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    On the Coast

    Mini gun

    Yea me and my dad gaben were gonna work on making a shark boy and lava girl suit you can find on prison island. But the only way to get it is if your friends with notch on steam

    Mini gun

    We have all gone to a heli crash and just thought "omgf why can't I just pick this up and unleash hell" and I think you should be allowed to pick it up but with some setbacks 1. Reduce speed by 20% 2. Unable to put on your back Now it would be awesome if you could find a "minigin tripod" which makes it a sitting turret which would make protecting items and buildings much easier.( example: prison island or a tent) The ammo should be random because not all guns are gonna be fully loaded. And once you run out of ammo in your minigun it's game over you can't reload. You have to find another.