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Everything posted by benji_milo

  1. benji_milo

    Cargo Cars.

    Firstly, (hi fellow aussie :-p) That all really sounds awesome yet I believe is a long way off. I'd be more satisfied at the moment if we could place a fuel can on the back of a v3s and are able to repair a truck.
  2. benji_milo

    I Just Wanted to Talk (Short and Sweet)

    LOVE IT! "I'm gunna eat you now" that's going to be stuck in my head for ages!
  3. benji_milo

    Welcome to the city...

    Only wandered down because I'm a little bored by myself up there, got a beautiful akm, mosin, revolver and sawnoff at the moment (far more than i need).
  4. benji_milo

    Wednesday Maintinence

    My experience is that of other posters, 20 seconds to 1 minute. If it was 5 minutes beforehand you're sweeeeeeeet
  5. benji_milo

    The Joker just doin' his thing

    The scariest part of the entire picture is the terrifying disappearing item vest!!!
  6. benji_milo

    Certain sounds not playing anymore

    Yeah a lot of sounds kind of vanished in 0.55, dont worry, it's not just you :)
  7. benji_milo

    Spawning bear trap/mine protection

    Well they might try it, but it's more the point of base protection and camping fun. Who wants to sit a mine somewhere where a fresh spawn (who has absolutely nothing but insolvable hunger) and watch them blow up? Plus, who cares if a fresh spawn blows up THEY HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE! (except 30-60 seconds respawn) Edit: I'd personally laugh my a** off if it happened to me as a freshie
  8. benji_milo

    Idea for Body Persistance + Crows

    Atleast at the moment though with the item persistence, the gun and backpack does stay. It's scared me a little a few times coming across a random backpack and gun in the middle of the street
  9. benji_milo

    Barricading Vs Server Hopping

    Well yes, unfortunately, those who have a "sense of community" are in private hive servers and have large groups of friends already. Those that arent in private servers are groups that love to KoS. I personally would enjoy a fun community in public hive, ie. BY FINDING NEW PEOPLE!!! My experience has been "hey you!" *bangbangbang*. Or my favourite is I fresh spawned in cherno, grabbed a broom, and just ran around like an idiot, I found someone who immedately crouched, I then stopped and waved at around 5m away, walked away, then got shot in the back... Really, no threat, have a damn broom and get shot? LOL
  10. benji_milo

    Barricading Vs Server Hopping

    Sorry. What I mean is, that server hoping wont be allowed, nor would it serve any purpose as they should be built in a way that a large amount of people can survive on one server. Then if you want to change, be it like other games out there and have a new character on each server you join.
  11. benji_milo

    Barricading Vs Server Hopping

    Hi again! :p I believe that your final suggestion would be it. I also assume on final release that there will be much better stable servers and loot systems that it will become a single server game.
  12. benji_milo

    More Primitive/Improvised tools

    Hahahaha! agreed with above poster!!!
  13. benji_milo

    More Islands

    Hmm, i guess so... If it be a hermit life for them, then yeah it would be alright, but for the idea of a team base building, I believe would get boring Generally most people are violent and if they build a base, they most likely want targets to kill or defend against. I dunno, it would need a specific target group, then ask the question, is it worth doing/making? (for the devs)
  14. benji_milo

    More Islands

    Well, doing this would create an ogre kind of effect. EG... "rarrr im on my island! no player interaction! go away! RAWR!" I've run into very little people in my hundreds of hours playtime and it would be a let down if 35/50 people on the server were just sleeping on an island... Perhaps keep the islands the same and make people fight for the few islands that there is?
  15. benji_milo

    Ammo rarity in .55

    okay okay geez i missed one soooorrrrryyyy! :p
  16. benji_milo

    Ammo rarity in .55

    Do remember that it was just rolled back to 0.54 loot system... but in 0.55 system, all are rare except .22, .380 auto and .308
  17. benji_milo

    Server hopping

    This was touched on slightly by the team. Basically at the moment if, for example, player A,B,C and D all were in a group, all used a M4 and all had complete full inventories of 5.56 rounds, they then decided "hey let's jump to another server!". So lalala they jump over to a 40/40 pop server and player E,F,G,H all have the same stuff on the new server. This can then cause a maximum threshold on that item and cause it to vanish from players EFGH. And from my understanding of the current economy, if they did hoard all the loot in one server and hop around, it would cause that one server to hit its maximum faster and yes, make loot even more scarce due to it hitting that threshold. The only way for it to, i guess, refix, is by new people replacing their stuff or of course our lovely persistence wiping wednesdays
  18. benji_milo


    Yeah I got a little annoyed aswell. After saying all week that there would be no wipe and that persistence is staying PERSISTENT in public stable, they announce it on twitter 14hrs before wipe.
  19. benji_milo

    Server hopping

    The 0.55 loot update was initially designed for you to be a traveller on one server. As there was a minimum and maximum amount of loot allowed on the server and once the minimum was reached for items, they started respawning, not in the past as a total reset every 4 or so hours. This made it better to be on higher pop servers as respawning was suppose to be active. I personally tried both techniques during 0.55 in both coastal towns and northern towns; certainly there was a vast reduction in loot and forced you to search all buildings, but I did not find server hopping useful. I agree server hopping should be more limited. Perhaps making your character server static? but then you're screwed over when the server owner stops paying the bill :P PS. The idea of tents also makes this issue MORE of a problem... eg. hopping to another server near your tent and gathering is FAR faster than lugging it back
  20. benji_milo

    DayZ updating April 14?

    Yes it is updating, yes it was suppose to finish at 11:00am CET. Yes there has been no tweet regarding an extension. My personal opinion is that reimplementing the old loot system is taking longer than expected. Hope I answered this for you.
  21. benji_milo

    Notice for wipes

    Would love to make a suggestion to perhaps give more notice in regards to persistence wipes across servers before maint. Sure I accepted that I lost a tent and a character wipe this week randomly, so I jumped back on my athletic shoes and started again. It happens. Finally gathered gear after travelling across the country last night popping it in my tent, incase of another random character wipe, only to find out after sleeping, working and then coming home that a persistence wipe was suddenly planned after assurances earlier in the week stating otherwise. Before you all start telling me to not get attached to gear or "it's an alpha, get over it", no I dont want it back, I would just LOVE to get some MORE notice next time, as I do apologise for working fulltime and not having every waking moment hooked onto twitter.
  22. benji_milo

    Notice for wipes

    Unfortunately though, that kind of business strategy is even overlooked in medium to large businesses! I agree fully that a developer should not also be PR, but in the ways of human psychology it creates a "bond" with consumer to business owner. Therefore in some ways it is better to do your own customer interaction... bugger. lol
  23. And as for the other two weapons, I didnt even see them in 0.54
  24. I certainly do! Yeah, sorry about not knowing the name of it... but yes, as I've said, found 2 since 0.55 in those.
  25. Cant find a picture for it, but it's the building you find near the gate of industrial areas, you can go inside of it, there is a table and a metal rectangle bin on the floor. I'd take a screenshot but my character just got reset... Thanks multiplay servers...