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Everything posted by DigidyDOG

  1. DigidyDOG

    EPM Rcon Tool Changelog and Information

    Can we please confirm if this "new dev" that cortez mentioned doesn't have another agenda, because I don't need a virus all I need is Rcon. Can you please add a way of using one Rcon instance for multiple servers. Like Google Chrome has tabs can you make it so Rcon has tabs? because I have to manage 5 different servers going to be 6-8 soon and it sucks having to lay all these out on a little grid on my monitor then minimizing all of them. Also could you edit the title for the program so when you look at it in your taskbar it says "EPM Rcon | (bookmark name)" instead of ip or at lease make it an option. I really like this program and I really could see these improvements I have mentioned make your Rcon tool superior than all the others for multi-server owners and admins.