, but they really needed that.
Seriously, I have just this hour got into a scrap with about 6 of them at a military base and walked away from it. I was bleeding from all angles and had to bandage very quickly mind you. But they're not the death sentence that some players are trying to make them out to be. If I had my way, I'd make them harder and have many more of them too. I'd have them zone in to a greater degree on shots fired and make them hunt for longer. They give up far too easy now. And I'd get rid of that ignore mechanic that they current have. I'm on Esseker at the moment and the hardest thing about the zeds is the fact that they can clip through closed doors on that map. But if I want to get by them, I just crouch walk. It just takes a little more time (really, a LITTLE more time).
I'm really struggling to understand why so many people are having real trouble with the infected in 1.12. They're really not that difficult to get around. Are players just (crouch) sprinting everywhere? If so, it's no wonder that you are drawing attention to yourselves. As for pistols, yes use them. They fuck all use against players anyway (apart from the Deagle), so they're hardly a waste of ammo on the infected. Get a 9mm and your laughing. Every map I've played on is drenched in 9mm and silencers. It's kinda a no brainer.
Ugh, no thanks.
Have helmets been rendered completely useless in 1.12?
I haven't been on it in about a month. Got caught up in the whole Namalsk thing. But I've pretty much walked the length and breadth of that map. But I found Deer Isle to be not that dissimilar to the Chernarus really. Perhaps it was the cold weather that sealed that impression. I'll go back and try it again when I get bored of running around Esseker. Esseker is an absolute slaughter house though. I've been practically playing all day today and I don't think any one toon has lasted more than 2 or 3 hours.
Been playing Esseker all morning, ever since I had a slight disagreement with a couple of bears on Namalsk. The lack of safety with closed doors is an issue, there's some gear you can't use and there's loads of cowardly cunts snipers who just want to wreck people's game. But other than that, it's been pretty good. The weather is a REALLY welcome change too. It's pretty mild, so no running around like a pyromaniac lighting fires every 30 minutes. Feels different enough to Chernarus, which is where I felt Deer Isle let itself down.
You playing on Esseker aren't you. The infected don't give a tinkers cuss about closed doors on that map. They'll waltz right in through.
Yeh, but you see the thing was that lots, lots, of players never checked the green towers because they thought that no loot spawned there. So, there was a good chance of finding a nice surprise. Now, we have to go into the base, which has often been picked clean of anything worthwhile. It'll just be glowsticks and mags for guns most people will never even see.
There's usually fuck all in the actual base though. That's the problem.
^ I knew I wasn't alone in doing that. 😆 Pity that they nuked it. Fuck sake BI...
Looks like I picked up the right gun when I opted for the CR75 with my current toon so.
Right. Never bother with bases myself. Had one sort of set up and it was raided in about a week. Tried breaking into one myself and got bored. Now I just pass them by. I play mostly on Spaggies these days and they wipe every second month and with every update. So trying to make anything with a permanency in mind is a waste of time there.