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Everything posted by MAK90

  1. MAK90

    Gun Sway Poll

    The fuck you talking about, the sway isn't bad? You obviously don't have experience with guns. Try this: get yourself out of breath and grab a broom or something you think is the weight of a gun and aim it like it's a gun. You don't see the wacky sway that this game apparently thinks is necessary.
  2. MAK90

    Gun Sway Poll

    Recoil is one thing. I personally have no prob with recoil. But this topic isn't about recoil, it's about the unbelievable sway.I've said it once, I'll say it again: shooting a rifle on target is easy even for someone who is not experienced. I'm talking a man sized target not a sub MOA.
  3. MAK90

    Gun Sway Poll

    Don't understand how it makes the game easier. Just makes shooting more realistic and fluid. You can still be shot by people. Explain please how it makes the game so easy.
  4. MAK90

    Gun Sway Poll

    What do you mean shooting isn't easy? Pretty much anyone can shoot a RIFLE and put it on a man sized target. Hand guns are quite a different story tho.
  5. MAK90

    Gun Sway Poll

    The gun sway in the game is totally rediculous and unrealistic (I'm talking mainly about the out of breath sway). You can easily keep a gun on target when you're out of breath. One of the worst things about this game.
  6. MAK90

    Ammo rarity in .55

    Obama strikes again.
  7. MAK90

    Developers giving in to Demands?

    Why don't you explain to me what I've said that was inaccurate or stupid nerd boy.
  8. MAK90

    Developers giving in to Demands?

    Just look at the sales of games like borderlands, skyrim, COD etc. Games with a lot of gear and weapons. The numbers don't lie. Time will tell if they want to follow the money or satisfying a small segment. We shall see.
  9. MAK90

    Developers giving in to Demands?

    They paid a lot of money for the rights on this game. They're gonna follow the money and my bet the money won't be coming from satisfying a small segment of the gaming community that wants to just fight off starvation with no guns for hours on end.
  10. MAK90

    Developers giving in to Demands?

    "Survival game" is a broad term. What you make think is a fun survival game most people might find incredibly boring.
  11. MAK90

    Developers giving in to Demands?

    The majority of people want loot and I think the Devs are realizing this. I don't understand how you guys like a game where all you do is try not to starve.
  12. Public servers are dead. Just today every pub server had 0-4 people. Meanwhile the private servers are thriving. What that tells me is that the majority of people want to play when there's loot. And then they want to stock up and PVP. Wonder if even all the private servers go dark when persistence is activated on them. Devs should take notice. Give the people what they want and not what you want.
  13. MAK90

    The people have spoken?

    Strange that I haven't seen any pub servers even remotely full. Sorry didn't mean to rustle the feathers of the people that want a game where all you do is run thru the forest and hunt rabbits.
  14. MAK90

    Status Report - 08 Apr 15

    Sounds like they intend to go in the direction of spending most of your time scavenging, trying not to starve. What's the purpose of tents then? Won't be enough supplies to gather for storage, mainly food. I hope this is not they're intention because they will lose a crapload of players.
  15. MAK90

    player interaction 0.55

    It's the same as before. People with no guns or good gear are usually friendly. It's when guys meet that are geared out meet is when there's gonna be trouble.
  16. MAK90

    What do you think about the new update .55

    Too much emphasis on not starving. Seems like they're trying to go for realism but I don't think any human has ever starved to death within one day. The game was better before. Speaking of anti realism what's up with that rifle flopping around while ads strafing lol.
  17. MAK90

    This is a survival game

    Just survival within itself isn't fun. What's fun about running constantly just trying to find a scrap of food. No excitement. What is exciting is trying to gear up after re spawn. I get a rush from going into a base or police/fire station knowing that there was likely someone else there that might shoot. I'm sorry but just scavenging with no end is not real exciting. Just MHO.