Hey guys, what's up? Well then, with this last patch, I get so excited about the game and pass all the night long playing. Got into the servers which there is a X on the time (day;night cycle) and played on a roleplay as if I was a soldier after survivors to help. I like it and I have a lot of fun so I was thking about some ideas that could help on the experience on DayZ. I was playing and when it was getting at night it was very creepy, but I was thinking some things that could make our gameplay even better. - Better interaction with the map, as exemple; when it's getting at night we could get into a house, lock the door and cook on the cooker, put our guns and clothes into a wardrobe, sleep in the bed (regenerate HP) so we can wake up in the morning and keep our jorney. - More dirt on scenery, car crashes and bodies, ditches and blood around the towns. - Put some kind of megaphone, to call survivors to refuge in the houses or something like this.