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Everything posted by benji_milo

  1. I know im a little late, but I've found a Mosin on 2 occasions spawning in the on the table in the gatehouse structures in industrial areas.
  2. benji_milo

    Do you have an answer?

    Alright alright alright, how about glass jars?
  3. benji_milo

    Do you have an answer?

    Not exactly I guess, always go nuts with duct tape! hahaha
  4. benji_milo

    Do you have an answer?

    Hmm. It does make sense considering real life fresh meat has no preservatives, or could it go even further and the player be able to preserve and tin their own food??? EG. find a can of tuna, eat it, keep the tin and go fishing and put your own in it after slicing.