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Everything posted by zeroready

  1. Yes you have to find the map first. It will look like an ammo pouch on the ground, similar to makarov magazines. Always check the grocery store. Maps will almost always spawn there
  2. zeroready

    Molotov Cocktail

    Beans because your post is funny. But use the fucking search before you post next time! http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/68900-suggested-weapon-make-your-own-molotov-cocktail/page__hl__molotov http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/57023-sugestion-molotov-cocktails/page__hl__molotov http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/48224-bandage-jerry-can-empty-whisky-bottle-molotov-cocktail/page__hl__molotov
  3. zeroready

    What does Mountain Dew do?

    Gives you night vision and makes your eyes glow green. J/K Gives you the ability to use the "Search" function on the forums to find the other 500 threads on Mountain Dew.
  4. zeroready

    Are Mountain Dew's worth anything?

    Drink it. It gives you night vision and makes your eyes glow green.
  5. zeroready

    The Myth of Green Mountain

    I was thinking it was barbed wire as well. In fact I'm sure the barbed wire causes it, but I'm starting to think that dead soldiers create problems too. Either way, I can't go to Green Mountain any more because of whatever is causing the glitch, and if the OP managed to fix it it would be great if he'd share how.
  6. zeroready

    The Myth of Green Mountain

    How do you get around the graphical glitches caused by ambient dead soldiers? This has made it impossible for me to go to any military spawns or anywhere else with dead soldiers (Green Mountain) since I can't see what the hell I'm doing. Love to know if you found a way to fix the graphics artifacts.
  7. zeroready

    Military Tactical Group

    My group is kind of disbanding. Everyone was prior or current military. 4 years in the marines for me. Makes DayZ a lot more interesting. Our voice server on RaidCall is still up. (RaidCall is like Team Speak only better and totally free.) If you're interested let me know and I can PM you the group ID to get into the voice server. A couple of guys still come on every once in a while but I've mostly been playing solo and I'm getting bored.
  8. zeroready

    I'm such a fail today

    Fail is a verb. It's something you do. Like fail at English. The act of failing is failure. People can be failures but not fails.
  9. zeroready

    Ability to leave notes

    Use search. Type in "note". Read countless other threads about this. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/57966-game-suggestion-notes/page__hl__note#entry556577 http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/58433-additional-items-pen-and-paper/page__hl__note http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/56248-leaving-notes/page__hl__%2Bleave+%2Bnote
  10. zeroready


    Yes they're back. 1 chopper per server I think. They spawn broken and it will take a team effort to get all the repair parts. Lots and lots of jerry cans too.
  11. Double tap the minus (-) key on the number pad. Works in 3rd and 1st person. Double tap again to return to normal view.
  12. zeroready

    best free voice comm program

    http://www.raidcall.com/ RaidCall is the best I've used. Beats the hell out of TS, Vent, and Mumble. Free to start a server. No lag ever. Great interface. Use it!!
  13. I don't even know why I bothered clicking. 43 seconds of my life - Gone.
  14. zeroready

    What a h**king joke...

    I'd like to know where you heard praise for DayZ. Can't be on this forum because all I ever see is people bitching about the game. Haven't heard a good thing about it in weeks. And yet still we play...
  15. zeroready

    Anyone else use xbox controller

    An Xbox controller for a shooter?? Are you serious? Why? Why would you do something like that? I think I'm actually a little offended by this. Mouse and keyboard dude.
  16. zeroready

    Is Mountian Dew any good?

    Drink it. It gives you Night Vision and makes your eyes glow green.
  17. zeroready

    What is rearm?

    Rearm at medical crates: Will fill the crate back up if it it has been looted Rearm at fireplace: Will put out the fire and remove the wood from the fireplace. You'll still see the fireplace on the ground but you wont be able to light it. That's all i know for sure.
  18. zeroready

    Blue Force Tracking

    Ive used blue force trackers in Iraq. It takes a lot of highly trained support crew to maintain those computers and make sure they are running correctly. Also they need lots of power. And the ones I used took up most of the front half of a HMMWV. Not something you would want to carry around with you.
  19. And I felt like shit about it. I really did. Deep down where I think my heart should be. He had nothing but a hatchet and he was climbing a ladder and I shot him. I've been thinking about this for a few dayz and I really don't want to be that guy. I want to shoot bandits in the back while they're trying to kill people. I want to help new-spawns at the coast. I'm sure I'll get killed a bunch in the process, but actually succeeding would breathe new life into DayZ for me. My clan seems to be slowly dissolving, but we still have a voice server on RaidCall (Free alternative to Team Speak). I'm getting bored playing with myself ;) If anyone wants to team up and kill bandits/dickheads, PM me or reply here and I'll give you the group ID for the RaidCall server. I like it better than Team Speak, but I'll use that one too if need be.
  20. I just got the error too. I ran Steam for the first time in a while since I run Dayz With DayZ commander and it's downloading a 400mb update for ARMA. I believe this will fix the problem
  21. Glad someone caught it. True story though. I really did shoot him just to watch him die.
  22. zeroready

    Question from a new player

    Well your first problem is that you're using the flashlight. It's useless unless you're really going for the whole immersion thing. Everyone else can see it from a mile away. No one that I know actually uses the flashlight. Just turn up your brightness settings till you can see at night.
  23. zeroready

    AKS-74 Kobra vs MP5A5

    I haven't found much use for the MP5. If the enemy is right in front of you and you can spray him in the face with 20 rounds or so he might go down. Kobra is always a 2-shot kill at < 150m. Kobra all the way.
  24. zeroready

    Zombie agro anyone?

    I think the zed code is still too buggy to accurately test this. I can run right by them at full speed lately most times without aggroing. Though, this seems to happen when loot doesn't spawn anywhere in the town I'm in so I think they're related issues.
  25. zeroready

    How do you join a group with a friend?

    There's your answer! There is no in-game party system. We get together on teamspeak, spend 30 minutes running around trying to find each other, then accidentally shoot each other during fire fights because everyone looks exactly the same and there's no way to tell friend from foe. And still we play...