Our Server Features: -AI Patrols -AI Bus Route -Vector Build -Trade from Backpack/Vehicle -Vehicle/Skin Preview @ Traders -Change Lockcodes -Spawnselection -Indestructeble Bases -Deploy Bike -Group Manegement -Self Bloodbag -Advanced Take Clothes -Tow Vehicles -Tradersafezones without Zombies and antisteal function -Slow Zombies -AI Mission System ( Wicked AI ) -Halo Jump -Service Stations ( Refuel, Repair and rearm at every gas station ) -Heli Lift -Custom Start Gear -Day/Night Cycle -High Loot -Snap Building PRO -Godmode on locked Vehicle ( not if somebody is in the vehicle ) -"Show names" is off, you dont see your enemy who is miles away with your cursor -Maintaining your base is free -Restart Messages -no height Limit -active and fair admins