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Everything posted by Lthlrn

  1. Well since i got all my information to update to the most current update from the information in this post i'll post my problems i'm having here and hope i get an answer. So i've copied files, cahnged the steam load options, copied the new arma2OA.exe file all that jazz. On the main screen in the upper right it says i'm running Expansion, Beta, @DayZ and on the bottom it says i'm running version 1.60.93825. But here is what is happening now. 1. I have no ingame sound. But durning the server selection screen i have the background music. When i'm in game i can go to the sound options and make changes and i can hear the voice so you can judge how loud or quiet things are. But as for just playing the game, so sound at all, no background noise, no environment noise, no walking noise and no gun noise. 2. No debug monitor on the right side of the screen. It's just gone. 3. My water and food icons are jacked. The water icon is just the outline, no fill color. I've tried drinking and sometimes that adds color, making it red. But no matter how much i drink it won't change from red. The food icon just stays red.